Recently, the implementation opinions of the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation on implementing the "Action Plan for Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development of Boilers" pointed out that the access of new boilers should be strictly controlled, technological innovation and renewal of in-use boilers should be supported, and the level of boiler operation and management should be continuously improved. Continue to improve the standard and specification system.

following is the original text

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state Administration of market supervision and administration

by the office of the

Shi Jian Te Fa [2024] No. 20

General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Implementation

Action Plan for Green, Low Carbon and High-Quality Development of Boilers

implementation opinions

Market supervision bureaus (departments, committees) of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, relevant units:

In order to implement the "Notice on Issuing the Action Plan for Green, Low Carbon and High-Quality Development of Boilers"(Fa Gai Huan Zi [2023] No. 1638), accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of new boilers, promote the renewal and transformation of existing boilers, continue to improve the level of boiler operation and management, and continuously improve the trinity supervision system of boiler safety, energy conservation, and environmental protection. According to the "Special Equipment Safety Law of the People's Republic of China" and the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China, combined with the functions of the market supervision department, put forward the following implementation opinions.

1. Comprehensively clarify policies, regulations and target requirements

Local market supervision departments must conscientiously study and implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control","Notice of the State Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality","Action Plan for Green, Low Carbon and High-Quality Development of Boilers","Policies and regulations such as the Structural Adjustment Guidance Catalog (2024 edition)," Technical Regulations for Boiler Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection ".

According to the division of responsibilities, we will orderly advance the elimination of small power station boilers and old and inefficient industrial boilers that have been in service for more than 15 years; by 2025, cities that fail to meet the standards for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will basically eliminate 10 steam tons/hour and below in administrative areas. Coal-fired boilers, and coal-fired boilers of 35 steam tons/hour and below will be basically eliminated in all key areas for national air pollution prevention and control, as well as in built-up areas of northeastern China and urban agglomerations at prefecture level and above in the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains. Within the coverage area of the central heating pipe network, it is prohibited to build or expand decentralized coal-fired heating boilers, and restrict the construction of new decentralized fossil fuel boilers. Strictly implement the "Guidance Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 Edition)", and under the unified deployment of local governments, the use registration certificate for boilers included in the elimination category will be cancelled in a timely manner; for boilers included in the restricted category, no longer be used for new boilers. Registration, and regular inspections will no longer be carried out on boilers that fail to implement modifications as required.

2. Strictly control the access of new boilers

(1) Implement the main responsibility for product quality of boiler production units. Urge all boiler production units to establish and strictly implement quality and safety responsibility systems such as "daily control, weekly inspection, and monthly dispatch", implement boiler design document identification and boiler product energy efficiency testing systems, and ensure that boiler products comply with safety technical specifications related to safety, energy conservation, and environmental protection. and standard requirements, and be responsible for the safety, energy conservation and environmental protection performance of boiler products. Encourage boiler manufacturing units to provide auxiliary equipment and environmental protection facilities that match boilers.

(2) Implement the technical control responsibilities of boiler inspection agencies. Guide all boiler inspection agencies to strengthen energy efficiency testing and inspection capacity building to ensure the quality of design document identification, energy efficiency testing and inspection. If the boiler design document does not indicate information such as design thermal efficiency and initial emission concentration of air pollutants or does not meet the requirements of mandatory indicators, it will not pass the identification of the design document. The initial emission concentration test of major air pollutants (smoke, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides) in boilers must strictly implement the "Technical Regulations for Boiler Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection". If the test results do not meet the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection indicators, no supervision and inspection will be carried out.

(3) Implement territorial supervision responsibilities. Local market supervision departments must strengthen source supervision and must not accept installation notices or register their use for boilers that do not meet the requirements of safety, energy conservation and environmental protection. In accordance with the requirements of national and local policies and regulations, a negative list of boiler use in the region will be formulated to clarify the types of boilers that will not be registered for use and that need to be eliminated and cancelled. Improve the registration information system for the use of special equipment and impose restrictions on boilers in the negative list.

3. Support technical innovation and renovation of in-use boilers

(1) Promote boiler technology innovation. The State Administration for Market Regulation will actively explore a new model of "sandbox supervision" of new materials, new technologies and new processes for special equipment. Local market supervision departments should be proactive and guide relevant units to strive for policy support such as science and technology, and the first (set) for boilers that use new materials, new technologies, and new processes, or boilers that improve green and low-carbon levels by optimizing parameters, optimizing fuel structure, and adopting new thermal cycles. For boilers and their components that are remanufactured using technologies such as non-destructive testing, additive manufacturing, and flexible processing, each boiler inspection agency must strictly supervise and inspect the manufacturing and installation to ensure the quality of the remanufactured boilers and their components.

(2) Support boiler renewal and transformation. The "Action Plan for Green, Low-Carbon and High-Quality Development of Boilers" clarifies policies and measures to support boiler renewal and transformation, elimination of old boilers, and improvement of production processes. Local market supervision departments should guide and support boiler production and use units to make good use of existing funding channels to carry out boiler renovation and renovation. Cooperate with relevant departments to guide relevant enterprises to use green financial tools to promote boiler equipment and technology upgrades. Focusing on the direction of energy conservation, carbon reduction, ultra-low emissions, etc., relying on large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in actions, we will cooperate with relevant departments to accelerate the renovation of boilers. At the same time, prevent and resolve new safety risks that may arise from boiler products during the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading process to ensure the safety of boiler use.

