According to the CCTV news client, after the consular branch of the Iranian Embassy in Syria was attacked by Israel, when Iran would launch retaliatory actions became the focus of attention of all parties.

According to U.S. media and Israeli media reports on the 12th, U.S. intelligence shows that Iran may launch an attack on Israel within 48 hours. Reports say Iran is moving military equipment such as drones and cruise missiles. On the 12th, various Israeli government departments held a meeting to formulate countermeasures. Diplomatic departments and embassies and consulates of many countries have also recently issued announcements reminding their citizens not to travel to Israel, Iran and other countries without necessity or to travel cautiously.

Do Iran and Israel really want to go head-on? What is Israel's response to Iran's possible imminent retaliatory attack on Israel?

Israel on high alert for Iranian retaliation

General reporter Zhao Bing: 就在伊朗频繁表示将对以色列采取报复行动之时,当地时间4月12日晚间,以色列北部短时间内遭到来自黎巴嫩境内40多枚火箭弹的袭击,如此密集的袭击在近期较为少见。袭击未造成以方人员伤亡,以军随后出动战机对黎巴嫩真主党武装的多个目标发动空袭。目前难以判断火箭弹袭击是否与伊朗报复行动直接相关。

Regarding possible actions Iran may take, Israel can be said to have entered a high military alert.

Israel:Ready to respond to attacks and launch attacks

** General reporter Zhao Bing:** On the 12th local time, Israeli Chief of General Staff Khalewi held a meeting with Israeli generals to comprehensively assess the Israeli army's preparations for "all situations."

Hallevi said that the Israeli army is continuing to closely monitor the situation in Iran and many other fronts, while preparing to coordinate and cooperate with the US military to deal with existing and potential threats. He said,"Our troops are ready to respond to any situation."

According to the latest statement from the IDF spokesman on the evening of the 12th, the country is ready to respond to various attacks, and in addition to defense, the Israeli army is also ready to launch attacks. He said that both the Israeli army and the Israeli people need to be vigilant for some time to come, but the Israeli army is not yet ready to increase the level of public safety warnings for the Israeli people.

Israel holds successive military exercises to demonstrate its deterrence

General reporter Zhao Bing: 近期,以色列对可能来自伊朗的报复已多次展现强硬姿态,一方面,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡前往主要承担以军远程空袭任务的以空军F15中队进行视察,表示任何袭击以色列的人都将遭到猛烈回击。以色列外长和防长也陆续做出相同表态。另一方面,以军接连举行军事演习展示其威慑,包括本周以色列海陆空三军以及警察部队在该国北部举行联合演习,以色列空军则在东地中海上空进行了远程打击模拟演练。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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