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Introduction to monthly report

  • Guangdong-ASEAN Industrial Park International Cooperation Alliance was established

  • Malaysia and Cambodia promote bilateral trade settlement in local currencies

  • Cambodia Prime Minister encourages Chinese companies to invest in infrastructure

  • Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Hou Yanqi talks with ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General on deepening economic and trade cooperation

  • Technological improvement and product innovation are the key to Chinese car companies 'deployment in Thailand


Guangdong-ASEAN Industrial Park International Cooperation Alliance was established 《湛江日报》消息,2月20日,广东—东盟产业园国际合作联盟成立大会在广东省湛江市举办。会上,广东—东盟产业园国际合作联盟成立,各国的重点产业园区签订《合作框架协议》。2023年以来,广东奋勇东盟产业园(广州市—湛江市产业转移合作园)与中国·越南(深圳—海防)经贸合作区签订合作框架协议。为进一步推动区域经济联动融通,加强产业链供应链融合发展,广东奋勇东盟产业园(广州市—湛江市产业转移合作园)与中国·越南(深圳—海防)经贸合作区共同发起成立广东—东盟产业园国际合作联盟的倡议,越南康洋工业园、柬埔寨浙江经济特区、印度尼西亚萨达产业园、马来西亚NCT高裕轩管理式智慧工业园等东盟国家园区纷纷响应,加入并成为合作联盟的首批园区。

Thailand's electricity, cement and other industries must be prepared to deal with greenhouse gas emission reduction measures 据泰国《世界日报》2月21日报道,泰国的高碳排放行业正面临来自减排的压力,未来竞争力将受到影响。泰国公用事业和建筑材料类上市公司的温室气体排放强度高于世界平均水平,主要来自发电和建筑材料生产过程中使用的天然气、石油和煤炭排放。泰国开泰研究中心预计,未来1—2年,泰国电力、水泥、钢铁、化肥和铝业将面临更加严格的国内外环境政策。政府应加快修订相关法规,利用价格机制促进企业和消费者使用低碳排放产品。同时,企业也必须积极减少温室气体排放以保持竞争力。

Malaysia and Cambodia promote bilateral trade settlement in local currencies 中新社吉隆坡消息,马来西亚总理安瓦尔和柬埔寨首相洪玛奈2月27日宣布,两国同意在2024年成立联合贸易委员会,加强双边贸易、投资和旅游合作。安瓦尔指出,马来西亚目前在柬投资已超30亿美元。在新的合作机制下,马来西亚将进一步增加对柬投资,并希望吸引更多柬方投资。安瓦尔与洪玛奈当日还见证了双方相关机构签署金融创新和支付系统合作备忘录。安瓦尔认为,备忘录的签署有助于促进马来西亚与柬埔寨双边贸易以本币结算。他说,当前,马来西亚和中国、泰国、印度尼西亚等国以本币结算的贸易都占到双边总贸易额相当比例;推动马柬贸易以本币结算将减轻“只与美元挂钩带来的负担和压力”。

Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Hou Yanqi talks with ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General on deepening economic and trade cooperation 中华人民共和国驻东盟使团官方网站消息,2024年3月13日,中国驻东盟大使侯艳琪拜会东盟新任主管政治安全共同体事务的副秘书长阿斯塔纳,3月15日,侯艳琪会见东盟主管经济共同体建设的副秘书长辛格,就中国东盟关系和东亚合作等交换意见。侯艳琪表示,中方愿与东盟进一步增进政治互信,通过高质量实施区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP),加快推进中国—东盟自贸区(ACFTA)3.0版升级谈判,进一步扩大双边贸易投资,积极拓展数字经济、绿色经济、科技创新等领域务实合作。辛格表示,力争年内实质性结束ACFTA3.0版升级谈判,让中小企业充分用好RCEP,促进双向贸易投资,提升供应链安全和韧性,拓展深化数字经济、能源转型、科技创新、发展援助等领域合作,促进区域共同繁荣发展。


Trade volume between Vietnam and Laos in January 2024 increased by 75.8% year-on-year 越南《工贸报》2月28日报道,2024年1月越南老挝贸易额大幅增长,较2023年同期增长75.8%,达1.7亿美元。其中,越南对老出口5680万美元,同比增长104.4%,主要出口商品包括各类成品油、钢铁制品、交通工具及零部件等。越南自老进口1.2亿美元,同比增长64.7%,主要进口商品包括橡胶、木材和木制品、矿产等。报道称,2023年,越老双边贸易额达16亿美元。凭借2024年初的强劲增长势头,2024年越老双边贸易额有望达到10%—15%的增长目标。