4. Continue to improve the level of boiler operation management

(1) Implement use management responsibilities. Promote boiler users to strictly implement the relevant requirements of the "Regulations on the Supervision and Management of the Subject Responsibilities of Use Safety by Special Equipment Users", equip safety directors and safety officers in accordance with the law, and establish a safety responsibility system in which the main responsible person is fully responsible and the safety directors and safety officers are responsible at different levels. Comprehensively implement the safety responsibility system for use. In accordance with the requirements of the "Technical Regulations for Boiler Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection", carry out regular energy efficiency tests to improve the level of energy efficiency management in the use process.

(2) Strengthen daily supervision. Local market supervision departments should strengthen on-site supervision and inspection, focusing on preventing the reuse of boilers that have been eliminated by the state and have been scrapped to prevent the resurgence of life. Supervise and urge users to strictly implement safety technical specifications, promptly handle use registration, conduct inspections as required, ensure that operators work with certificates, and eliminate illegal use and illegal operations. Focus on giving full play to the role of grassroots market supervision offices and inspection agencies to identify boiler use areas and environments, and more accurately identify and stop illegal use of boilers.

(3) Use intelligent supervision. Use experience exchange, on-site observation, and typical driving methods to promote qualified units to establish a data monitoring information service platform to improve the level of intelligent operation and management of boilers. Energy efficiency testing institutions are encouraged to use the unified data management system of the State Administration for Market Regulation to upload and update relevant information such as boiler energy efficiency and pollutant emissions in a timely manner.

(4) Carry out demonstration pilots. Support boiler users to carry out operation management demonstrations, and guide boiler users to carry out energy efficiency level benchmarking and compliance. Encourage and support boiler users to give priority to boilers that provide professional management throughout the life cycle, and expand the supply of high-quality boiler products and services. Select boiler production or use units to carry out pilot projects to promote professional technical services in boiler energy efficiency and carbon emissions, and improve the level of boiler energy efficiency and carbon emissions monitoring, accounting and evaluation.

5. Continue to improve the standard and specification system

(1) Accelerate the formulation and revision of standards. The State Administration for Market Regulation will give full play to the leading and supporting role of standards, accelerate the formulation and revision of relevant national standards such as the "Technical Specifications for Comprehensive Evaluation of Industrial Boiler Energy Efficiency","Boiler Carbon Emission Testing and Calculation Methods" and "Biomass Boiler Technical Specifications", and improve boiler thermal efficiency., system energy efficiency and other indicator requirements, optimize boiler energy efficiency and carbon emission testing, carbon footprint assessment and other methods, and clarify combustion control requirements and initial nitrogen oxide emission concentration limits. Local market supervision departments should promote the formulation and revision of relevant local standards in the boiler field based on local realities.

(2) Improve safety technical specifications. The State Administration for Market Regulation will revise the "Technical Regulations for Boiler Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection" and "Technical Regulations for Boiler Safety" to clarify the measurement method of boiler normal water level water volume, solve problems such as the application of boiler materials, optimize boiler product performance indicators, and further strengthen the trinity of boiler safety, energy conservation and environmental protection Supervision model improves boiler intrinsic safety and green and low-carbon levels from the source.

6. Strengthen organizational guarantees

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. It is necessary to combine local realities, focus on key links and key tasks, further clarify goals and tasks, refine work measures, strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and strengthen overall coordination. Vigorously carry out publicity and guidance, carry out publicity and implementation to market supervision systems, production units, and user units, and encourage the inclusion of the "Action Plan for Green, Low-Carbon, and High-Quality Development of Boilers" into the education and training of leading cadres.

(2) Strengthen departmental linkage. It is necessary to strengthen cooperation with relevant departments such as development and reform, ecological environment, industry and informatization in information sharing, joint supervision and law enforcement, and jointly promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development actions for boilers. Actively verify with the ecological environment department whether the region is a city that does not meet the standards for fine particulate matter (PM2.5), carry out a survey of the number of boilers, and improve and dynamically update the boiler list. Cooperate with relevant departments to eliminate inefficient and backward old boilers, transform energy conservation, carbon reduction and pollution reduction, and ban non-condensing natural gas boilers from entering the market, strictly implement relevant requirements for boiler elimination, promptly cancel the use registration certificate of obsolete boilers, and no longer implement Regular inspection.

(3) Play a demonstration role. Encourage the exploration of green, low-carbon and high-quality development paths for the boiler industry that are in line with local realities. Organize places with foundation, conditions and willingness to carry out pilot demonstrations, explore effective methods and useful experiences, and strive to form a replicable and promoted model. Establish an expert team to provide technical guidance during pilot demonstration construction. Strengthen target assessment and regularly report on work progress. By summarizing and summarizing the development results of different regions, a new model suitable for the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of boilers will be gradually formed.

(4) Summarize and report in a timely manner. It is necessary to promptly summarize the work related to the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of boilers to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the data. Before December 1 of each year, each provincial market supervision department shall submit a summary of its annual work to the Special Equipment Bureau of the State Administration for Market Supervision.

General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation

28 March 2024

(This document is publicly released)

Message source:General Administration of market supervision


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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