The following article comes from Understanding the Sutra, written by Li Ye

Understand the scriptures.

Finally waiting for you to come together to understand the scriptures

A new productivity representative with the scientific name of "Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft"(eVTOL) with the typical scene of "air taxis" suddenly became popular.

eVTOL takes off and takes off vertically, does not require a runway, does not require pure electric power, and is safer, environmentally friendly and quieter. It has high hopes in solving the future demand for short-distance air travel within and between cities. ** It is expected that the market size will reach 500 billion yuan by 2035. **. On this new track of "low-altitude economy", Shanghai got up early-nationwide, almost all recognized leading companies in the industry are in Shanghai.

Forensic evidence until at least 2026

Fengfei Aviation Technology, born in Shanghai, attracted attention in the Pearl River last month.

深圳和珠海,分别位于珠江口东西两岸,两地常规交通,坐船70分钟,开车或铁路在2小时以上。2月27日,峰飞自研的eVTOL盛世龙从蛇口码头起飞,在深圳湾上空盘旋一周后,飞往50公里外珠海九洲港码头并稳稳降落,全程20分钟。盛世龙为5座设计,此次跨海跨城飞行以模拟人代替了真人。峰飞高级副总裁谢嘉透露,盛世龙载人版正在进行适航审定相关工作, Strive to obtain evidence in 2026

Fengfei's self-developed eVTOL Shengshilong completes cross-sea and cross-city flight

However, the freight version of the Keriou V2000CG deployed by Fengfei at the same time is expected to obtain evidence at the end of this month, and has received more than 200 domestic and foreign orders. In addition to commercial logistics, it can also be used for emergency material transportation, island logistics, fire disaster relief, etc. Scenes, commercial operation is imminent.

It must be pointed out that between carrying objects and carrying people, the safety index of the complete machine in the catastrophic failure state of the former must reach the minus fifth power of 10, while the latter must be higher than the minus seventh power of 10. The difference between the two is more than a hundred times.

Yufeng Future, who is also a "Shanghai-born", the founder team once worked at the Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute of Comac. It started from the development of small and medium-sized eVTOL industrial drones. ** The ultimate goal is to realize the commercialization of manned eVTOL **. Since last year, a small island east of Chongming Island without residents, fresh water, and commercial power has used Yufeng Future E40 industrial drones as a transport flight, which has transported more than 10 tons of materials to the island, greatly shortening the island's material supply cycle. At present, Yufeng's future industrial drones have been widely used in emergency response, fire protection, island logistics and other fields. This aspect brings continuous and stable cash flow to the company to support the continuous investment in manned eVTOL research and development. On the other hand, it also Accumulates flight data to verify self-developed flight control. A few months ago, the Yufeng future 2-ton electric vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing manned aircraft M1, which has self-developed core technology and independently controllable supply chain, successfully made its first flight in Jinshan District.

Yufeng Future 2-ton electric vertical take-off and landing fixed-wing manned aircraft M1 successfully made its first flight in Jinshan District

相比前两家上海企业,时的科技更年轻,成立于2021年,其基因硬核,CEO曾任空客中国工程中心总工程师,负责A350宽体大飞机研发。时的自主研发的倾转旋翼载人电动飞行器E20型号,已于去年10月获民航华东管理局正式受理,目标在2026年下半年实现适航取证。与不少同行不同的是,时的认为,eVTOL载物的商业价值不高,故直接聚焦载人eVTOL的研发,用于城市中心应用及城际往返。以城际往返为例,载人eVTOL一旦规模化运营,成本完全可媲美地面专车服务。 For example, from Shanghai Pudong New International Expo Center to Suzhou's "Oriental Gate", it takes 100 kilometers one way and takes less than 25 minutes. The charge for a single person is 300 yuan.

The E20 model of the independently developed tiltrotor manned electric aircraft was officially accepted by the Civil Aviation East China Administration in October last year.

Almost all the heads are in Shanghai

In the aircraft field, there is an objective power gap between China and Europe and the United States. But just like China's new energy vehicles overtaking traditional oil trucks in corners, today in the eVTOL field, the United States, Europe and China are almost at the same starting line.

