news focus

National Development and Reform Commission and other departments:Support Inner Mongolia in planning and building large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases focusing on deserts. 4月3日,国家发改委等部门发布的《关于支持内蒙古绿色低碳高质量发展若干政策措施的通知》指出,以库布其、乌兰布和、腾格里、巴丹吉林沙漠为重点,规划建设大型风电光伏基地,同步开展规划环评,切实发挥规划引领作用,积极发展光热发电。 [[More details] ](

National Energy administration:In principle, we support units such as Dezhou City, Shandong Province to carry out pilot work on the promotion and application of biodiesel. 国家能源局网站4月2日消息,根据《国家能源局技术示范和改革试点工作管理办法》(国能综通法改〔2023〕61号)等有关要求,经组织专家评审和复核,原则支持山东省德州市等单位开展生物柴油推广应用试点工作,现予公示。 [[More details] ](

domestic news

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments conducted research and arrangements on the regulation of crude steel output in 2024. 据国家发改委4月3日消息,为贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,持续巩固提升供给侧结构性改革成果,2024年,国家发展改委、工信部、生态环境部、应急管理部、国家统计局会同有关方面将继续开展全国粗钢产量调控工作,坚持以节能降碳为重点,区分情况、有保有压、分类指导、扶优汰劣,推动钢铁产业结构调整优化,促进钢铁行业高质量发展。为配合做好产能产量调控工作,相关部门将联合开展全国钢铁冶炼企业装备基础信息摸底工作。

The industrialization rate of effective invention patents by Chinese companies has steadily increased. 据新华社4月5日报道,目前,中国国内有效发明专利中,企业所占比重已超七成,数量超过300万件。中国企业有效发明专利产业化率稳步提升,专利转化运用效益持续提高。

Chinese scientists develop a new universal crystal growth technology. 据新华社4月4日报道,华东理工大学清洁能源材料与器件团队自主研发一种钙钛矿单晶晶片通用生长技术,将晶体生长周期由7天缩短至1.5天,实现了30余种金属卤化物钙钛矿半导体的低温、快速、可控制备,为新一代高性能光电子器件提供了丰富材料库。

The world's highest altitude wind power project started. 据电建微言4月6日消息,4月2日,中国电建设计承建的西藏八宿县100兆瓦保障性并网风电项目举行开工仪式,项目海拔高达5300米,刷新了之前西藏措美哲古风电场5200米的世界海拔最高风电场纪录。

The cargo volume of the Three Gorges Ship Lock exceeded 30 million tons in the first quarter. 据新华社报道,中国三峡集团4月4日发布数据显示,三峡船闸首季货运量破3000万吨,接近三峡船闸通航初期2004年年度货运总量。

Chongqing:More than 2000 supercharging stations will be built by the end of 2025. 据新华社4月4日报道,重庆市政府办公厅近日印发文件,出台实施新能源汽车便捷超充行动计划,提出到2025年重庆将建成超充站2000座以上,建成超充桩4000个以上。

Liaoning:Give full play to the guiding role of fiscal policies and vigorously support the construction of green mines. 新华社4月6日报道,作为矿产资源大省,辽宁高度重视绿色矿山建设,今年计划完成废弃矿山治理14.1万亩,其中复绿面积2.4万亩,植树249.8万株。目前已累计兑现绿色矿山创建奖励专项资金2270万元。

** Shaanxi:The first peak summer power transmission and transformation project was put into operation. ** According to the news released by Shaanxi on April 5, a few days ago, Shaanxi's first peak summer power transmission and transformation project in 2024-Xi'an High-tech Engineering No. 3 330 kV power transmission and transformation project was successfully put into operation. As a key project of Shaanxi Power Grid in 2024, this project will further improve the power supply reliability of Shaanxi Power Grid and provide solid power guarantee for peak summer.

international news

The cargo port and nitrogen-oxygen station area of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant were attacked by Ukrainian drones. 据央视新闻4月6日报道,俄罗斯卫星社4月5日消息,扎波罗热核电站4月5日在“电报”社交平台上称,扎波罗热核电站货港及氮氧站地区遭到乌军无人机的袭击。公告称,扎波罗热核电站关键基础设施没有受损,系统运行也没有中断。

corporate news

China Tianyi plans to invest nearly 17 billion yuan to build an integrated project for wind, solar, hydrogen storage, ammonia and alcohol. 据上海证券报4月3日报道,中国天楹4月2日晚发布公告称,公司全资子公司安达市天楹新能源有限公司与黑龙江省安达市人民政府签署投资合作协议书。根据协议安排,安达天楹拟在安达市投资新建“安达市天楹风光储氢氨醇一体化项目”,项目总投资为169.5亿元。

State Grid signed Brazil's largest transmission concession project. 据人民日报4月6日报道,国家电网巴西控股公司与巴西电力监管局4月3日在巴西利亚签署“巴西东北特高压项目”特许经营权协议。这一项目是巴西史上最大输电特许权项目。项目包括新建1468公里±800千伏特高压直流输电线路、两端换流站和调相机以及相关交流配套工程,额定输送容量500万千瓦。项目计划于2029年投运,特许经营权期限30年。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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