In the distant ancient times, there existed a mysterious kingdom where its people lived in a basin surrounded by towering mountains. This kingdom was named "Yunmeng," as the entire basin would be enveloped in a thin layer of mist every morning, resembling a dream.
The residents of Yunmeng Kingdom live a peaceful and harmonious life. They grow rice, raise poultry, and although their lives are simple, they are filled with happiness. However, this kingdom holds an unknown secret—in the heart of the basin, there stands an ancient stone tablet inscribed with strange symbols.
These symbols appear to be an ancient script, yet no one has been able to decipher them. Legend has it that these symbols conceal a great secret, one that is tied to the fate of the entire Yunmeng Kingdom.
One day, a young scholar decided to uncover this secret. He spent several years studying these symbols and eventually discovered that they were actually an ancient prophecy. The prophecy mentioned that when the sky of Yunmeng Kingdom was adorned with seven-colored auspicious clouds, a hero would emerge, leading the people towards a new era of glory.
This discovery shocked the entire nation, and people began to look forward to that day. Finally, on a clear morning, a rainbow of auspicious clouds appeared in the sky. Shortly thereafter, a young hero emerged into the people's view, leading the people of Yunmeng to prosperity and strength.
From then on, Yunmeng Kingdom became a place filled with hope and dreams, and that ancient stone tablet became a sacred object in people's hearts, reminding them that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as there is a dream in their hearts, it will surely be realized.