From September 22 to 23, the 16th Summit of BRICS Leaders was held in Kazan, Russia, with representatives from 50 countries and regions and 13 international organizations participating. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered a speech titled "Aim High and Break Through the Clouds: Promoting High-Quality Development of 'Great BRICS Cooperation'." The participating parties jointly issued the "Kazan Declaration of the 16th BRICS Leaders' Summit – Strengthening Multilateralism, Promoting Fair Global Development and Security," which highlighted the importance of mechanisms such as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit in enhancing dialogue and cooperation with the African continent. The declaration supported the legitimate aspirations of emerging and developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, including BRICS countries, to play a greater role in international affairs, particularly within the United Nations, including the Security Council. It recognized the legitimate aspirations of African countries reflected in the "Ezulwini Consensus" and the "Sirt Declaration." African countries are increasingly becoming significant forces in international affairs, and the BRICS cooperation mechanism has brought tremendous development opportunities to various African nations.

I. African countries are an important force in the BRICS cooperation mechanism.金砖国家(BRICS),最初是引用巴西(Brazil)、俄罗斯(Russia)、印度(India)、中国(China)四国英文名称首字母组成缩写词。因“BRICs”拼写和发音同英文单词“砖”(bricks)相近,中国媒体和学者将其译为“金砖国家”。2011年,南非(South Africa)正式加入金砖国家,因此英文名称最终定为BRICS。金砖国家国土面积占世界领土总面积26.46%,人口占世界总人口41.93%。2006年,金砖国家外长举行首次会晤,开启金砖国家合作序幕。2009年6月,金砖国家领导人在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行首次会晤。2011年11月,金砖国家领导人在法国戛纳二十国集团峰会前夕举行首次非正式会晤。2024年1月1日,沙特阿拉伯、埃及、阿联酋、伊朗、埃塞俄比亚成为金砖国家正式成员。(1) The African BRICS countries are key members of the BRICS cooperation mechanism.在金砖国家正式成员中,南非、埃及、埃塞俄比亚作为在非洲地区具有重要影响力的区域性国家,在金砖合作机制的发展完善过程中发挥了重要作用,对金砖合作机制影响力的形成和发挥起到了关键性的示范作用,也成为金砖合作机制与非洲大陆连接的桥梁。目前,包括尼日利亚等非洲国家均表达了加入金砖合作机制的期望,充分体现了金砖合作机制的影响力,也凸显了非洲各国对于推动构建更加公正的世界秩序、推动经济社会发展的美好愿望。(II) Other African countries are important partners in the development of the BRICS cooperation mechanism.金砖合作机制的发展也离不开其他非洲国家。一方面,作为金砖国家正式成员,南非、埃及、埃塞俄比亚分别地处非洲北部、东部和南部,均是在区域内具有重要影响力的国家。三国人口规模较大、综合国力相对周边国家较强,经济社会发展水平相对较高,也是未来国际事务中的一股重要新兴力量。三国成为金砖国家正式成员,为非洲地区逐步发挥推动公正世界秩序构建和全球发展作用提供了新的机遇。另一方面,三国加入金砖合作机制,也为包括中国、俄罗斯等其他金砖国家强化与非洲国家合作提供了新的路径。目前,金砖国家在金融、科技、文化等领域均取得了一定的合作成果,相关成果在助力金砖国家发展的同时,也极大地促进了金砖国家与包括其他非洲国家在内的世界各国的交流。II. African countries look forward to the BRICS cooperation mechanism playing a leading role in development.非洲地域辽阔,物产丰富多样,被誉为“富饶大陆”。古代非洲曾经诞生过辉煌灿烂的文明。近代,非洲长期遭受西方殖民主义的掠夺和统治,而非洲大陆丰富的自然资源则为西方国家完成资本原始积累、西方经济社会进入现代化提供了物质基础。直至今日,非洲国家在基于传统国际秩序而形成的国际经济体系中与西方国家进行贸易往来时,仍时常遭受不公正的待遇。富饶的非洲大陆对安全与发展的需求十分迫切,非洲人民对美好生活的期望需要转化为实际的发展方式,而金砖合作机制能够有效引领非洲国家实现经济社会发展的目标。‌**(一)金砖合作机制能够让世界更好地听到非洲声音President Xi Jinping pointed out at the 16th BRICS Summit that "we need to build a 'fair BRICS' and become a leader in reforming the global governance system." Currently, the world is witnessing the emergence of multiple new forces, policy decisions, and economic growth centers, and the old international order system is no longer compatible with the current global situation. BRICS countries should take the lead in reforming the global governance system. With the accelerated development of Africa's economy and society, African countries are increasingly eager to fully participate in the global governance framework, to be treated fairly and equally in global governance, to have their voices heard in the world, and to have the will of the African people respected. Traditional international organizations, such as the United Nations, provide a platform for African countries to engage in international affairs, but some Western hegemonic and old colonialist countries still abuse their positions in these organizations to obstruct Africa's equal participation in global governance. Some developed countries even manipulate global governance mechanisms to protect their own interests at the expense of the interests of African countries. The BRICS countries have consistently advocated for multilateralism, opposing unilateralism and trade protectionism. Cooperation between BRICS and African countries helps promote the development of multilateralism, build a more open and inclusive international relationship, create a favorable external environment for the development of African countries, and provide a more effective pathway for African countries to further participate in global governance.(二)金砖合作机制将有效助力非洲经济社会发展African countries have distinct advantages in economic and social development, but also face some undeniable disadvantages. On one hand, Africa's vast territory, abundant natural resources, and significant labor advantages provide a solid foundation for regional economic and social development. On the other hand, the lack of regional infrastructure, ongoing ecological risks, and the need for improved educational levels in the population hinder the region's progress towards modernization. With the rapid development of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, the methods and models of development in the current era have evolved, offering new opportunities for development to developing countries, including those in Africa, through the application of new technologies. The full utilization of new technologies in areas such as infrastructure, education, logistics, and communication can significantly enhance economic efficiency and drive social progress. Currently, countries like China have made notable achievements in the application of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, which has greatly improved production efficiency in manufacturing, education, logistics, and other sectors. The substantial economic size of BRICS countries provides fertile ground for the development of new technologies. To achieve economic and social development goals, African countries cannot continue to rely on the traditional model of taking on outdated industrial capacities from developed countries. Instead, they should seize the opportunities presented by the technological and industrial revolutions, effectively address development shortcomings, leverage their advantages in the global market, and form development models that align with their national conditions. Therefore, interactions between African countries and BRICS countries can not only bring mutual benefits in trade and economy but also effectively promote resource flow and technological exchange among nations, leading to a "+" effect in development.(三)金砖国家能够与非洲各国携手促进区域稳定与安全******安全稳定的环境是各国政府和人民的共同期待,维护安全环境也是现代国家应当履行的基本国家义务,安全与发展问题的交织更是各国治理中共同面临的难题。全球化带来的发展机遇与安全风险更是对非洲各国政府提出了新的挑战。相较于俄乌、中东等热点区域,非洲大陆所面对的安全风险往往较少被外界关注,但包括暴力恐怖主义等的安全风险一直在威胁着非洲地区的安全与稳定。例如,东非地区市场面临着来自恐怖主义的威胁,相关恐怖组织长期在该区域从事绑架、抢劫、人口贩卖等犯罪活动,极大地影响了区域发展。同时,疾病和自然灾害带来的安全风险也不容忽视,受制于落后公共卫生体系与基础设施建设,一些非洲国家在面临相关安全风险时缺乏风险化解能力,经济社会财产安全和人民生命健康权益受到严重威胁。与之相对应的是,金砖国家在打击暴力恐怖主义、应对重特大疫情和自然灾害等方面具有充分的经验,主要国家已经基本建立应对相关安全风险的体制机制,中国、俄罗斯、印度等国也存在与非洲国家开展安全合作的客观需要,为未来金砖国家与非洲各国强化安全合作、共同应对全球安全风险提供了条件。

