亚洲是推动全球发展与合作的重要力量。3月26日至29日,博鳌亚洲论坛2024年年会在海南博鳌启动。 "Asia and the World":Common challenges, common responsibilities", establishing four major sections of "world economy", "scientific and technological innovation", "social development" and "international cooperation", with dozens of topics in total, focusing on how the international community can jointly meet challenges and share responsibilities. 论坛邀请包括东道国政府在内的各国领导人、政府官员、国际组织负责人、企业代表、专家学者和媒体人士出席,共同探讨亚洲与世界如何凝心聚力,共迎挑战,共同推动和平与稳定,实现共同发展。

During the Forum, Professor Zheng Yongnian, Dean of the Shenzhen Research Institute for Hong Kong and Macao Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), and President of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Research Institute, Guangzhou, was invited to participate in the “4th Global Free Trade Port Development Forum” and the “South China Sea” Themed Forum” to contribute his ideas on promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly creating a better future for Asia and the world.

The Forum Annual Conference Logo of the Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center. (Photo taken on March 22, 2024) (Source::Xinhua News Agency

Hainan Free Trade Port to Follow Path of Institutional Opening-up

3月27日,The Fourth Global Free Trade Port Development Forum of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 was held with the theme of "Partnership, Opening-up, and Cooperation" 邀请韩国济州特别自治道知事吴怜勋、中国香港特别行政区政府政务司司长陈国基、商务部自贸区港建设协调司副司长何咏前、新加坡樟宜机场国际管理投资公司首席执行官颜浩君、意大利经济发展部前副部长米凯莱·杰拉奇、中远海运集团副总经理张勇、瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院集团董事会主席卡罗尔·阿克曼、中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长迟福林,以及香港中文大学(深圳)前海国际事务研究院院长郑永年等参与讨论。与会嘉宾围绕构建全球自贸区(港)伙伴关系、探索合作共赢模式、持续扩大制度型开放等议题进行交流探讨。

“建设自贸区(港),是我们推进全球化的一个重要举措。”郑永年教授在发言中指出,自去年海南自贸港联合25个自贸区(港)及自贸试验区共同发起《全球自由贸易区(港)伙伴关系倡议》以来,越来越多的自贸区(港)加入“朋友圈”。 The continuous expansion of the global free trade zone (harbor) "circle of friends" can further promote the cooperation of global free trade zone (harbor) and realize the high interconnection of production factors.

“要以制度型开放推动中国自贸区(港)高质量发展”,郑永年教授反复The core mission of institutionalized opening-up is to dock with international high-standard trade and economic rules. 他认为,海南应围绕规则、规制、标准、管理等方面的制度型开放大做文章,“这也正是推动生产要素实现高度互联互通的重要发力点”。

International Free Trade Ports Development Forum

Source Image:Organizer

Avoiding U.S.-China Rivalry

Stuck in a "binary opposition" game

Maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea region and promoting maritime cooperation in the South China Sea region are the common responsibility and vision of countries surrounding the South China Sea. How can countries surrounding the South China Sea promote the construction of a community with a shared future in the South China Sea through a global governance concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits? How can countries surrounding the South China Sea shelve disputes and use marine environmental protection and blue economic cooperation as the starting point to assist marine governance and cooperation in the region? ** This year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2024 "South China Sea Theme Sub-Forum" focuses on the theme of "Guided by cooperation and jointly building a community with a shared future in the South China Sea", and invites experts at home and abroad to convey strong voices of Asian cooperation.

郑永年在发言中指出,中美竞争的升级导致南海领土争端日益尖锐:一方面,美国邀请日本、菲律宾领导人即将举行首轮美菲日三边峰会;另一方面,美国加快跟日本、印度等地区大国之间的合作,旨在从安全与经济方面深化印太战略、加强美国在这一地区的影响力。“美国的意图很明确,即建构两个三边同盟(美日韩+美日菲),如果这样,亚洲版北约将很可能成型”。郑永年强调,“ After the Cold War, NATO is one of the primary sources of division and war in Europe. Likewise, once the Asian version of NATO is formed, it will become a main source of division and war in Asia. We must be vigilant.

"On the South China Sea issue, a typical game situation has been formed between China and the United States. But how should China and the United States play the game? This issue is very important and related to world peace." Zheng Yongnian believes that ** We first need to "understand the United States" well, because this "chess game" was set up by the United States-it is a product of its "binary opposition" civilized thinking. Therefore, if China wants to resolve this dilemma, it must break away from the "binary opposition" thinking set by the United States and use the characteristics of Chinese civilization-secular civilization that is inclusive, open, and long-term to establish a set of "South China Sea Rules". ** Using "inclusive multilateralism" to provide ASEAN countries with a prerequisite of "not choosing sides" is in line with the interests of ASEAN itself and the interests of both China and ASEAN.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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