Just now, North Korea announced the test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
当地时间10月31日,朝鲜宣布当天试射了洲际弹道导弹。韩国联合参谋本部31日通报称,韩国军方当天7时10分左右发现朝鲜从平壤一带Ballistic missiles were fired into the eastern waters of the peninsula。据推测,该导弹是高角度发射的洲际弹道导弹,飞行高度约为7000千米,在飞行约1000公里后在日本专属经济区以外坠落。韩国联合参谋本部援引日本方面的数据称,The missile had a flight duration of approximately minutes, setting a new record for the longest flight time of a ballistic missile launched by North Korea.。日本防卫省31日也表示,朝鲜至少发射了一枚弹道导弹,导弹飞行了约86分钟,最高高度超过7000千米,Flight time and altitude broke previous records。日本防卫大臣中谷元称,上一次朝鲜发射洲际弹道导弹是在去年12月。日本首相石破茂就此事称,目前没有造成伤亡损害的信息。他将在听取详细报告后召开国家安全保障会议。**最新国际军情
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监制丨 Liu Yiming
总台Reporter 丨 Dong Haitao
Editor 丨 Wang Shan
CCTV military