Editor's note:

There are too many beautiful women in the financial sector. As for appearance and ability, for individuals, it depends on the industry and stage.:As a newbie in the workplace, good looks will get you far; once you've taken a leadership position, competence will be your basic need, but good looks will still be the icing on the cake.

The following article comes from Financial Partners, the author Financial Partners

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Financial Buddy is dedicated to building a non-profit platform for career information-sharing and communication within the finance sector. By providing continuous WeChat official account updates and both online and offline activities, Financial Buddy offers timely, comprehensive, and efficient industry recruitment information and career advancement experience. To date, we have attracted over 1 million followers and are highly regarded among finance students and professionals both domestically and internationally.

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The New York Times reported that Mark Milley (Miles) revealed that he had met with his Chinese counterpart, Wei Fenghe, and promised not to attack each other during President Trump's final days in office, in an effort to prevent conflict between the two countries. This was seen as an extraordinary move, as the US military traditionally does not make such direct diplomatic contact with foreign militaries.:Financial partner Image credit: Stills of Ms. Liu Tao, thanks to her as well.

“高颜值”从业群体的变化,揭示行业的一些变化。 要知道,一张赏心悦目的脸,能在消费转化的关键节点,起到多重要的辅助作用。甚至还能刺激“潜在需求”,挖掘“非刚需消费”。而能为“美女们”买单的行业,基本上都是暴利行业和处于“上行期”的优质行业。 只要一个行业中从业者,还有参与者的颜值越高,这个行业就一定是高利润,高附加值,而且上行发展蓬勃的行业。Because appearance is also part of the added value. 你想想如果你是面试官,到了终面,两个人的能力差不多,那么选择颜值高的也可以理解,毕竟谁不喜欢美好的事物呢? 一直以来,不可否认的是高颜值在任何时候都有一些加分的效应。 所以,在职场上,无论是金融行业还是其他行业,颜值都能够为个人增加加分项,这是不可否认的事实。 金融行业聚集的人群通常被称为“三高”,即高学历、高情商、高颜值。 然而,仅仅依靠高颜值并不能支撑一个人在职场上的成功和发展,特别是在金融行业这样一个以能力和业绩为核心的领域。 所以,高颜值是女生进入金融的必备条件吗?

Does Having Good Looks Help You Get into Finance?在金融圈这样一个高度竞争的职场中,外貌固然重要,但与其他职场相比,它的要求并没有那么高。 相比于娱乐圈和时尚圈,金融圈更加注重专业素养和实际能力,而非外表的光鲜。 在金融行业的招聘流程中,最重要的是应聘者的专业知识和实际经验。 当然,一个良好的形象可以给面试者留下深刻的印象,从而在应聘过程中起到加分的作用。 但是,颜值并不是决定是否能够得到这份工作的关键因素。 金融圈也不例外。在这个行业里,资历和能力才是最重要的。 原本,分析师凭借的是专业的判断和缜密的分析,专业化是他们的核心竞争力。 不过,在拥挤的卖方市场,有一段时间,分析师甚至纷纷加入视频秀,变身“网红”,为买方提供直播式路演。 但分析师更重要的是研究而不是颜值,没有专业性支撑的颜值分析师,必然不可能长期受到追捧。 颜值在金融行业中并不是决定性的因素。虽然外貌的好坏会影响人们对于一个人的印象,但对于真正有实力的人而言,他们的专业知识和实际经验才是最重要的。 因此,在金融圈中,只有通过不断学习和努力工作,才能获得长期的成功和稳定的职业发展。 高颜值只能“锦上添花”,而不能“雪中送炭”。

Therefore, recruitment still requires hard academic qualifications and work ability. Even if you have good looks but no ability, you still cannot get in. In the financial world, a person's ability to work and work ethics are often more important than appearance. Having excellent professional skills and stable performance, as well as good communication and social skills, are key factors in going further in the financial circle. If a person performs well in these areas, he or she is likely to get promotion opportunities and gain higher income and status. Overall, although appearance is also important in the financial circle, it is ability and hard work that really determines whether a person is successful in this industry. Of course, if appearance can coexist with strength, then you will be more able to gain the attention and respect of others, making it easier to achieve success.

