Create a high-efficiency power supply service system, high-quality services, and high-quality power supply service system

Deputy General Manager of Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd.

Bai Fengying

Interpretation of the new "Power Supply Business Rules":

In September 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Power Supply Business Rules (Draft for Comments)"(hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") to solicit extensive opinions from the society. On February 5, 2024, the 9th committee meeting of the National Development and Reform Commission reviewed and approved the new version of the "Power Supply Business Rules" to adapt to the needs of power system reform, adjustment of the connotation of power supply and electricity relations, changes in policies and regulations, and meet new requirements in the field of power supply and electricity. Situation and new development requirements.

The old version of the "Rules" was promulgated in 1996. It is the most important supporting regulations of the "Electricity Law" and "Electricity Supply and Use Regulations". It is an important part of China's electricity legal system and the basic system guiding the national power supply business. It is also the most important and basic rules that power supply enterprises must abide by when implementing operation management and customer service. After revision, the "Rules" have been increased from 107 articles in 10 chapters to 110 articles in 10 chapters, including general provisions, power supply methods, new installation/capacity expansion and change of power consumption, construction and maintenance management of power supply and receiving facilities, power supply quality and safety. Power supply, electricity measurement and tariff settlement, grid-connected power plants, power supply contracts and liability for breach of contract, prevention and handling of electricity theft, and supplementary provisions.

With the development of the times and technological changes, people's requirements for a better life continue to increase, and customers need more proactive, more innovative, lower-carbon, and more convenient services. This article will focus on the chapter of "New installation, capacity expansion and change of electricity consumption", and analyze the new requirements and new requirements of the "Rules" for Chinese power supply companies to improve customer service levels around the three aspects of "efficient power supply, high-quality services, and high-quality power supply". Enlightenment.

01 Efficient power handling, customers can save more peace of mind and save time when handling power

The first is to increase online power service channels. 在当前互联网技术快速发展的形势下,通过“互联网+”来实现服务效能、质量提升是大势所趋。新版《规则》第十八条规定“任何单位或个人需新装用电或增加用电容量(以下简称“ 增容 ”)、变更用电都应当按照本规则规定,通过供电企业供电营业场所或线上服务渠道提出申请,办理手续。供电企业应当在供电营业场所及各类线上服务渠道公开办理各项用电业务的程序、制度和收费标准”。与旧版相比,明确增加了线上服务要求。

In recent years, power supply companies have insisted on being customer demand-oriented, using big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to conduct refined management of power supply operations, improve operational efficiency and service levels, and achieve the goal of "more data travel and less users travel". Taking Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company as an example, the company continues to strengthen government-enterprise coordination in power supply, optimize and expand online channel functions, and complete data interconnection and continuous optimization of functions with the Autonomous Region Government Service Bureau, the Housing and Construction Department's industrial reform platform, and financial institutions. Work to achieve "one license to handle power supply" and "one face to handle power supply" in online full business scenarios, real estate transaction transfer and power transfer achieve "one window" and "simultaneous joint processing", and multiple measures to achieve business interconnection, data sharing, one network access, Blessing and benefiting the masses. In 2023, the company's online power handling rate will reach 98.18%, a year-on-year increase of 2.18 percentage points.

The second is to reduce power handling time and streamline power handling materials. 为进一步优化用电营商环境,2017年以来,国家相继出台《压缩用电报装时间实施方案》(国能监管〔2017〕110号)《关于印发全国深化“放管服”改革转变政府职能电视电话会议重点任务分工方案的通知》(国办发〔2018〕79号)《关于印发<能源行业深入推进依法治理工作的实施意见>的通知》(国能发法改〔2019〕5号)《国家发展改革委 国家能源局关于全面提升“获得电力”服务水平 持续优化用电营商环境的意见》(发改能源规〔2020〕1479号)等文件,要求供电企业进一步压减办电时间、简化办电流程等。新版《规则》将居民用户并入低压用户,统一限定供电方案答复时限,各类用户答复时限均缩减一半以上。精简客户办电材料,低压办电申请资料压缩为“用电人有效身份证明、用电地址物业权属证明”2种,高压办电申请资料压缩为“用电人有效身份证明、用电地址物权证件、用电工程项目批准文件、重要用户等级确认资料、用电设备清单”5种。

Under the strong promotion of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the service level of "access to electricity" of Chinese power supply companies has continued to improve. The "access to electricity" link has reached the best level in the world in the World Bank's evaluation, and the power supply time has also been among the top in the world. In 2023, Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company will improve service efficiency by implementing "cloud survey" and "cloud inspection". Low-voltage power handling will continue to maintain 2 links and high-voltage within 4 links; the average power handling time limit for low-voltage residents and non-resident customers is 3.9 and 6.8 working days respectively; the total average power handling time limit for each link of high-voltage single power supply and dual power supply has been reduced to 10.4 and 18.9 working days, both meeting the work goals required by the country and autonomous region.

