Jiangsu clarifies! Can rest until the day
The implementation of the "menstrual pain leave" policy in Yunnan
triggered extensive discussion in society
"Special Provisions on the Protection of Female Workers in Yunnan Province"
clearly pointed out
Female employees suffering from severe dysmenorrhea
After diagnosis by medical or maternal and child health care institutions
You can take leave until your period
when the policy came out
I envy the majority of female compatriots
in fact
"Menstrual leave" is not a new concept.
There are already multiple provinces across the country
The "Menstrual Pain Leave" has been explicitly stipulated.
Jiangsu is also among them
Jiangsu: Maximum of Days for Dysmenorrhea Leave
早在1993年,由原卫生部、全国总工会等5个部门联合颁布的《女职工保健工作规定》中,就有类似的规定。该规定指出,患有重度痛经及月经过多的女职工,经医疗或妇幼保健机构确诊后,Leave up to one day can be given appropriately during menstruation。
2018年7月1日起实施的《江苏省女职工劳动保护特别规定》明确,用人单位不得安排经期女职工参与国家规定的经期禁忌从事的劳动,Should be temporarily reassigned to other work, or rest until the day.;对其他工种的女职工,月经过多或者因痛经不能坚持工作的,Arranged to rest until day, as certified by medical institutions.
Expert: Difficulties in Implementing Menstrual Pain Leave Need to Be Addressed
according to relevant reports
There are % women nationwide.
Have experienced or are experiencing menstrual cramps
A study of hospital nurses showed
Among the female nurses surveyed,
% of women在经期时会感到烦躁和焦虑
More than 70% of women渴望在经期能够休息
But women in many places reported
When applying for the "Menstrual Pain Leave"
There are always many obstacles
中央财经大学法学院教授沈建峰指出,假期待遇问题也阻碍了痛经假的实施。待遇不明确,使得员工在请假时担心工资、社保等是否正常缴纳。 来源:新华网、人民网、中国新闻网、澎湃新闻等
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