Effectively improve the "gold content" of RMB internationalization and focus on four aspects:Promote the evolution of monetary functions in an orderly manner and focus on serving the development of the real economy. Promote capital account opening in a steady and orderly manner and improve the level of institutional opening up of financial markets. Support the healthy development of the offshore RMB market and consolidate onshore RMB pricing power. Actively grasp the trend of digitalization and improve the global RMB infrastructure.

Chen Weidong, Dean of the Bank of China Research Institute

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■ Chen Weidong

RMB internationalization is an important part of China's financial industry opening up. Financial industry opening up will also contribute to the development of RMB internationalization. The two promote each other and complement each other. Since the introduction of institutional opening up in 2018, the pace of opening up in China's financial sector has accelerated significantly. The depth and breadth of opening up have continued to increase, and the systematic and institutional nature of opening up has gradually emerged.


RMB internationalization has achieved fruitful results

First, the RMB's ability to serve the real economy has increased, and its position in the international payment system has become increasingly solid. 面对复杂严峻的国际形势,中国企业使用人民币结算,规避货币错配风险的内生动力上升。2023年,跨境人民币收支规模达52.3万亿元,同比增长24%,在本外币跨境收付总额中占比达58%,成为中国第一大跨境收付货币。2024年1月,人民币国际支付在全球占比大幅提升,一度突破4.5%,超过日元,跃居全球第四大国际支付货币。

Second, the international acceptance of the RMB has increased, and international investment and financing functions have been significantly enhanced. 从融资端来看,在欧美流动性紧缩背景下,人民币融资属性凸显。2023年,熊猫债、离岸人民币债券、中国金融机构人民币境外贷款合计新增金额为7493.5亿元,同比增长93%。同时,人民币已超越日元,成为全球第三大贸易融资货币。从投资端来看,越来越多的境外投资者将人民币纳入投资组合。2023年末,境外投资者持有人民币资产规模达9.4万亿元,是2013年有统计以来的3.3倍。

Third, as the international use of the RMB expands, the volume of RMB foreign exchange transactions has increased significantly. 近年来,中国外汇市场韧性强,人民币汇率相对稳定,跨境资金流动平稳有序,人民币已和24种非美货币开启直盘交易。2022年国际清算银行(BIS)调查显示,人民币外汇交易在全球占比达7%,成为第五大外汇交易货币。

Fourth, the function of the RMB reserve currency has been improved to meet the diversified needs of international reserve assets. 2016年10月,人民币正式加入SDR货币篮子,是国际社会对人民币国际化进程,以及中国经济金融发展成就的认可。2023年第三季度,人民币在全球储备资产中的份额为2.4%,较2016年第四季度的1.1%,增加了1.3个百分点。地缘风险成为影响人民币国际储备职能的重要考量因素,人民币区域锚货币效应逐步增强,特别是在菲律宾、马来西亚、印尼等亚洲新兴市场。


RMB internationalization needs to handle three major relationships well

In the past 15 years, as China's comprehensive national strength has increased, the internationalization of the RMB has steadily advanced and its status in the global monetary system has gradually increased. However, we should also objectively realize that there is still a large gap between the RMB and major international currencies such as the US dollar and the euro, and development to a higher level in the future will inevitably face some theoretical and practical obstacles. As the international political and economic landscape evolves, in the process of RMB internationalization, the following three aspects need to be specially handled.

First, properly handle the development of the real economy and assume global responsibilities. 目前,人民币国际化处于初级阶段。国家综合实力是货币国际化推进的基础,人民币国际化应以服务国内实体经济为主导。从理论方面来看,货币国际化发展到一定阶段将面临“特里芬难题”,即为世界提供流动性的同时难以保持币值稳定。人民币国际化道路上同样面临“特里芬难题”,也应承担相应的国际责任。从国际经验来看,国际货币职能的发挥呈现非对称性,不同货币职能对流动性供给的要求存在一定差异。这为探寻缓解“特里芬难题”提供了有益的发展路径。在人民币国际化进程中,推动有限的国际货币职能演进,在支持中国经济发展的同时,力所能及地承担相应的国际责任,推动全球国际货币体系向公正、多元化发展。

Second, we attach great importance to the relationship between the external balance of current account and capital account. 2009年以来,中国以服务贸易结算为起点,推动人民币跨境使用,走出了一条特色实践道路。当前,中国经常项目开放程度远大于资本项目,推动资本项目开放将成为强化人民币国际使用的重要方向。截至2023年,资本项下人民币收支金额达38.3万亿元,在总额中占比约73%,已成为跨境人民币使用的主体。但是,我们也应清醒地认识到,资本项目开放程度首先应服务中国实体经济和对外收支平衡的需要。资本项目开放也需要承担一定成本。随着资本项目开放程度提高,跨境资金流动更加复杂,将对中国宏观调控与金融稳定带来新的挑战。从根本意义上讲,经常项目与资本项目的相对平衡状况,有利于经济对外收支总体平衡与人民币对外长期稳定。在人民币国际化进程中,资本账户开放不能贸然前进,要立足国情,兼顾外部环境。

