At present, it is a critical period for college graduates to seek employment. Some lawless elements take the opportunity to dig holes and set up traps. Old routines and new tactics such as "paid promotion","intern dolls","false recruitment" and "illegal pyramid schemes" not only infringe upon college graduates. Personal rights and interests also seriously undermine the job market and have a bad social impact.

针对上述乱象,教育部发文提醒高校毕业生,提高防范意识,Choose formal channels during the job search process, promptly check recruitment information, always protect personal information, and insist on using legal weapons.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security previously issued an early warning, sorting out eight types of job hunting traps: black intermediaries, part-time jobs, fees, loans, pyramid schemes, contracts, probation periods and information, and giving tips to avoid "traps". Most of these traps use high salaries and benefits as bait to charge graduates various nominal fees in disguise; a small number of employers use word games,"Yin-Yang contracts" and other means to treat graduates as free labor.

College graduates easily fall into the recruitment trap, mostly because they lack social experience and work experience, lack of understanding of salary, position, etc., and a weak awareness of prevention. However, job search information has multiple channels for publishing, a wide range of information sources, and the content is complex, making it difficult to distinguish between authenticity and authenticity. Some college graduates have great employment pressure and are eager to seize the golden period of spring recruitment. Job search anxiety has given some people the idea of taking "shortcuts", but they do not know that they have just entered the trap of "interested people".

远离招聘骗局,Job seekers should improve their awareness of prevention and legal awareness and seek employment through formal channels. 对于不确定的招聘内容要多方验证,警惕“天上掉下来的馅饼”,摒弃急功近利心理,切实保护好个人权益。Universities should strengthen employment guidance and services ,可考虑创新课程形式,对学生进行就业安全与风险防范教育,同时继续严把校内招聘信息审核关。Employing companies must strengthen their responsibilities and responsibilities ,加强内部管理,明确并公开实习、定岗、转正等标准。多方合力,让高校毕业生走稳走好求职就业路。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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