The reason why the industry made this judgment is based on its confidence in China's new energy technology and eVTOL industrial chain. Sheng Liang, vice president of Yufeng Future, said that the industrial chain of eVTOL is highly similar to that of new energy vehicles. The rapid development and iteration of China's battery, motor, and electronic control technologies have the ability to support China's overtaking in corners in the field of aviation electrification.

According to reports, there are currently three main forces in the low-altitude economic track-those who originally built drones, such as Fengfei; those who started businesses with an aviation background, such as Shiji Technology, Volant, Yufeng Future, etc.; and manufacturing giants such as large aircraft and automobiles have entered the game, such as Airbus, Volkswagen, Xiaopeng, Geely, etc. At present, each family has its own genes and has its own advantages, but eVTOL has not yet been finalized, and everything is possible. However, the industry unanimously believes that China's "Green Aviation Manufacturing Development Outline (2023-2035)" plans that "by 2035, new general aviation equipment with unmanned, electric and intelligent technical characteristics will be commercialized." Large-scale application ", this goal is not radical.

正积极推进新型工业化的上海,绝不会缺席低空经济。时的科技联合创始人蒋俊认为,上海有C919中国制造大飞机,航空产业人才集聚优势无可比拟。上海更有三电(电池、电机和电控系统)成熟完整的供应链优势,“因此, Shanghai is the absolute base of technology at the time”。据蒋俊观察,基于国内其他区域短期内难以企及的比较优势,** 包括峰飞、御风未来、沃兰特等在内的eVTOL头部企业几乎全在上海。**

How to avoid "catching up on late sets"?

So, how should Shanghai avoid "catching up late fairs" when it's getting up early? The heads of many eVTOL leading companies interviewed by the reporter all had something to say.

One of the suggestions is to be willing to be both willing to fund and be patient. 上海是在全国率先布局未来产业的城市,低空经济属于上海五大未来产业之一的“未来空间”范畴。市经信委副主任张宏韬曾在去年3月上海市产业技术创新大会上表态:“未来产业的规律极难捕捉,上海唯二的确定性,在于人才和土壤。”蒋俊也告诉记者,载人eVTOL的研发绕不开5年以上的耗时和10亿元以上的耗资,数年磨一剑的项目,除了人才与土壤条件,还需要政府对产业投资基金的积极引导,尽可能减少对创新企业营收、盈利指标的追逐。事实上,将投资周期放宽到8至10年的产业投资基金,在国内罕见。

Sheng Liang, vice president of Yufeng Future, also emphasized the importance of patient and generous industry guidance funds. He said that American manufacturer Joby is the absolute leader in the global eVTOL field. The financial support and industrial investment resources Joby has received under the guidance of the U.S. government are more than 100 times that of China's current top counterparts. "eVTOL involves the country's future industrial development direction. I hope that government departments can give eVTOL more incentives, rewards and subsidies as they support Shanghai's biomedicine and integrated circuit industries." In fact, Shanghai has domestic pursuers. Some cities in the south have established multi-billion-yuan low-altitude industry funds through legislation by the National People's Congress. The local government has provided corresponding support in all stages of eVTOL research and development, testing and verification, and evidence collection.

eVTOL from Joby, USA

The second suggestion is to allow the low-altitude economy to "have space for verifiable testing, scenarios for application demonstrations, and customers for purchase and use." 峰飞航空科技高级副总裁谢嘉说,新技术需要在新的应用场景中飞起来、用起来,才能真正促进技术迭代创新,也为监管机构提供更多数据。

At this year's National "Two Sessions", Zhang Ying, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and director of the Shanghai City Economic and Information Technology Commission, brought a proposal on promoting the utilization of low-altitude airspace and accelerating the cultivation and development of low-altitude economy, and proposed to strengthen the top-level design of low-altitude economy. Five major recommendations include promoting low-altitude airspace management reform, piloting low-altitude infrastructure construction, increasing research and development of low-altitude aircraft, and creating low-altitude characteristic application scenarios. She believes that by transforming low-altitude airspace, an underutilized natural resource, immeasurable economic resources will be generated in the future and will surely become an important direction for China's new development momentum.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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