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News of the disappearance of a 13-year-old girl from Ziyang, Shaanxi

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On March 25, Xiao Han, a 13-year-old girl from Hanwang Town, Ziyang County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, lost contact and remains missing. The reporter learned that ** Before the incident, Xiao Han had said that he would go out to get a delivery for his classmates, but in fact he did not go to the delivery station to pick up the delivery **.

Mr. Han introduced that he has three children. Xiao Han, who lost contact, is the eldest. He is 13 years old and is in the first year of junior high school. Xiao Han is the squad leader in class, has good grades in school, is also very diligent at home, and has an optimistic and cheerful personality.

小韩父母张贴的寻人启事显示,Xiao Han finished his meal after school on the afternoon of March 25, 2024, about 18:50 has not returned since he left home. When he left home, he wore a black and green school uniform and white coffee sneakers.

Xiao Han's parents later learned that her daughter had gone out to play with her classmates that night, and her classmates had sent her home at around 21 o'clock, but she did not enter the house, but went out alone again.

事发当晚的监控显示,21:At 17:00, Xiao Han was running

31日上午,记者联系到小韩的父亲韩先生。韩先生告诉记者,"There are no clues yet. It's already the seventh day. The search range is on the mountains on the river, and even police dogs have been dispatched."

Mr. Han said that his daughter was a first-year student and a squad leader. She was relatively normal before she disappeared and had never quarreled with her family.

Xiao Han's mother said that on the 25th, 18th:After dinner at 50, when my daughter left home, she said she would help her classmates pick up the delivery and promised to go back quickly and read and study when she came back.

女儿的手机坏了,学习期间也没让她玩手机,电话手表也没带。He had no communication equipment or identification when he left.

The nearest delivery point was only a few hundred meters away from home, but investigation and monitoring found that Xiao Han did not go to the delivery point closest to home, but went to another delivery point. After looking outside, he did not enter, and turned around and left. Monitoring also showed:** Xiao Han suddenly started running **.

Xiao Han's parents later learned that her daughter had gone out to play with her classmates that night. At 9 o'clock that night, her classmates had sent her home, but she did not enter the house, but went out alone again. Mr. Han checked the surveillance and found that at around 21 o'clock that night, his daughter disappeared into the surveillance video after walking down an aisle.

"There are blind spots back there, so I didn't get it." 韩韩父亲说,他家离她走失的地点有一公里左右,走路需要十分钟。视频显示,小韩失踪时身穿黑绿色校服,脚穿白咖色运动鞋。

Family members posted missing persons notices

当地警方和家人朋友动员多人参与寻找,也咨询了其同学老师,但暂无消息。韩先生称,由于当地地处山区,多人在周边沿着盘山公路、河道、后山、山洞、桥洞等地搜寻,并到处张贴寻人启事,但仍没有女儿的消息, "I drove all over a hundred miles around and searched house, but there was still no result."

事发后,当地派出所民警也在微信朋友圈发出寻人启事。汉王镇镇政府人员告诉记者,"The police station and emergency office are currently conducting an emergency search." 韩先生表示,希望看见女儿的朋友们转告她速归,家人都很着急,到处在找她。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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