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** Author| ** First Finance Li Na

Rouyu Technology also mentioned in the statement that recent rumors originated from individual employees of the company who left the company and were filed for bankruptcy review in the name of an option settlement dispute. 公司一直以来都非常重视维护员工的合法权益。公司将基于客观事实,依法依规积极稳妥处理好相关事宜。

There are more than 20 pieces of information on the person subject to execution, and the total amount executed exceeds 3 billion yuan 柔宇科技,这家曾经的独角兽企业,近期因面临破产审查传闻而再次成为公众关注的焦点。
公开资料显示,深圳市柔宇科技股份有限公司成立于2012年5月,法定代表人为刘自鸿,注册资本3.6亿元,由刘自鸿、中信资本(深圳)资产管理有限公司、深圳市创新投资集团有限公司等共同持股。 Risk information shows that the company has more than 20 pieces of information on the person subject to execution, and the total amount executed exceeds 3 billion yuan. 早在2018年10月,柔宇科技曾因其创新的柔性屏技术而备受关注,推出了包括折叠屏手机FlexPai、FlexPai 2在内的多款产品。然而,** 自2021年科创板IPO受阻后,柔宇科技开始遭遇一系列财务困境。** 从柔宇此前曾披露过的招股说明书中可以看到,该公司业务的盈利能力并不理想。
此外,** 记者注意到,2021年2月撤回上市申请后,柔宇科技欠薪的消息就开始发酵,在一些职场社交平台上,也开始出现诸如“年终奖还不发,报销拖了大半年不给钱”的欠薪讨论。 ** 业内人士评价,柔宇科技的破产审查是其长期积累的财务问题和市场挑战的结果。这家曾经的独角兽企业的命运,不仅反映了科技行业的残酷竞争,也提醒着所有企业在追求技术创新的同时,必须注重财务健康和市场导向的战略规划。

The large-scale implementation of "no product" has become the biggest question in the outside world

Shenzhen Rouyu Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2012. The legal representative is Liu Zihong and the registered capital is 360 million yuan. It is jointly held by Liu Zihong, CITIC Capital (Shenzhen) Asset Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd., etc. Risk information shows that the company has more than 20 pieces of information on the person subject to execution, and the total amount executed exceeds 3 billion yuan.

Trying to "jump out" of the mainstream track on the flexible screen and choosing independent research and development, Rouyu Technology has been full of controversy in its growth.

Liu Zihong received a doctorate in electronic engineering from Stanford University at the age of 26. In 2012, he co-founded Rouyu Technology with his partners. 2019年下半年,柔宇科技完成F轮融资,上市前估值达到60亿美元,成为全球成长最快的独角兽科技创新公司之一。** 但一直以来,“没有产品”大规模落地一直是外界对柔宇科技最大的疑问。**



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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