news focus

The "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Renewal of Building and Municipal Infrastructure Equipment" was issued. 住建部网站4月8日消息,经国务院同意,住建部印发《推进建筑和市政基础设施设备更新工作实施方案》。其中,确定了建筑和市政基础设施领域设备更新10项重点任务,包括住宅电梯更新和加装,供水、供热、污水处理、环卫和建筑施工设备更新,建筑节能改造、液化石油气充装站和城市生命线工程建设等。 [[More details] ](

The Ministry of Emergency Management launched expert guidance services for the safety improvement and improvement of chemical parks in 2024. 据央视新闻报道,4月9日从应急管理部获悉,应急管理部近日启动2024年化工园区安全整治提升专家指导服务。目前,各专家指导服务工作组已分赴河北、山西、辽宁、吉林、浙江、湖北等地开展工作。

domestic news

The number of tailings ponds in China has dropped to 4919, a decrease of 32.4% compared with 2020. 据中国应急管理报4月9日报道,截至目前,全国安全监管监察的尾矿库共有4919座,与2020年相比下降32.4%,三等及以上的大中型尾矿库比率由2020年的8.5%上升到19.5%,“头顶库”数量同2020年相比下降40.1%。

Jiangsu has issued new policies to promote the development of pure electric inland container ships. 据上海证券报4月9日报道,近日发布的《加快打造更具特色的“水运江苏”三年行动计划(2024-2026年)》指出,要加快推动绿色船舶发展,推进纯电池动力技术在内河船舶应用,引导建造、改造内河电动船舶及配套充电设施;稳妥推动现有航行于长江干线、京杭运河等中长距离的2000吨级以上运输船舶实施应用LNG能源的改造。2026年,纯电动内河集装箱船舶投放量力争达到17艘。

Xinjiang successfully sold the first batch of lithium ore prospecting rights this year. 据乌鲁木齐晚报4月9日报道,近日,受自然资源部委托,新疆维吾尔自治区成功公开出让今年全区首批3宗锂矿探矿权,总成交额25.63亿元。这也是今年全国首批成功出让的锂矿探矿权。

The world's first 300MW compressed gas energy storage power station was successfully connected to the grid. 据《中国能源报》记者报道,4月9日,由中国能建数科集团和国网湖北综能共同投资的世界首台(套)300MW级压气储能电站——湖北应城300MW/1500MWh压气储能电站示范工程首次并网一次成功,标志着全球压气储能电站由此迈入“300MW级”单机商业化新时代。

The world's first, Dalian Shipbuilding 7500 cubic meters of liquid carbon dioxide carrier was successfully undocked. 据国资委网站4月9日消息,近日,中国船舶大连造船为挪威北极光公司建造的全球首制7500立方米液态二氧化碳运输船1号船、2号船出坞。该船正式交付后,将应用于欧洲二氧化碳捕捉及储存计划,收集欧洲工业产生的二氧化碳,运至挪威西海岸地区二氧化碳接收端码头加以处理后注入海底地下2600米永久封存。

Travel Association:Wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 810,000 in March. 据乘联会4月9日发布的数据显示,3月新能源乘用车批发销量达到81.0万辆,同比增长31.1%,环比增长81.3%。3月新能源车市场零售70.9万辆,同比增长29.5%,环比增长82.5%。3月新能源车出口12.0万辆,同比增长70.9%,环比增长52.8%。

international news

The EU has approved Slovakia to subsidize companies to build electric vehicle factories. 据新华社报道,欧盟委员会4月8日批准斯洛伐克一项总额为2.67亿欧元的国家援助计划,支持沃尔沃汽车公司在斯洛伐克东部科希策附近新建一家电动乘用车工厂。

Germany's industrial output increased by 2.1% month-on-month in February. 据央视新闻4月9日报道,据德国联邦统计局当地时间4月8日公布的数据,德国今年2月工业产出比上月增长2.1%,超出此前预期。与去年同期相比下降4.9%。在各工业门类中,建筑材料、汽车制造和化工业增长幅度较大,与能源有关的工业则降幅明显。

corporate news

Zhejiang Sanmen Nuclear Power has generated a total of 100 billion kilowatt-hours of safe electricity. 据央视新闻报道,4月9日12时47分,位于浙江省台州市的三门核电一期工程两台机组累计实现安全发电1000亿度,相当于为国家节约标准煤2800余万吨,减排二氧化碳7500万吨。

** The oil and gas output of Daqing Oilfield in the first quarter exceeded the production plan. ** According to CCTV News reported on April 9, PetroChina Daqing Oilfield's crude oil output in the first quarter of 2024 exceeded the plan by 46,800 tons, natural gas output exceeded the plan by 30 million cubic meters, and oil and gas production achieved "double exceeding". It is understood that in the first quarter of this year, the power generation capacity of Daqing Oilfield's new energy projects in operation reached 130 million kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 38.3%.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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