Technology and finance balance: RMB . billion, up .% from the beginning of the year; "Specialized, Refined, Specialized, and Innovative" (SRSI) loans balance exceeds RMB . billion, serving over . million SRSI clients, with a growth rate of .%... These are the latest achievements of Bank of Beijing in serving the technological innovation sector as of the end of the third quarter of the year. Finance is the blood of the national economy and a crucial driving force for the deep integration of technology and industry. With the "new quality productivity" being written into the government work report for the first time this year, financial institutions have a clearer focus on making "the big article" of technology finance. As a bank rooted in the capital, located in the Beijing technology innovation highland, Bank of Beijing is continuously enhancing its technology financial products and services through efficient digital transformation, injecting new momentum and shaping new advantages for high-quality economic development. These achievements and measures are concretized in various cases, with Beijing Bifusheng Environmental Protection Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Bifusheng Environmental Protection Company") being one of the beneficiaries. How to further unblock the "technology-finance-industry" three cycles? How to invest early, invest small, invest in hard technology, and invest for the long term? What kind of products and tools can improve the accuracy and inclusiveness of technology financial services? Recently, a reporter visited Bifusheng Environmental Protection Company to explore the determination and "secrets" of Bank of Beijing in serving the development of new quality productivity.

Empowerment: Racing Against Time

** 污水、污泥、危废物,这些常人避之不及的东西,碧福生环保公司却已专注了20多年,并且从中做出了不少大成就——微孔曝气器、螺旋输送机、刮油刮泥机,自动加药系统、自动螺旋输送和处理装置、储存料仓和专业破拱系统……这些公司自主开发的污水和污泥处理系统设备,技术“含金量”已经在全国各地的多个大型项目中得到验证。初到碧福生环保公司位于北京市丰台区南三环西路88号春岚大厦的会议室,工作人员就指着一款管状设备样品向记者介绍说,这是由公司经理董福贵带头研发的微孔曝气头产品,获得过新型专利,具有氧利用率和动力效率高、阻力小、化学稳定性好、耐老化等特点。“就像养鱼需要向水里充氧一样,污水处理过程中需要各种微生物反应,曝气头可以理解为是给这些微生物充氧气的。”董福贵进一步介绍说。碧福生环保公司是一家主营污水、污泥等设备研发、制造、销售的民营企业,虽然规模不算大,但在环保工艺技术和非标设备研发设计方面已经形成了自己的核心优势,也积累了不少经验。2013年以来,公司先后被评为北京市高新技术企业、中关村高新技术企业、北京市“专精特新”中小企业。

Since the company's establishment, it has obtained more than a dozen patents for both software and hardware, large and small. What makes Dong Fugui most proud is that the company successfully developed the first sludge thin-layer dryer in the year, a device whose process technology was the first of its kind in the country, becoming a crucial step in solving the "bottleneck" problem of sludge treatment and drying technology. In the month of the year, the company also successfully received another invention patent certificate from the National Intellectual Property Administration. The breakthrough in this core technology was achieved after nearly years of investment by Dong Fugui's team. From working in a state-owned research institute to "going into business" to start an environmental protection venture, Dong Fugui, who has been engaged in scientific research all his life, has always believed that for a small environmental technology enterprise, only by solidifying the technology in the early stages can there be a chance to win in the market. The company's annual investment in technology research and development averages more than % of its operating income, sometimes reaching as high as %. However, the long R&D cycle and long order payment cycle often put the company in financial difficulties. What Dong Fugui didn't expect was that patents, which used to build business barriers, could now also be used for loans. In the month of the year, a new signed wastewater treatment service order urgently needed funds for production and execution, and it was a million yuan "Pilot Loan" from Beijing Bank that solved the company's urgent need. The patent technology played a key role in this loan. "At that time, Beijing Bank's 'Pilot Loan' had just completed a new round of optimization and upgrading, allowing for more flexible identification of the qualifications of technology-based enterprises, especially with a more scientific and intelligent evaluation system for independent intellectual property rights. So, we actively connected with the company and smoothly assessed the credit line," said Chen Bowen, a customer manager at the Chengshousi Sub-branch of Beijing Bank Beijing Branch. Compared to offline products, the "Pilot Loan" feature of borrowing and repaying at any time allows enterprises to arrange the pace of loan use flexibly according to their own business conditions, better saving loan costs. This is like a parallel race against time. Dong Fugui said that the company's funding gap mainly comes from three modules: R&D, equipment supply, and service supply. Among them, equipment orders generally only receive about % of the advance payment initially, with the remaining payment collected in installments after the equipment is delivered to the site, system debugging is completed, and acceptance is passed. This requires a large amount of self-funded capital upfront. Customized service orders generally correspond to a full set of service plans for the year, with customers paying quarterly, resulting in a significant mismatch between the investment period and the payment period. "Especially when customers delay payments for various reasons, the funds become very troublesome. We need to rush the order progress and find ways to solve the money problem. It's still a bit difficult for our 'light asset' small enterprise to get financing," Dong Fugui感慨地说,这次北京银行的贷款帮了公司很大的忙,不仅免抵押、流程简单、利率更低、随借随还,全部都是线上化操作,几乎是“秒到账”。