Third, coordinate and promote positive interaction between onshore and offshore markets 。近年来,由于人民币汇率变化及需求变化等方面的原因,离岸人民币市场发展显著放缓。截至2023年末,主要离岸人民币市场存款规模约1.5万亿元,主要集中在中国香港,约占离岸人民币使用量的80%。在中国资本项目尚未完全开放的条件下,离岸市场仍将是人民币国际化发展的重要方式。离岸人民币交易以收益率为决定要素,投资偏好显著高于真实需求。此外,离岸市场发展也对中国宏观调控效果、利率汇率市场稳定以及本币定价权等方面带来一定影响。美元Libor定价权一度长期旁落的教训应引以为戒。当前,中国在岸人民币利率对离岸人民币利率的引导作用有限,在岸人民币外汇交易规模仅为离岸市场交易规模的四分之一。如何夯实在岸引导离岸市场发展的能力,仍是当前面临的一项重要课题。


Effectively improve the "gold content" of RMB internationalization

The Central Financial Work Conference proposed to "accelerate the construction of a financial power" and make important arrangements to steadily, cautiously and solidly promote the internationalization of the RMB. In the future, the domestic and international situation will undergo profound adjustments. The internationalization of the RMB must follow the trend and seek progress while maintaining stability, focus on serving the "dual circulation" development of the real economy, consolidate basic institutional arrangements and market systems, transform from quantity to quality, and effectively enhance the RMB International "gold content".

First, promote the evolution of monetary functions in an orderly manner and focus on serving the development of the real economy. 人民币国际化不能简单硬搬其他主要货币国际化经验,要立足于经济发展大局和长期增长动能,合理设计符合自身利益的发展路径,有序推进人民币国际货币职能演进。当前,应重点夯实人民币结算交易职能,兼顾部分投融资与计价职能,有限承担国际储备职能,在保障自身利益与政策独立性的同时,为全球提供有限公共产品。例如,在条件允许的情况下,发展双边货币互换、区域流动性安排等流动性供给方式,关注人民币外汇储备的持有人结构、规模与市场行为,有效减轻为全球提供公共产品的潜在风险。

Second, promote capital account opening in a steady and orderly manner and improve the level of institutional opening up of financial markets. 根据蒙代尔提出的“不可能三角”理论,固定汇率制度、资本自由流动和货币政策独立性三者不能兼顾。作为超大型发展中经济体,中国要优先保证货币政策独立性,在资本自由流动与汇率稳定之间达成一定程度的动态平衡。根据国内实体经济需求与国际环境变化,在更加注重安全的基础上,稳妥、有序地推进资本账户开放,确保经常项目与资本项目总体平衡,保持政策的连贯性、透明性,健全本外币一体化资金流动宏观审慎管理框架,守住不发生系统性风险的底线。根据市场供求状况,支持人民币对更多币种直盘交易,丰富投融资与风险对冲工具,形成可信赖、可预期的收益率曲线,破解境外投资者参与境内人民币交易面临的现实技术障碍,强化人民币国际化的市场驱动力。

Third, support the healthy development of the offshore RMB market and consolidate onshore RMB pricing power 。优化离岸人民币流动性供给机制,研究完善离岸人民币市场定价机制。继续拓展区域性人民币流动性输出渠道,基于真实需求,便利与周边、东盟、“一带一路”沿线国家本币结算,建立人民币流出、流入的有效渠道;深化与金砖国家、上合组织成员国、资源型国家等本币合作,建立货币安全网等流动性安排。支持中国香港完善人民币金融产品体系,常态化发行高等级主权类债券,打造全球人民币资产管理与风险管理平台。充分发挥清算行在离岸人民币市场发展中的积极作用,以大型中资银行为主力军,创新离岸人民币产品和服务。加快上海国际金融中心建设,构筑完善的利率定价机制,夯实人民币定价引导力。

Fourth, actively grasp the trend of digitalization and improve the global RMB infrastructure. 面对国际格局加速演变,为维护国家金融安全,亟须完善适应人民币国际化发展的金融基础设施体系。中国应进一步加快CIPS清算主渠道建设,增强与其他区域结算系统的连接,扩大直接参与者范围。加强与境内外金融基础设施互联互通,促进外汇、债券业务以CIPS为清算结算主渠道。提高基础设施技术标准自主性,针对重点领域,建立专项支付交易平台。积极把握数字化趋势,推动跨境金融技术创新,跨越周边、区域以及传统合作路径,打造“数字货币区”。在全球金融治理框架下,推动完善央行数字货币与支付设施标准,开辟国际货币格局新局面。

(The author is the president of the Bank of China Research Institute)

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Author: Emma

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