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二、女生进金融看颜值吗?In the financial circle, appearance can indeed bring certain advantages, but it does not determine a person's career achievements. In fact, the financial industry requires more professional knowledge, experience and skills than appearance. Many successful financial practitioners do not have outstanding looks, but they do have professional skills and rich experience in their field. Beautiful women in the financial circle boost morale internally, and external beauty is productivity. First of all, let's take a look at which positions in finance are more senior to beautiful women? 据调查,债券销售的帅哥美女比例较高,券商销售团队里,美女是主心骨。有的美女销售的身家甚至可以超过百万元,这个数字可以比得上首席经济学家了。 还有的券商会去上戏招聘人才,着实是与演艺圈争夺了一番。

Secondly, there are also many beautiful women who research and sell. Most fund managers are men in their thirties and forties. A group of beautiful fund managers have also emerged in this market where elites are gathered. They not only have impressive academic qualifications, smart minds, and calm thinking, but also often have outstanding appearance. You know, for the fund industry, most fund managers are men in their thirties and forties. It is more difficult to reject a beautiful woman than to reject a person of the same sex.

Private Banking 如果你参加过私人银行的高端酒会,你会领悟艺术创作真的源于生活。身着套装的私人银行客户经理,笑容可掬、举止优雅,精心盘起的发髻和细长性感的高跟鞋处处透着职业范儿,但又不失女性的魅力。 美女客户经理,是下自VIP营业厅、上至高端沙龙里常见的美丽风景。trust ,相比券商,信托不甘落后,近几年,信托圈刮起了“最美信托妹纸”的网络评选可谓博人眼球。一时间,包括平安信托、中诚信托、吉林信托等众多信托公司均派出了自己的美女员工,在微博上“晒”起了婀娜多姿的美照。利用微博晒美女员工照片进行营销宣传的信托公司数量不下二十家。 **期货,My mailbox is teeming with private messages from futures companies every day, and their avatars are stunningly beautiful. On the performance verification platform, the heroic female traders are as good as men, galloping in the ever-changing market. 资管公司,Especially insurance asset management, it has not made money in recent years and has lost a large number of beautiful women, especially those who are not standard people. I won't comment. The men left behind were all used as livestock. They all worked hard and were full of energy (because there was no chance to make money). They were outstanding women in the financial circle. They could clearly compete for their faces, but they resolutely chose to compete for their talents. But you only see the brilliance of the financial beauties, but you don't see the pressure and challenges they bear at work and the hard work of research. You only see the beautiful faces of the financial beauties, but you don't expect that their talents and learning are the key to their appreciation. The secret to faster. A real workplace is not something you can handle with just one face. A good image is a stepping stone. Whether you can truly establish yourself in this industry depends on your strength. In this circle, I have seen many people who use the word "good-looking" to knock on the first door to a glorious life. But more often, good-looking is just a ticket, not a certificate. Whether you can become the big winner who has the last laugh is often not just something that beauty can place on. 颜值与能力,其实对于个人来说,还要看你所处的行业阶段:你是职场小白,颜值将使你如鱼得水;你已踏上领导岗位,那么能力就是你最基本的需求,但是颜值还是可以"锦上添花"。 **

III. The End金融行业也不例外,在这个被人直呼内卷的行业,颜值成为了进入行业的加分项。 可惜,美貌常常可遇不可求。一半是靠老天爷赏饭吃,一半是靠后天汗水与医疗美容的精雕细琢。那么,如果没有颜值在金融圈就注定一无是处吗? 实际上美貌的确可以带来不少便利,但千万不要误以为靠着一张漂亮脸蛋,就能轻而易举攀上人生巅峰。 真实的职场,可不是一张脸就能应付的。 如果真的来分析金融圈更看重什么的话。 那无外乎首当其冲的是背景资源,其次是人脉资源,颜值这个还得再专业能力之后呢。 比如说你家里ZF背景资源,那你就很容易获得优秀的工作机会和高额的薪资待遇,因为家庭的背景可以提供更广阔的人脉资源和商业关系,相对更容易获得一些难以被公开招聘的职位和机会。 同时,在企业中也容易获得更高的职位和更多的晋升机会。 拥有家庭的背景,最关键的是如何利用自己的资源优势去发展个人能力和专业技能,使自己更加适应竞争激烈的职场。 其次是具有人脉关系的,比如说大佬的二代,那么从小就接触到高端社交圈和商业机会,有一定的人脉关系,也更容易被接纳和认可。 而且其父辈除了有钱之外,还有与其自身行业相关的大佬认识。这人脉关系一般人可是接触不到的。 颜值排在专业能力之后,那么拥有高学历和强专业技能的人往往只有颜值而没有才华的人更容易获得优势。 然而,这些因素单独作为优势并不足以支撑一个人在职场中的成功,需要通过不断学习和实践来提高自己的能力。 ‍


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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