最美人间四月天 不负春光与时行 正是春暖花开之日 许多小伙伴都按捺不住 想要出门的心了 这不,Welfare is here! 近期Many places carry out "high-speed rail + tourism" preferential activities凭高铁票前往当地景区 优惠多多 一起来看看吧!

April 1 to August 31凭高铁票前往 河南省新乡市各景区You can find five scenic spots in Xinxiang South Taihang享受景区门票8折优惠

Scenery of Baoquan Tourist Resort, Henan. Photo by Li Jianan (Xinhua Agency)

April 7 to April 25凭长治地区高铁票**游玩长治所有A级景区(35家)**均可在原门市价格的基础上 享受首道门票5折优惠

Yanji Piyan Mountain Scenic Area, Changbai Mountain Hongshifeng Scenic Area

Officials from many scenic spots such as the Songhua River Tourism Ecological Scenic Area announce that passengers can enjoy various discounts with their high-speed rail tickets within 2 days

Changbai Mountain (drone photo). Photo by Xu Chang (Xinhua Agency)

Are these high-speed rail travel benefits very exciting? Take the high-speed rail and set off!


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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