
Number of words in this article:3055, reading time is about 5 minutes


** Author| ** First Finance and Economics Ma Jichao

Pangcun Town, located in Luoyang, Henan Province, is currently one of the largest steel furniture production and export bases in China, while Luoyang Huadu Gold Cabinet Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huadu Gold Cabinet Group"), which is headquartered in Pangcun Town, was once one of the largest enterprises in town. However, a recent on-the-spot visit by a China Business reporter found that Huadu Gold Cabinet Group, which had four factories and thousands of employees at its peak, is now barren and has stopped production for many years. Years of family infighting eventually led to the decline of the business. Many years ago, four brothers of a mother, Zhou Jian, Zhou Liang, Zhou Huan and Zhou Hu, co-founded the company, but with the growth of the enterprise, more and more fierce conflicts broke out between the eldest brother Zhou Jian and the other three brothers Zhou Liang, Zhou Huan and Zhou Hu over equity, trademark, land and other issues. Similar to the story of Huadu Golden Cabinet Group, also in Luoyang, Luoyang Shunxing Information Technology Park Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shunxing Company") also led to brother and sister enmity, father and son going to court, and the company suffered a great loss of vitality. This kind of story is quite typical, and many family enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, often ignore the construction of corporate governance, including the equity distribution of family members, leaving hidden dangers for the development of the company. "when many family businesses (shareholders) first have a pimple in their heart, they love face and are unwilling to tear face, but the more they delay, the deeper the estrangement becomes, which eventually leads to irreconcilable contradictions, and the enterprise may collapse accordingly." Said Zhou Jian, director of the Henan Development and Reform Research Institute, who has been concerned about the equity dispute between the Zhou brothers for many years.

family infighting

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韦军是顺兴公司的创始人,有两个儿子和三个女儿。 顺兴公司的核心资产,是一个占地120亩、拥有约10万平方米建筑的科技园区。每年,仅园区的租金收入就有数千万元。 顺兴公司的最初股权构成为:韦军50%、韦军的妻子刘芳17%、韦军的大儿子韦江13%、二儿子韦河10%,另有一名李姓自然人持股10%。 2013年时,顺兴公司的股权又变更为韦军的妻子30%、韦江26.66%、韦河26.66%,他们的父亲韦军的股份则降至16.66%,但仍担任公司董事长。 按照二女儿韦艳的说法,顺兴公司的股东名单虽然有两个哥哥的名字,但真正推动科技园区发展壮大的,则是自己与妹妹韦雪。其中,韦艳负责园区招商工作,韦雪负责园区物业。 2022年1月20日,顺兴科技园公司的股权再次发生变更,同时发生变更的,还有负责人、高级管理人员以及投资人。其中,公司法定代表人由刘芳变更为韦龙,股权则由刘芳30%、韦江26.6667%、韦河26.6667%、韦军16.6667%变更为韦江43.3333%、韦河56.6667%。 这次变更最终导致兄妹矛盾激化。韦艳说,顺兴公司的发展壮大,其与妹妹韦雪功劳最大,如今却一点儿股份未得,这不公平,她要求与妹妹韦雪平均分配韦军名下16.6667%的股份。 兄弟姐妹之间的矛盾冲突也随之公开化。 据韦艳介绍,2022年,韦氏姐妹的工资被相继被停发。随后,韦艳发现,顺兴信息科技园内张贴出的“通知”已经“暂停”了自己招商部经理的工作,其办公电脑主机以及手工记录的客户资料也随之被人从其位于园区招商中心的办公室搬走。再之后,韦艳无法再正常进入办公室。 2023年3月8日,韦艳被哥哥韦河以涉嫌职务侵占罪告发,被公安机关传唤。之后,韦艳则以自身名誉受损为由,将韦河起诉至法院。 2023年10月29日,韦氏姐妹与哥哥发生争吵,最终导致韦雪被打、韦河的汽车玻璃被砸,兄妹相继报警。最终,警方将打人认定为互殴,韦艳则因损害私人财物,且哥哥拒绝和解,最终被送进拘留所拘押10天。 双方因此隔阂更深。 3月20日上午,第一财经记者先后通过短信、电话等多种方式,尝试与韦江、韦河联系,以还原双方矛盾的更多起因与经过,但截至发稿,二人均未对记者的采访作出回应。 不过,韦江曾在接受媒体采访时表示,之所以“处理”两个妹妹,是因为其中一个妹妹经营园区酒店不交承包费,另一个妹妹负责物业赚了钱也不上交,兄妹间为此发生冲突,多次报警。 而他们的父亲韦军为了拿回股权,则将大儿子告上法庭。3月13日,这起股权转让纠纷案在洛阳开庭。庭审中,韦军称,自己的股权被转走,是韦江等人串通代办人员欺骗他签字所致。但韦江一方予以否认,称股权转让是韦军真实意思表示。 同样因股权纠纷陷入纷争的,还有花都金柜集团的周氏兄弟。
周氏兄弟之一的周亮在接受第一财经记者采访时说,创办于1992年的花都金柜集团,之所以能从庞村镇数百家企业中脱颖而出,一个很重要的原因便是,创业初期,四兄弟分工明确,其中,老大周剑在家负责生产;老二周亮负责金柜集团华北区销售;老三周焕负责华中区销售市场;老四周虎负责华南区销售市场。 但是,利益的不均衡,最终导致周氏兄弟于2008年反目成仇,并由此开启长达10多年的内斗。周氏兄弟围绕股权、商标以及土地手续变更等问题多次对簿公堂,从地方法院一直打到河南省高院、最高院,兄弟之间从文斗到武斗,从法庭到斗殴,最终导致企业一蹶不振。 巅峰时期,花都金柜集团曾同时拥有四个厂区,员工上千人,拥有生产保险柜、资料柜、钢制办公家具等五大类系、380多个品种,成为国内规模最大的钢制家具生产企业之一,“花都”品牌还曾获得“中国名牌”称号。 如今的花都金柜集团,已在这些内耗中停产、停工。


Why did the former brothers and sisters finally turn into enemies? Wei Yan, who is physically and mentally exhausted for this reason, reflected to China first Finance that the fundamental reason is that the company has confused the boundaries between the company and the family in the process of its establishment and development. For example, Shunxing Company, the original founder is Wei Jun, who gives equity, who does not give equity, is also basically arbitrary by his father. Several of their brother and sister, from the initial small workshop to the establishment of a new company, did not take equity seriously. "one of the deadliest mistakes I made was not to reflect the equity of each of us in the law and in the national registration authority." Wei Yan said that what she regrets now is that if she had been able to sort out the company's equity system under the guidance of legal personages, there might not have been so many conflicts later. Shunxing Company was founded in 1985 and lasted for nearly 40 years from 1985 to 2022 without a special legal adviser or legal adviser. "We talked about legal affairs in 2019, but as soon as we heard that it cost 30,000 yuan a year, we were reluctant to spend it." Zhou Liang also said that if the Huadu Gold Cabinet Group had introduced a new management model in time after the gradual development and growth of the Huadu Gold Cabinet Group, and separated the equity from the management right as soon as possible, it would not have ended up becoming a brother, a brother, or even an enemy.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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