
Number of words in this article:1604, reading time is about 3 minutes


** Author| ** First Finance Du Chuan

Insurance fraud is like a cancer in the insurance industry, which has followed closely since the birth of insurance. On April 11, in order to prevent and resolve insurance fraud risks, protect the legitimate rights and interests of insurance consumers, and promote the high-quality development of the insurance industry, the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau drafted the "Anti-Insurance Fraud Work Measures (Draft for Comments)"(hereinafter referred to as "Draft for Comments"), emphasizing top-level design and strengthening coordination; highlighting the protection of consumer rights and interests in anti-fraud work; strengthening technological empowerment and big data application, and promoting a new model of big data anti-fraud work.

The head of the relevant department and bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration said that the new working method will establish an anti-fraud work framework of "supervision leading, institution oriented, industry joint defense, and coordination among all parties", giving full play to the main responsibilities of insurance companies and the overall coordination of industry organizations. Role, strengthen execution connection with public security and judicial organs and law enforcement collaboration with relevant administrative departments, strengthen anti-fraud publicity and education, improve consumers 'awareness of anti-fraud, and build an anti-fraud work model that is coordinated within and outside the industry.

Clarify the anti-fraud responsibilities and tasks of insurance companies 儿媳受伤后,公公竟利用开公司的便利伪造了工伤材料骗保22万元。4月10日,根据媒体报道,2021年8月,小李和小黄夫妻二人在李某(小李父亲)所开的公司内因琐事发生争执。小黄冲动之下做出自伤行为。此后,李某动起骗取工伤保险的歪脑筋。在这起骗保案件中,公公李某因犯诈骗罪被判处有期徒刑三年,缓刑四年,并处罚金。 保险欺诈,是指利用保险合同谋取非法利益的行为,主要包括故意虚构保险标的,骗取保险金;编造未曾发生的保险事故、编造虚假的事故原因或者夸大损失程度,骗取保险金;故意造成保险事故,骗取保险金的行为等。 近年来,保险欺诈团伙化、职业化、跨地区、跨机构案件渐趋增多。这一情况引起金融管理部门的关注。 国家金融监督管理总局有关司局负责人表示,现行《反保险欺诈指引》部分内容已不适应当前反欺诈工作需要。 《征求意见稿》共6章、37条。在反欺诈监督管理方面,明确了反欺诈监管职责,金融监管总局及其派出机构应定期对保险机构欺诈风险管理体系的健全性和有效性进行检查和评价,对相关行业组织反欺诈工作进行指导。 在保险机构欺诈风险管理方面,明确了保险机构反欺诈职责任务,新增保险机构定期开展欺诈风险管理体系评价并向监管部门报告要求;新增政策性保险欺诈风险管理的特别要求;新增强化核保端和理赔端风险信息核验要求,要提升理赔质效,不得拖延理赔、无理拒赔。 市场分析认为,在一些保险公司在人力资源配备中,对反保险欺诈专职人员的配置较少,甚至呈现公司层级越向下延伸,专职人员数量递减的情况,“理赔促销售”理念也容易滋长欺诈行为的蔓延。 在组织架构方面,《征求意见稿》规定保险机构应制定欺诈风险管理制度,明确董事会、监事会(监事)或履行监事会职责的专业委员会、管理层、欺诈风险管理负责人和反欺诈职能部门在欺诈风险管理中的作用、职责及报告路径,规范操作流程,严格考核、问责制度执行。

Central-local collaboration反保险欺诈是一项任重而道远的工作。由于保险欺诈隐蔽性、多样性及普遍性,亟需社会各个层级形成合力。 关于反欺诈对外协作《征求意见稿》也做出了新规定。 《征求意见稿》第五章专门规定了反欺诈对外协作内容,涵盖了行刑衔接、案件移送与打击、行政部门监管协作、央地协同、跨境合作等内容。 比如,在央地协同方面提出,金融监管总局及其派出机构应加强与地方政府职能部门的协调联动,推动建立反欺诈常态化沟通机制,及时通报重要监管信息、重点风险线索和重大专项行动,加强信息共享和执法协作。 国家金融监督管理总局有关司局负责人表示,金融监管总局及其派出机构建立健全反欺诈行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制,及时移送涉嫌犯罪案件线索,针对重点领域、新型、重大欺诈案件,开展联合打击或督办。加强与市场监管、司法行政、医疗保障等部门的协作机制,在信息共享、通报会商、线索移送、交流互训、联合执法等方面加强合作。加强反欺诈跨境合作,建立健全跨境交流与合作的框架体系,指导行业组织加强与境外反欺诈组织的沟通联络。 **


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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