Submerge: Accompany and Cultivate

** “污泥主要由水、有机质、无机物颗粒和胶状物混合组成,富含有机质、富有肥效,也是具有一定热值的资源。但同时,污泥也含细菌和寄生虫卵,还可能含有毒重金属,想要焚烧再利用的话含水率又太高,所以再利用之前需要进行适当处理。”董福贵说,过去污泥一般采取卫生填埋、土地利用和高温焚烧等处置方式,但高含水率等特点会使得污泥存在热值低、无法直接焚烧利用、堆放占地面积大、处置成本高等问题,公司首创的污泥干化等技术就是为了更好地解决这些问题。在污水、垃圾处理领域,有很多外行人不熟悉的专业术语,但是就像对自己研发的每一项技术、每一件设备一样,在介绍这些时,董福贵都如数家珍。碧福生环保公司正式创立于2003年,但早自上世纪八九十年代开始,董福贵夫妇以及兴趣相投的亲友团队,就已经专注于环境治理非标技术设备和系统应用的研究。

The three to five year R&D cycle also means that doing scientific research requires patience. Over the years, Bifusheng Environmental Protection Company has grown from a family workshop into a "specialized and innovative" enterprise with clients including PetroChina, Sinopec, and others in the fields of wastewater, sludge, and hazardous waste treatment. Beijing Bank has been accompanying, witnessing, and serving the company's development and needs. Dong Fugui said that from the day the company was established, it opened its basic account at Beijing Bank, and later, services such as payroll, acceptance of bills, and settlement were also handled there, a partnership that has lasted for decades. Zhao Bi, the financial director of Bifusheng Environmental Protection Company, told reporters that to alleviate financial pressure, the company had also sought financing from other banks, but generally required asset collateral. Beijing Bank was the first to provide the company with a credit loan, offering a significantly more convenient, inclusive, and trusting experience, quite different from traditional loans. To better support the growth of tech companies, Beijing Bank has been continuously innovating its financial products in recent years. In 2022, it launched a dedicated credit product called "Linghang Loan" for innovative tech companies, including those recognized as "specialized and innovative." Based on this, in January 2023, the bank introduced an exclusive online product "Linghang Loan" for such companies, supporting online applications and model-based approvals, greatly improving business efficiency. "The maximum term is 5 years, with online and offline limits of 5 million and 10 million yuan respectively," Chen Bowen introduced, noting that the "Linghang Loan" has been very well received. To facilitate financing for small and micro enterprises, Beijing Bank has been providing life-cycle accompaniment services. To make services more accessible, the bank has invested in digital transformation, aiming to better empower frontline staff while making it more convenient for customers. By designing tiered entry conditions and matching credit limits, Beijing Bank has created a multi-tiered cultivation mechanism for tech companies. For example, in addition to "Linghang Loan," the bank also offers "Jinli Loan" for potential clients like national high-tech and innovative small and medium enterprises, "Liancreat Loan" for equity and debt linkage practices, and "Tongrong" as a unified online product entry. To further enhance the efficiency and coverage of tech financial services, Beijing Bank has been strengthening the construction of specialized tech financial institutions, building a "2+2+N" specialized system with a multi-level branch structure, and creating a comprehensive tech financial expansion team. In the first half of this year, the number of tech-specialized/dedicated branches increased by 10, and specialized/dedicated branches for "specialized and innovative" enterprises increased by 10, totaling 20 and 30 respectively, covering 20 branches. Chen Bowen told us that at the branch level, he can deeply feel the increasing support from the head office and branches, from resource allocation and interest rate policies to product approval rights. Dong Fugui said, "Wherever there are people, there are wastewater and waste. Our job is to send our equipment and systems to these places to 'turn waste into treasure,' creating a 'waste-free city.'" For Beijing Bank, this vision is a tacit understanding in its mission to excel in "tech finance"—with a focus on Beijing, radiating to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Shandong, and other tech hubs, wherever there is a financial need for tech companies, Beijing Bank's service will reach.