III. The BRICS cooperation mechanism provides an important platform for deepening China-Africa cooperation.中非友谊源远流长,中国与非洲国家的深层次全方位合作是时代大势,是任何势力都无法阻挡的。随着金砖国家的不断壮大,日益完善的金砖合作机制为中非深化合作提供了新的抓手。未来,在金砖合作机制框架下,中非之间的合作迎来了新的机遇。(1) The BRICS cooperation mechanism contributes to the significant roles of both China and Africa in the global market.中国是全球第一大制造业国家,庞大的工业制造集群能够为非洲国家提供其实现经济社会现代化目标的大多数工业产品,中国在科技、文化等领域的技术与经验也能够充分助力非洲国家治理模式的完善。非洲各国则可以发挥其丰富资源和庞大市场的优势,通过与中国的合作逐步完成产业现代化和社会治理现代化。而金砖国家的有效合作保障了中非合作的产业链安全,也为非洲国家防范发展风险提供了坚实的基础。(II) The BRICS cooperation mechanism presents new opportunities for deeper collaboration between China and Africa.本次喀山峰会专门指出:“认识到金砖在完善国际货币金融体系中发挥的关键作用,注意到金砖主席国就完善国际货币金融体系开展的研究,鼓励继续这项工作。”长期以来,中国与非洲国家在经贸领域依赖于西方国家构建的以美元为中心的国际货币金融体系,双方难以在金融领域形成有规模的纵深合作。金砖合作机制在金融领域的拓展,为中非双方打破以西方为主导的传统国际货币金融体系桎梏,推动双方合作纵深发展提供了机遇。(III) The BRICS cooperation mechanism provides a basis for China and Africa to jointly advance green development.长期以来,西方国家习惯性地将发展问题政治化,将环保议题作为政治操弄的工具,罔顾非洲人民对美好生活的热切期望。中国将统筹发展和环境安全贯彻到现代化建设的各个方面,实现发展模式的绿色转变,取得了令人瞩目的成果。非洲地区经济发展自然条件较好,绿色清洁能源在非洲的运用前景广泛,绿色技术能够有效提高非洲欠发达国家的生产效率与生活水平,例如中国的农业新技术在非洲的推广,可以提高非洲国家的农业产量和农业现代化的水平,为区域发展带来新的思路。IV. Conclusion****面对世界百年未有之大变局,世界各国需要符合时代需求的解决方案。正如习近平主席在喀山峰会指出“时代的风浪越大,我们越要勇立潮头,以坚韧不拔之志、敢为人先之勇、识变应变之谋,把金砖打造成促进‘全球南方’团结合作的主要渠道、推动全球治理变革的先锋力量。”未来,中非双方合作必将进一步走向纵深,金砖国家与非洲国家的联系必将日益紧密,金砖国家和“全球南方”必将在全球治理中发挥更重要的作用。

the writer

Yang Minghao, Lecturer at the Bai Ze Strategy Research Institute, Southwest University of Political Science and Law; Cai Wenjun, Researcher at the Bai Ze Strategy Research Institute, Southwest University of Political Science and Law.


Editor: Lv Mengting Responsible Editor: Chang Yuhao Reviewer: Ni Chunle


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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