The number of Tangshan electric heavy trucks exceeded 10,000, and more than 100,000 vehicles participated in peak and valley regulation of the power grid for the first time.

从国网冀北电力获悉,截止到4月2日,河北唐山电动重卡保有量首次突破10000辆,Reach 10170 vehicles ,约占全国总量的六分之一,居全国首位。超过10万辆次电动重卡首次参与了电网峰谷调节,调节电量超50万千瓦时, China's first electric heavy truck virtual power plant operation model has been initially established ▲ 国网冀北电力充电服务人员在唐山市乐亭县海港经济开发区电动重卡充电站查看充电设备情况。陈兴 摄 2023年11月底,工信部等八部门出台文件,在全国范围内选择15个城市,启动首批公共领域车辆全面电动化先行区试点,唐山是重卡电动化示范试点城市。在唐山,电动重卡主要应用于港口物流、矿山运输等场景,具有低碳环保、运营成本低等优势。今年一季度,该地区新增重卡充换电站30座,充电量达1.7亿千瓦时,同比增长17%,创历史新高。目前该地区已建成重卡充换电站332座、充电桩2618个,累计充电量超14亿千瓦时。 电动重卡的电池具有储能单元容量大、充电功率高的特点,是一种非常优质的储能资源。国网冀北电力在全国首次将电动重卡电池资源进行聚合,以虚拟电厂模式运营,通过参与电力辅助服务市场,在电网负荷低谷时段充电,将电能储存在电池中,从而降低电网峰谷差,促进电力供需平衡和新能源消纳,这样的模式有良好的社会效益和经济效益。 ▲ 国网冀北电力工作人员通过聚合平台查看电动重卡参与 电 网峰谷调节情况。 贾斯嘉 摄 “电网负荷低谷时段也是新能源发电高峰时段,从电力供需平衡的角度看,重卡每多充一度电就可以让新能源多发一度电。目前,我们聚合了11座重卡充换电站电池储能资源,调节能力最大可达2.23万千瓦,相当于多让4台大功率风力发电机运行发电。如果把唐山所有重卡充换电站电池资源全都聚合,调节能力预计最大可达50万千瓦,单月可增发新能源电量约500万千瓦时。”国网冀北唐山供电公司副总经理孟祥来说。 同时,电动重卡充电享受峰谷电价。在电网负荷低谷时段,重卡充电价格最低,一度电最高可以节省约0.75元,一辆重卡充一次电最高可节省315元,对于降低运营成本价值很大。

In order to ensure the reliable charging of electric heavy trucks, State Grid Hebei Electric Power focuses on the core transportation trunk network of Tangshan electric heavy trucks, strengthens the upgrading of supporting power grids, and strives to improve the "self-repair" capabilities such as power grid fault judgment and fault isolation. The comprehensive power supply reliability rate reaches 99.99%. At the same time,"green channels" have been opened up in terms of access and capacity expansion of heavy truck charging and replacing facilities to minimize the waiting time for installation and power connection and improve power handling efficiency.

▲ 国网冀北唐山供电公司工作人员在唐山市丰南区一家企业重卡充电站,检查充电桩设备。周宇翔 摄 “当前,电动重卡作为减污降碳的新选择,也成为了培育新质生产力的重要引擎。在政策引导下,电动重卡参与电网调节的积极性越来越高,市场活力日益凸显,应用前景愈发广阔。今年,我们将进一步完善市场化机制,通过绿电交易让电动重卡充绿电。同时,拓展虚拟电厂聚合规模,让更多的电动重卡参与车网互动,实现电动重卡与电网间电能灵活调节,助力新型电力系统建设。”国网冀北电力营销部主任霍大伟表示。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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