--Preface to "Understanding New Quality Productivity"

■ Huang Qunhui

On September 7, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of "new quality productivity" at the symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era:"Actively cultivate strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, and electronic information, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new productive forces, and enhance new momentum for development." The Central Economic Work Conference was held from December 11 to 12, 2023. General Secretary Xi Jinping further emphasized at the meeting that "scientific and technological innovation must be used to promote industrial innovation, especially to use disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies to promote new industries, new models, and new momentum to develop new productive forces." On January 31, 2024, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held the 11th collective study on solidly promoting high-quality development. General Secretary Xi Jinping comprehensively explained the basic connotation of new quality productivity when presiding over the study:"To summarize, new quality productivity is the quality of advanced productivity that innovation plays a leading role, breaks away from the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, has the characteristics of high-tech, high-efficiency, and high-quality, and conforms to the new development concept. It was born of revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and upgrading. It takes the leap of workers, labor materials, labor objects and their optimized combinations as its basic connotation, and takes the significant increase in total factor productivity as its core symbol. It is characterized by innovation, the key lies in high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity."

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core makes a scientific judgment on the economic situation at home and abroad, the basic economic conditions and the stage of economic development, adjusts the ideas and ideas of economic development in a timely manner, and puts forward a series of new ideas, ideas and strategies. This paper systematically answers a series of major questions about China's economic development and modernization in the new era from the combination of theory and practice, and Xi Jinping's economic thought, which has been formed and is still enriching in practice, has made historic achievements and changes in guiding China's socialist economic construction, which has injected new connotations and opened up a new realm for Marxist political economy. As the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxism, the proposal of the new quality productivity inherits and develops the Marxist productivity theory, enriches and develops the Marxist productivity theory in China, and further enriches the theoretical system of Xi Jinping's economic thought. In order to fully understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the above-mentioned new quality productive forces, it is necessary to understand the relationship between new quality productive forces and the concept of new development, high-quality development, modern industrial system, new industrialization and Chinese-style modernization. it is necessary to grasp the internal relationship between these important concepts in Xi Jinping's economic thought, and then systematically study and explain the new quality productive forces.

First, new productivity is advanced productivity that conforms to the new development concept. 新发展理念包括创新、协调、绿色、开放和共享五方面发展理念,要求发展具有创新是第一动力、协调成为内生需要、绿色成为普遍形态、开放成为必有之路、共享成为根本目的五方面特性,具有这五方面特性的发展即是高质量发展。推进高质量发展是新时代的硬道理。中国经济已经从高速增长转向高质量发展,需要新的理论指导推进高质量发展的实践。新质生产力已经在实践中形成并展示出对高质量发展的强劲推动力、支撑力,通过从理论上进行总结概括,形成新质生产力理论,这为新时代推进高质量发展奠定了生产力理论基础。推进高质量发展是中国式现代化的首要任务,发展新质生产力,就是要以新质生产力发展推进经济建设这一中心工作和高质量发展这一首要任务,把中国式现代化宏伟蓝图一步步变成美好现实。从这个意义上来看,大力发展新质生产力也是推进中国式现代化的关键任务要求。

Second, new productivity is the productivity development path in which innovation plays a leading role. 创新发展理念在新发展理念中居首位,是发展的第一动力。生产力是生产能力及其要素的发展,符合新发展理念的生产力——新质生产力一定是创新能力及其构成创新能力的要素的发展,这意味着创新在新质生产力中起主导作用,是其关键的特征。在经济学中,创新一般是指把一种新的生产要素和生产条件的新组合引入到生产体系,包括新产品、新技术、新需求、新供给、新组织等。创新是全要素生产率提升的根源,只有通过创新,才可以摆脱传统经济增长方式,推动经济增长方式的转变。

Third, scientific and technological innovation leading the construction of a modern industrial system is a basic requirement for the development of new productive forces. 大力推进科技发展,无疑是提高创新能力、发展新质生产力的关键着力点。全球正处于新一轮科技革命和产业变革的加速演化时期。当今世界,原创性、颠覆性科技创新成果竞相涌现,成为培育发展新质生产力的新动能。以数字化、信息化、智能化、绿色化和融合化为基本特征的新科技正在推进传统的劳动者、劳动资料和劳动对象及其组合方式发生质的变革,成为构成新质生产力的新型生产要素,新型生产要素及其新组合催生了大量的新产业、新模式,这些如雨后春笋般勃发的未来产业、新兴产业及其传统产业的深度转型,整体推进了产业体系从传统走向现代,这正是现代化产业体系的形成过程。建设现代化产业体系,正是以科技创新为驱动,培育新质生产力要素,促进未来产业、新兴产业和传统产业转型的过程。因此,大力培育新质生产力,促进新质生产力发展,其关键要求就是以科技创新引领现代化产业体系建设。

Fourth, laying out new productive forces around new industrialization is a major strategic task to promote Chinese-style modernization. 新型工业化是中国式现代化的核心动力和关键内涵,实施新型工业化战略,在2035年基本实现新型工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化,是中国式现代化的重大战略任务。发展新质生产力,要围绕推进新型工业化,科学布局科技创新、产业创新,要大力发展数字经济,促进数字经济和实体经济深度融合,加快推进制造强国、质量强国、航天强国、交通强国、网络强国、数字中国建设。尤其是要高度重视以人工智能赋能新型工业化。人工智能是基于算力、算法和数据等关键要素发展起来的、引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革的战略性技术,能够逐步使机器具有人类的智能,具有渗透协同性、颠覆创新性、自主生成性和高效赋能性,对人类经济社会发展具有重大和深远的影响,是新质生产力的典型代表。未来,中国应该进一步加快以人工智能全方位、深层次赋能新型工业化,要针对装备制造业、电子信息、原材料、能源电力、消费品等重点行业,构建重点行业大模型和工业知识库,以场景应用为牵引,大力发展智能产品,以制造业全流程智能改造实现人工智能和制造业深度融合。

Fifth, the development of new productive forces requires production relations to adapt to it. 大力发展新质生产力,需要统筹推进深层次改革和高水平开放,塑造新型生产关系。改革开放是当代中国大踏步赶上时代的重要法宝,是决定中国式现代化成败的关键一招,通过改革开放破除束缚新质生产力的体制机制障碍。这要求通过深化经济体制、科技体制、人才体制、教育体制、分配体制改革,为发展新质生产力营造良好生态环境,营造鼓励创新、宽容失败的良好氛围,促进各类先进优质生产要素向发展新质生产力顺畅流动。

Based on the above understanding of new quality productivity, this book proposes a systematic explanation of new quality productivity from the perspective of systems theory and using the basic analytical framework of "factors-structure-function". From the arrangement of chapters, based on the introduction chapter describing the new quality productivity system, the chapters further focus on key topics such as new development concepts, modern industrial systems, new industrialization, high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization, and finally focus on shaping new production relations. The chapter ends. In fact, this book is not only a systematic explanation of new quality productivity, but also a theoretical research work on a series of major themes on China's high-quality economic development in the new era.

(The author is the director of the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Author: Emma

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