The industry is making efforts to improve the price mechanism of new energy storage to participate in the spot market and auxiliary service market, improve equipment reliability and management operation and maintenance levels, so as to realize the multiple values of energy storage, efficient support for the power system, and obtain reasonable benefits.

The "2023 Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Plant Safety Information Statistical Data"(hereinafter referred to as the "Data") released by the China Electricity Council (hereinafter referred to as "China Electricity Council") at the Second China Energy Storage Conference on March 27 shows that in 2023, China's electrochemical energy storage power plants averaged 162 equivalent charges and discharges, with an average output coefficient of 0.54 and an average reserve coefficient of 0.84.

“此前行业对电化学储能建而不用,收益不及预期的质疑声很大。2023年,电化学储能电站利用情况整体基本平稳,几大核心场景有所好转。 The annual average operating coefficient is 0.13, the average daily operating hours are 3.12 hours, the average annual operating hours are 1139 hours, and the average utilization index is 27% 。”中电联电动交通与储能分会副秘书长马晓光进一步介绍,具体到不同应用场景,工商业配储平均运行系数由2022年的0.4提升至0.59(日均运行14.25小时),平均利用率指数由2022年的45%提升至65%;新能源配储平均运行系数由2022年的0.06提升至0.09(日均运行2.18小时),平均利用率指数17%;独立储能平均运行系数0.11(日均运行2.61小时),平均利用率指数由2022年的30%提升至38%。

Find out the "family background" and operating level

In June 2023, the National Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Station Safety Monitoring Information Platform was officially launched and applied, carrying out safety information reporting, risk hazard investigation and other work to support the industry to comprehensively understand the "bottom line" and safe operation level of electrochemical energy storage.

According to data collected by the National Electrochemical Energy Storage Power Station Safety Monitoring Information Platform, as of the end of 2023, a total of 958 electrochemical energy storage power stations have been put into operation, with an installed capacity of 25GW/50.86GWh. In 2023, 486 new power stations will be put into operation, with an installed capacity of 18.11GW/36.81GWh. The total power will increase nearly 4 times year-on-year, exceeding the total cumulative installed capacity in previous years. This means that the installed capacity of electrochemical energy storage that has been put into operation is equivalent to 0.86% of the country's total installed power supply and 2.24% of the total installed capacity of new energy. Among them, the newly installed capacity of electrochemical energy storage in 2023 is equivalent to 4.91% of the newly installed capacity of power supply and 6.08% of the newly installed capacity of new energy.

From a regional perspective, the top ten provinces and regions with total newly commissioned installed capacity are Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Hunan, Shandong, Xinjiang, Hubei, Anhui, Guizhou, and Guangxi, with a total installed capacity of approximately 15.67GW, accounting for 86.51%. Among them, 8.28GW of new energy distribution and storage capacity was added, mainly distributed in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shandong and other provinces; 9.26GW of new independent energy storage capacity was added, mainly distributed in Ningxia, Hunan, Shandong, Hubei and other provinces; A total of 0.7GW was put into operation on the user side, of which industrial and commercial energy storage accounted for 72.88% of the installed capacity on the user side. All new installed capacity in 2023 will be allocated energy storage by industrial and commercial industries, mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other provinces.

《数据》分析,The electrochemical energy storage power stations that have been put into operation are gradually showing a trend of centralization and large-scale ,投运百兆瓦级以上大型电站装机12.81GW,占比51.23%。2023年,新增投运大型、中型、小型及以下电站总装机占比分别为54.89%、44.20%、0.91%。

In terms of energy efficiency, in 2023, electrochemical energy storage (only on the grid side) will have an off-grid power of 1869GWh and an on-grid power of 1476GWh, with an average comprehensive efficiency of 78.98%. In 2023, the electrochemical energy storage power station will have a charging capacity of 3680GWh and a discharging capacity of 3195GWh, with an average conversion efficiency of 86.82%.

In terms of operational reliability, the overall safe operation of the electrochemical energy storage power station in 2023 will be good, with no major safety incidents occurring throughout the year, and the availability factor reaching 0.97. 769 planned outages, the average planned outage duration per unit energy is 91.29 hours, and the planned outage times per unit energy are 9.99 times/100MWh. There were 1030 unplanned outages, the average unplanned outage duration per unit energy was 29.12 hours, and the number of unplanned outages per unit energy was 26.73 times/100MWh. Among them, the quality problems of key equipment, systems and integrated installation of the power station are the main reasons for unplanned outages of the power station, accounting for more than 80% of the number of unplanned outages.

Take multiple measures to improve utilization

In addition, China Electricity Council also conducted statistics on the average operating conditions of power stations that have been put into operation for one year.

In the field of new energy distribution and storage power stations on the power supply side, the average operation of new energy distribution and storage power stations with a scale of 5MW-10MW is relatively good, with an average annual operation of 982 hours, an average annual utilization of 874 hours, and an average annual equivalent charge and discharge of 156 times., the average utilization index is 22%.

How to improve the utilization rate of energy storage power stations? In the past two years, the industry has made efforts to improve the price mechanism of new energy storage to participate in the spot market and auxiliary service market, improve the reliability of equipment and management and operation levels, etc., in order to achieve multiple values of energy storage and efficient support for the power system., and obtain reasonable benefits.

"At this stage, energy storage is still in the early stages of large-scale development, and technological innovation, business models and policy support need to be continuously improved. The high-quality development of the energy storage industry requires a profound grasp of the laws of energy transformation and create conditions for new energy storage to move from value to price." Liu Yongdong, deputy secretary-general of China Electricity Council, pointed out that the scale and type of energy storage should be reasonably determined based on the planning needs of the power system to improve the utilization level of energy storage power stations. "At the same time, based on the role and positioning of energy storage in the power system, combined with local new energy consumption, resource characteristics, grid structure, load characteristics, grid security, power supply structure and other factors, we will take power system planning as the leader and guide in an orderly manner. The pace of construction and avoid duplicate allocation of resources. From the perspective of optimizing power system operation and improving energy storage utilization, new energy stations are encouraged to implement resource adjustment requirements by leasing part of the capacity of independent energy storage, gradually expand the proportion of independent energy storage and shared energy storage, and improve call friendliness."

"Under the current mechanism, although some local governments have subsidies, as the scale of energy storage expands, subsidies are difficult to sustain. It is particularly urgent to establish a long-term mechanism to ensure the profitability of new energy storage and improve mechanisms such as the electricity energy market and auxiliary service market." Liu Yongdong pointed out that in view of the unity of functions and values of new energy storage and pumped storage, it is recommended to carry out new energy storage capacity verification research, scientifically and reasonably determine new energy storage capacity verification rules, rationalize various flexible power pricing mechanisms, and introduce new energy storage capacity electricity prices or capacity compensation policies to promote reasonable competition for various flexible resources.

original title:The utilization level of electrochemical energy storage has steadily increased


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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