Latest news! Trump wins a "swing state"!
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据央视新闻,当地时间9日,根据多家主流美媒最新计票情况测算,**特朗普赢下最后一个“摇摆州”亚利桑那州,最终拿到538张选举人票中的312张,哈里斯最终获得226张选举人票。**此前,特朗普在获得超过胜选所需的270张选举人票时,已宣布在2024年总统选举中获胜,哈里斯随后承认败选并对特朗普表示祝贺。 Trump sweeps the "swing states."
In this election, Trump won all the "swing states" that ultimately determined the outcome of the race—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—securing the electoral votes, while Harris was left without these crucial votes.
Pennsylvania: Zhang Electoral Votes
North Carolina: Zhang Electoral Votes
Georgia: Zhang electoral votes
Michigan: Zhang electoral vote
Arizona: Zhang electoral vote
Wisconsin: Zhang Electoral Vote
Nevada: Zhang electoral votes
In the first batch of "swing states" announced, Trump won all of them, helping him secure more electoral votes than needed to win, thus locking in his victory early.
In the 2020 election, Biden won Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, but in this year's election, they have shifted towards Trump.
Trump also became the second president in American history, following Democrat Stephen Cleveland, to run for office consecutively, win re-election after a failed bid, and then be re-elected. At 77 years old, Trump will take office in January next year, making him the oldest president to assume office in American history.
Democrats' "internal strife" blames Biden.
With the conclusion of the presidential election, there are naturally those who rejoice and those who are disheartened. Compared to the Republican Party's "domination," The New York Times comments that despair, division, and blame are casting a dark future for the Democratic Party.
In addition to losing in the "swing states," Harris's victory in the "blue states" also saw a significant "shrinkage." For example, in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Biden led Trump by 11 percentage points in New Jersey, while Harris only won the state by a margin of 1 percentage point this time. This is the smallest margin by which a Democratic presidential candidate has won the state since 1988.
Harris also performed poorly in another deep blue state—New York. In the year, Biden led Trump by percentage points in New York; this year, Harris narrowed the advantage to percentage points. In Virginia, which was once considered a solid "blue state." In the year, Biden won with a significant advantage of %. However, Harris's lead is only around %.
Additionally, some Democrats have accused Harris of never demonstrating the robust strength expected of a national candidate, with numerous flaws in her campaign strategy. A recent AP investigation revealed that Latino voters, particularly older voters, are primarily concerned about rising inflation rates, increasing medical costs, and escalating housing costs. However, the Democratic campaign has emphasized democratic values, reproductive rights, and immigration policies, failing to address the voters' concerns.
民主党阵营内部也不乏将失败归咎于总统拜登的声音。美前众议院议长佩洛西日前接受《纽约时报》采访时表示,“如果总统拜登早点退出竞选,民主党在总统选举中可能会表现得更好。”哈里斯的助手在接受美国媒体《政客》(Politico)采访时也将责任归咎于拜登,认为拜登应该早点退出。 WeChat editor | 生产队的驴(周末不打烊)
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