Liuzhou declares: abandon illusions, resolutely rectify.
会议指出,郑俊康丧失理想信念,背弃初心使命,权力观扭曲,政绩观错位,背离高质量发展要求,不落实党中央决策部署,大搞劳民伤财的“政绩工程”,违背城市管理和公共交通发展规律,违反城市轨道交通项目立项审批规定,擅自盲目决策,顶风违规要求以举债融资等方式建设城市轨道交通项目,**不仅形成“烂尾工程”,而且严重影响城市交通和环境,给柳州经济社会发展造成无可挽回的重大损失和极为恶劣的后果,使柳州背上了沉重的包袱。**经过反复、深入的科学论证,继续推进该城市轨道交通项目已不可行,通过改造整体利用也不可行。We must deeply reflect on our mistakes, take them as a warning, abandon illusions, and resolutely implement corrective measures. We must adhere to treating the comprehensive rectification of urban rail transit projects as a significant political task and a vital matter of livelihood, and make every effort to address "unfinished projects."
The meeting emphasized that the Liuzhou Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government place great importance on the opinions and suggestions of the city's deputies to the People's Congress and its citizens. After thorough evaluation and demonstration, and strictly following the relevant procedures, they have instructed the Liuzhou Rail Transit Group to remove and rectify the columns and attached facilities that pose safety hazards, affect traffic, hinder the city's appearance, and have strong public demand for their removal. Currently, the columns at the intersection of Guizhong Avenue and Lianhua Avenue have been removed, and the columns and attached facilities on the north side of Guiliu Road are being removed in an orderly manner. It is essential to always uphold the development philosophy centered on the people, continuing to remove columns and attached facilities that pose safety hazards, affect traffic, hinder the city's appearance, and have strong public demand for their removal. Fully consider the opinions of professional institutions and authoritative experts, and thoroughly demonstrate comprehensive disposal measures, such as which ones need to be removed, which can be transformed, and which can be reused, in order to minimize losses and salvage as much as possible. The meeting pointed out that all Party members and the public in the city should unify their thoughts with the decisions and arrangements of the Liuzhou Municipal Committee and the Municipal Government, not spread rumors, not be misled by misinformation, consciously maintain the image of Liuzhou, and work together to accelerate the high-quality development of Liuzhou's economy and society. Those who fabricate, disseminate, and spread rumors will be dealt with seriously according to the law.
Original Title: "Liuzhou Municipal Committee Standing Committee Holds Enlarged Meeting to Conduct Case-Based Warning and Reform, Deeply Analyze the Serious Violations of Discipline and Law by Zheng Junkang, and Special Study on Comprehensive Rectification of Urban Rail Transit Projects"
Source: Liuzhou Integrated Media Center
Editor: Wu Beibei
Proofreading: Wei Yuan
Editor: Cheng Chunyu
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