Breakthrough: From to, From to

** 若不是旁边的工作人员介绍,很难想象已经年过古稀的董福贵夫妇,至今依然坚守在科研一线。他们的这份坚持里,有着破解“卡脖子”技术难题的执着,也有对科研工作的热忱和助力绿色发展的责任感。随着核心技术取得重要突破,碧福生环保公司的业务也已经有了质的飞跃——从一家简单的设备供应商,发展成了集环保工艺技术和设备研发、详细设计、设备制造、系统集成+安装+调试运行等全面服务能力于一身的环保服务提供商,生产基地也从北京拓展到了河北固安。从0到1难,从1到N也并不简单。董福贵转换研究领域创业并不断取得新突破的过程,也是环保治理行业快速发展的过程,更是北京银行科技金融服务不断打磨升级的过程。“领航e贷”的持续迭代升级就是一个缩影。据了解,现在的“领航e贷”已经进入4.0时代,服务扩围到了“制造业单项冠军”,累计发放贷款超过了900亿元。陈博文告诉我们,在技术升级和模型调整、完善的过程中,总行也会对一线的业务开展情况进行跟踪调研,根据意见及客户反馈持续进行产品优化。在北京银行内部,大家逐渐认同并坚信,“做科技就是做未来,做科技金融就是服务新质生产力”。一组组数据持续印证着北京银行科技金融的迅猛发展。截至今年三季度末,该行科技金融余额已经达到3447.09亿元,比年初增加了854.73亿元,增速32.97%,在同业中走在前列。当前,北京正在全力推进国际科创中心建设,努力打造专精特新首善之都,北京银行也始终把服务首都发展战略、担当首都银行责任作为重中之重,以更加“优质化”的发展结构,加快培育构建北京银行新质生产力的推动主力。数据显示,北京银行的服务已经覆盖北京地区80%的创业板、69%的科创板、74%的北交所上市企业、74%的新三板创新层挂牌企业,以及北京地区超过70%的国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业。在刚刚闭幕的2024金融街论坛年会上,北京银行党委书记、董事长霍学文在一场平行论坛演讲中表示,未来北京银行将围绕专精特新企业,做好人才金融、并购金融、供应链金融等组合金融服务,持续打造“专精特新第一行”,以高质量金融供给支持中小企业走好专精特新发展之路,为科技强国、金融强国建设贡献更多金融力量。“专”上深耕、在“精”上打磨、在“特”上突破、在“新”上聚力,以全周期、全方位、全链条的金融服务精准滴灌以专精特新为代表的广大科技型中小企业,北京银行一直在路上。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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