news focus

market supervision Bureau:Strengthen the quality and safety supervision of commercial gas burning appliances and other products. 4月7日,市场监管总局发布的《关于对商用燃气燃烧器具等产品实施强制性产品认证管理的公告》指出,对商用燃气燃烧器具、阻燃电线电缆、电子坐便器、电动自行车乘员头盔、可燃气体探测报警产品、水性内墙涂料、防爆灯具及控制装置实施CCC认证管理。

** The People's Bank of China has established a reloan of 500 billion yuan for technological innovation and technological transformation. ** According to the People's Bank of China news on April 7, the reloan amount for scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation is 500 billion yuan, and the recipients include 21 financial institutions including China Development Bank, policy banks, state-owned commercial banks, Postal Savings Bank of China, and joint-stock commercial banks. The establishment of reloans for technological innovation and technological transformation will help guide financial institutions to provide credit support for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises in the initial and growing stages, as well as digitalization, intelligence, and high-end projects in key areas on the premise of independent decision-making and taking risks at their own risk., green technological transformation and equipment renewal projects.

domestic news

Liaoning:The Taizi River Pumped Storage Power Station project officially started. 据辽宁日报报道,4月7日上午,总投资121.45亿元的辽宁太子河抽水蓄能电站项目在本溪满族自治县正式开工。该电站装机容量为1800MW,共6台机组,建设工期81个月。建成后年抽水电量48.18亿千瓦时,年发电量36.14亿千瓦时。

** Anhui:Release the second batch of provincial special funds for air pollution prevention and control in 2024. ** On April 7, the "Notice on Issuing the Second Batch of Provincial Special Funds for Air Pollution Prevention and Control in 2024" issued by the Department of Ecology and Environment of Anhui Province pointed out that this release includes ecological compensation incentives for ambient air quality in 2023, monitoring capacity construction funds, etc., totaling 50 million yuan, to speed up the prevention and control of air pollution in the province.

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Guizhou:Explore the development and commercial implementation of application scenarios such as wind, wind and storage integration. 贵州省工信厅近日发布的《关于加快发展先进制造业集群的指导意见》指出,积极引进发展核电零部件、光伏发电设备、风力发电及电化学储能等新能源装备制造,推动火力发电装备、水力发电装备、电网一次装备及二次装备等下游产业发展,引进耐高温、防短路、免维护、环保节能型的电缆和特种电线电缆,提升电力装备总装及市场服务水平。探索氢燃料电池、氢冶金、发电侧火储联合调频、风光储一体化、电网侧储能、用户侧储能等应用场景开发及商业落地。

** Wuhan:By 2025, the total installed photovoltaic capacity will reach 1 million kilowatts. ** On April 7, the "Wuhan City Carbon Peak Implementation Plan" issued by the Wuhan City People's Government pointed out that non-fossil energy should be vigorously developed. Promote the development and utilization of solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy, and innovate and develop "new energy + energy storage". By 2025, the total installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation will reach 1 million kilowatts, and the comprehensive production capacity of renewable energy will reach 800,000 tons of standard coal; the city's carbon emissions in key areas such as industry, energy, construction, and transportation will be effectively controlled, and the energy consumption intensity and carbon emission intensity and the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will achieve the provincial target, laying the foundation for achieving carbon peak; By 2030, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption and carbon emission intensity will reach the provincial targets, and the carbon peak goal will be successfully achieved.

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Changsha Xinxing:The 110 kV power transmission and transformation project was approved. 4月7日,湖南长沙新兴110千伏输变电工程核准获批。为解决雨花区电网负荷增长需要,优化配电网结构,提高供电可靠性,将实施湖南长沙新兴110千伏输变电工程项目。线路工程为,新增架空线路约3km,电缆约2.04km,并新增相关配套设施。项目总投资为9906.93万元。

international news

Operations of the Orsk refinery in Orenburg Oblast, Russia, have been suspended due to floods. 据央视新闻报道,当地时间4月7日,俄罗斯奥伦堡州奥尔斯克市教育部门表示,受洪水影响,该市所有学校都已转为远程教育。奥尔斯克市炼油厂表示,受洪水影响,炼油厂已暂停运营。

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** Ukraine's Ministry of Defense said it bombed a Russian oil pipeline. ** According to CCTV news reports, on April 6 local time, the General Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine released a message on its official social platform saying that an oil pipeline in Rostov Oblast, Russia was blown up in the early morning of April 6 and the facility was used for military purposes.

corporate news

Three Gorges Group:Two photovoltaic power generation projects in Yunnan are connected to the grid for full-capacity power generation. 据新华社报道,近日,三峡集团云南能源投资有限公司投资建设的云南省丽江市宁蒗县木香坪56兆瓦光伏发电项目、分水岭70兆瓦光伏发电项目实现全容量并网发电。木香坪项目额定装机容量56兆瓦,项目建成投产后,每年可向电网输送约1.04亿千瓦时绿色电能;分水岭项目额定装机容量70兆瓦,项目建成投产后,每年可向电网输送约1.32亿千瓦时绿色电能。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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