Myanmar's electric vehicle market continues to expand 人民网2月29日消息,缅甸交通和通信部公布的最新数据显示,自2023年1月取消电动汽车进口关税以来,缅甸电动汽车市场持续扩大,2023年该国电动汽车进口量为2000辆,其中90%为中国品牌电动汽车;2023年1月至2024年1月,缅甸电动汽车注册量约为1900辆,同比增长6.5倍。

Data shows that as of the end of 2023, the Myanmar government has approved the construction of about 40 charging stations and nearly 200 charging piles, and has actually completed the construction of more than 150 charging piles, mainly located in Naypyidaw, Yangon, Mandalay, etc. Major cities and along the Yangon-Mandalay Expressway. According to the latest requirements of the Myanmar government, starting from February 1, 2024, all imported electric vehicle brands will need to open exhibition halls in Myanmar to enhance the brand effect and encourage people to purchase electric vehicles. At present, Chinese automobile brands including BYD, GAC, Chang 'an, and Wuling have set up brand exhibition halls in Myanmar.

In the first two months of 2024, China's total import and export value to ASEAN increased by 8.1% year-on-year 央视网3月7日消息,海关总署公布的数据显示,2024年前两个月,中国货物贸易进出口总值6.61万亿元,同比增长8.7%。其中,出口3.75万亿元,增长10.3%;进口2.86万亿元,增长6.7%,货物贸易进出口规模创历史同期新高。

From the perspective of trading partners, China's imports and exports to countries along the Belt and Road Initiative were 3.13 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9%, accounting for 47.3% of China's total import and export value. Among them, imports and exports to ASEAN were 993.24 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1%; exports to ASEAN were 587.9 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2%, and imports from ASEAN were 405.34 billion yuan, an increase of 6.6%. Among ASEAN members, China's top three trading partners are Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.


Technological improvement and product innovation are the key to Chinese car companies 'deployment in Thailand 近年来,中国车企纷纷布局泰国市场,主要源于当地电动汽车扶持政策、产业要素历史积累与地缘布局三个重要因素。

The Thai government has launched a number of policies to support the development of electric vehicles. According to the "3030 Policy" introduced by the Thai government two years ago, sales of electric vehicles will reach 725,000 in 2030, accounting for 30% of its vehicle production, and the goal of 100% electrification will be achieved in 2035. At present, Thailand's consumption tax rate for pure electric vehicles has been reduced from 8% to 2%, and subsidies ranging from 70,000 to 150,000 baht are provided depending on the type and model of electric vehicles, and road taxes and import tariffs on electric vehicles are exempted.

Thailand has a relatively complete automobile industry chain. In the 1960s, Toyota established a complete vehicle factory in Thailand, and Honda, Isuzu, Nissan and other car companies also entered Thailand. As Japanese companies continue to invest in building factories and increase production capacity, Japanese brands have gradually occupied a dominant position in the local market and established relevant supporting industries. Currently, Thailand produces more than 2 million vehicles every year and has nearly 700 first-level auto parts suppliers.

Thailand has obvious geographical advantages. In addition to having a strong radiating and driving effect on Southeast Asia, the Thai market can also drive global markets such as Australia, new Zealand, the United Kingdom and South Africa. Based in Thailand, car companies can serve the entire ASEAN region and even the global market.

Shen Xinghua, general manager of Changan Automobile's Southeast Asia business department, believes that although Chinese car companies currently account for most of the new energy vehicle market share in Thailand, as Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States and other car companies launch new energy models in Thailand, Chinese car companies need to stand firm. It still takes a lot of effort. At present, Japanese brand cars account for a major share of Thailand's fuel vehicle market. Japanese car companies have higher pricing, earlier layout, and higher localization rates of parts production than Chinese car companies. After the scale effect occurs, there is also greater room for price cuts. Therefore, Chinese brand car companies must continue to carry out technological improvement and product innovation.

Zhang Zhen, head of the ASEAN regional brand of Great Wall Motors, said that new energy and intelligence are the two major advantages of Chinese brand car companies. "We must pay attention to product quality and services, maintain brand image, and truly enter the hearts of local consumers. Local thinking is very important and we must actively integrate into the local social and economic form and industrial ecology."

taken from:"Thailand:China's electric vehicles set off investment craze "


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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