The "Rules" clarify the requirements of power supply companies in reducing the time limit for responding to power supply plans and streamlining power supply materials in the form of rules and regulations. They will further promote power supply companies to further reduce power supply time, improve the convenience of power supply, and continue to improve customers "power gain" sense ".

02 High-quality services, customers use electricity more closely and transparently

The first is to help build charging infrastructure. 新版《规则》第十二条新增“新建居住区的固定车位应当按照规定建设充电基础设施或预留安装条件,满足直接装表接电要求。居民自用充电桩用电按照国家相关政策要求及技术标准配置”。

At present, the development of China's new energy vehicle industry is gradually maturing, but charging is still a shortcoming in industrial development, obviously lagging behind the development of electric vehicles. The number of charging piles is small and charging is slow, which affects the user experience of electric vehicles to a certain extent. In 2023, focusing on the difficulties and blockages of new energy vehicles that have been most strongly reflected by the masses, such as "difficulty in finding piles","difficulty in entering communities" and "difficulty in charging roads", the General Office of the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Building a High-Quality Charging Infrastructure System"(Guo Ban Fa [2023] No. 19), requiring "to consolidate the main responsibilities of units building new residential areas, strictly implement the requirements for charging infrastructure construction, and ensure that fixed parking spaces are 100% constructed or installation conditions are reserved as required to meet the requirements for direct installation of meters and power connections" fully reflect the great importance attached by the Party Central Committee and the State Council to promoting the high-quality development of charging infrastructure.

The implementation of the new version of the "Rules" will further promote the construction of charging infrastructure in residential areas, help China build a high-quality charging infrastructure system, better support the development of the new energy vehicle industry, and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

The second is to integrate capacity reduction and suspend power consumption business. 新版《规则》第二十四条规定“用户减容分为永久性减容和非永久性减容,须向供电企业提出申请”;“申请非永久性减容的,减容次数不受限制,每次减容时长不得少于十五日,最长不得超过两年”。与旧版相比,删减了暂停业务,细化减容分类,取消了减容次数限制,有利于企业客户根据自身生产经营情况,制定合理的用电计划和管理策略,减少用电成本,提高生产经营效益,供电服务更加贴心。

The third is to refine the conditions for account cancellation. 对于客户销户,与旧版相比,《规则》要求用户连续六个月不用电,供电企业需经现场确认不具备继续用电条件或存在安全用电隐患的,才能作出销户处理,且需向用户进行告知,或公告一个月后才能办理销户。通过细化销户条件,保护客户的用电合法权益,同时有利于基层供电人员处理“长期不用电但后续仍有用电可能”这类棘手问题。

The fourth is to strengthen information disclosure of power supply companies. 随着“放管服”改革优化营商环境工作不断深化,《优化营商环境条例》(国务院令第722号)、《公共企事业单位信息公开规定制定办法》(国办发〔2020〕50号)、《关于全面提升“获得电力”服务水平 持续优化用电营商环境的意见》(发改能源规〔2020〕1479号)等文件对供电企业信息公开工作提出了较高要求。《供电企业信息公开实施办法》(国能发监管规〔2021〕56号)进一步明确了供电企业主动公开信息和依申请公开信息的内容、方式及更新时限,建立信息公开咨询机制和信息公开申诉机制。《规则》明确,供电企业按照国家信息公开有关规定,主动公开与供用电相关的政策制度、服务标准、投诉或监督渠道,充分体现了国家对保障电力用户知情权的重视。

03 High-quality power supply makes customers more reliable and safer electricity

Increase the policy requirements and technical standards for power supply facilities in newly-built residential areas. With the rapid progress of urbanization in China, the construction of new residential areas, as an important part of urban development, is obviously accelerated. The construction of power supply system is the basic guarantee of power supply in new residential district. The improvement of design, construction and management standards in the process of power supply system construction is not only directly related to the economy of the power supply system construction of the whole new residential district, but also related to the safety and reliability of the power supply system operation of the whole community in the future. New Article 41 of the new version of the rules stipulates that "the first-level load of high-rise residential areas shall be supplied by dual power sources." For special load, in addition to double power supply, emergency power supply should be added, and it is strictly forbidden to connect other loads to the emergency power supply system; double-circuit power supply should be used for secondary load; the location of power distribution facilities in newly-built residential areas shall be reasonably planned and determined to meet the relevant requirements for flood control and waterlogging control, and emergency mobile power interfaces shall be set up. The new requirements will further strengthen the communication and cooperation between developers and power supply enterprises to ensure the safe, reliable and stable operation of power supply and distribution facilities in residential areas.

Power supply services connect thousands of households, and the update and improvement of power supply business rules will further standardize market order and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users. Only by continuously improving management level and service quality, and taking power services with higher quality, more emotion, and more temperature as its own responsibility, can the power supply industry better adapt to the development of society and economy and the progress of science and technology, and meet the people's needs for a better life.

edit:Kong Kexing

proofreading:Tommy Cheung


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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