Qin Hui, a 56-year-old Chinese entrepreneur, was a frequent visitor to the rich list and founded Hong Kong Xingmei Culture Company. However, he was recently embroiled in a shocking legal dispute.

覃辉在纽约东区联邦法院面临多项指控,包括政治捐款、移民欺诈和伪造身份文件等罪名。在认罪协议中,他不得不放弃他在美国的合法永久居民身份,并面临着最高27年的监禁。自从他于2023年被捕以来,覃辉一直被关押在监狱中。 这位富豪曾是中国最神秘的商业巨头之一,他旗下的夜总会"天上人间"曾名噪一时。然而,他在15年前选择了隐退,鲜少露面。

According to the allegations, Qin Hui made political donations to a number of elected officials in 2019 in the name of others, including a candidate in New York City and a member of the House of Representatives, as well as a candidate for Congress in Rhode Island. He agreed to repay the amount of political donations paid by those borrowing names.

What is shocking is that these campaign committees were unaware of it. They submitted false donation reports to the Federal Election Commission in 2022, and Qin Hui donated 11,600 yuan as a false donor.

In addition, Qin Hui also admitted to submitting a false permanent resident application in 2019, claiming that he had never used another name. However, in fact, he obtained a pseudonym "Muk Lam Li" in 2008 and used it to carry out a series of frauds, including forging identity documents and transferring millions of dollars to Bank of America. He even bought a luxury apartment in Manhattan under that pseudonym.

Qin Hui also pleaded guilty to charges of defrauding a driving license. He applied for a Florida driver's license in 2020, claiming to be a local resident, but in fact he was not.

In addition to these allegations, Qin Hui is also involved in a Chinese civil lawsuit that seeks the enforcement of a huge arbitral award against him. According to the judge, Qin Hui transferred his Long Island home to his ex-mother-in-law and ex-wife at a very low price, which was considered a contempt of the court.

Qin Hui's life was full of twists and turns and controversy. He was once one of China's top billionaires and controlled many media companies. However, his rise was accompanied by abuse of power and the shadow of illegal behavior, which ultimately led to his collapse.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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