3月30日,南方电网储能股份有限公司(以下简称“南网储能”)正式发布《公司2023年ESG报告》(以下简称“报告”),这也是以完成资产重组上市的南网储能公司为报告主体发布的第2份环境、社会及治理报告。 The report disclosed the evaluation standards for green construction management of pumped storage power stations for the first time in China. 报告以“南网储能 双碳先锋”为主题,内容包括董事长致辞、公司概 况、2023年大事记、责任专题、科技篇、环境篇、社会篇、治理篇、关键绩效等部分。报告详细阐述了2023年度南网储能在科技创新、绿色发展、社会责任、公司治理方面的管理理念、亮点实践及年度成效,为市场ESG投资提供了具有参考价值的决策信息。 报告经中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会从过程性、实质性、完整性、平衡性、可比性、可读性和可及性7个维度综合评定为四星半级,是一份领先的企业ESG报告。 南网储能董事长刘国刚在致辞中表示,2023年公司锚定2025年全面建成世界一流企业目标不动摇,加快推动上市公司ESG工作建设,及时回应市场关切、持续提升价值创造能力,致力打造储能领域旗舰型龙头上市公司。 2023年,公司抽水蓄能总体规模创历史新高,建成投产中国首个采用多技术路线锂电池储能电站,稳步推进4个抽水蓄能项目建设,新核准5个抽水蓄能项目,新增抽水蓄能签约项目超过1000万千瓦。 公司加快向科技型企业转型,配合南方电网公司成功申报新型储能央企创新联合体,参股成立新型储能国家制造业创新中心,入选国家自然科学基金委员会依托单位,参与国际标准化组织(ISO)机械储能技术委员会,公司创新平台建设的格局和影响不断扩大。

** ** Currently, the construction of pumped storage power stations in China is at its peak. According to relevant documents jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, by 2027, the operation scale of pumped storage power stations will reach more than 80 million kilowatts. 为加强抽水蓄能电站建设过程中环境保护和水土保持管理,南网储能制定了抽水蓄能电站绿色施工管理办法和评价指标,并在报告“环境篇”中正式对外披露,属国内首次。该标准引用《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》等72项法律法规、部门规章和标准文件或其中的条款,规定了抽水蓄能电站绿色施工评价工作的一般性原则、内容、工作程序、方法和要求,明确了抽水蓄能电站建设期的管理机构和各参建单位(包括:业主项目部、设计单位、施工单位、监理单位、环境监测单位、水土保持监测单位等)绿色施工工作职责及评价标准。 The release of this standard is of great significance for improving the level of environmental protection and soil and water conservation management during the construction of pumped storage power stations, and carrying out environmental protection and soil and water conservation assessments.

In the "Responsibility Topics" section, the report reviews the period from the commissioning of the first unit of the Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station in 1993 to the commissioning of the independent battery storage station on the Baotang Power Grid side in Foshan in 2024. The energy storage of the Southern Power Grid serves the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Thirty years of development. It is understood that in the past three decades, Southern Power Grid Energy Storage has built 6 pumped storage power stations in Guangdong, with a total installed capacity of 9.68 million kilowatts, close to 1/5 of the country's total installed capacity; 7 new energy storage power stations have been built, with a total installed capacity of 412.8 MW, providing strong support for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to build a world clean energy utilization demonstration bay area. In 2023, the pumped storage power generation capacity of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will exceed 10 billion kilowatt hours for the first time, an increase of 27.36% compared with 2022; China's first multi-technology route lithium battery energy storage station-the independent battery energy storage station on the Baotang Power Grid Side The station was officially put into operation in the Greater Bay Area, realizing the "one-stop integration" of multiple lithium battery energy storage technology routes for the first time.

In addition, the "Responsibility Topics" section of the report also introduced the vivid practice of Southern Power Grid Energy Storage in building an ESG demonstration benchmark for Chinese enterprises. In the past year, China Southern Power Storage has upgraded ESG construction to the level of board governance, and established a three-level governance system consisting of the board of directors, the Strategy and Investment Committee, and the ESG working group. It has promoted ESG concepts with strong top-down ESG management. Integrate into corporate operations and continue to improve the quality and level of the company's ESG work. In 2023, China Southern Power Storage was selected into the "Central Enterprise ESG·Pioneer 100 Index" list, ranking 48th; was selected into CCTV's "China ESG Listed Company Pioneers 100" list, ranking 92nd; was awarded the honorary titles of "2023 Responsibility Benniu Award-ESG Governance Pioneer" and "The First National New Cup·ESG Golden Bull Award-Top 50 ESG Top 50 Central Enterprises"; the selected cases were selected into the "2023 ESG Best Practice Cases of Listed Companies" by the China Association of Listed Companies.

Science and Technology:Empowering efforts to move towards a new journey

过去一年,南网储能坚定不移实施创新驱动发展战略,以更加完善的体制机制推动创新平台建设、创新人才培养、知识产权保护等各项工作取得更深成效。2023年,南网储能获评国资委2022年度科改企业“标杆”称号,南网储能科研院成功获得国家电化学储能电站安全信息监测平台认证并挂牌。公司全年新增专利授权数170项,累计拥有专利授权703项,其中累计发明专利授权340项,PCT累计授权10项。 在关键技术攻关方面,2023年南网储能自主研发的中国首个大规模抽水蓄能人工智能数据分析平台投入运行,正式投运国内首个抽水蓄能多厂站集控中心。南网储能阳蓄电站“800m级水头抽水蓄能电站超高压钢筋混凝土压力管道建设关键技术”项目荣获中国大坝工程学会科技进步一等奖,阳蓄电站“40万千瓦700米级高稳定抽水蓄能机组关键技术与应用”项目荣获水力发电科学技术奖。中国自主研制的抽水蓄能成套核心控制系统首次实现“芯片级”自主可控,其综合性能指标达到“国际领先”水平。《抽水蓄能多维度智能巡维关键技术》《40万千瓦700米级抽水蓄能机组关键技术与应用》科技成果获得“总体国际领先”评价。

environment chapter:Empowering green to the future

Southern Power Grid Energy Storage attaches great importance to the national "double carbon" strategy, actively carries out research on climate change-related risks and opportunities, carbon peak and carbon neutrality paths, and is committed to improving governance performance on climate-related issues. In the past year, the company's annual green electricity generation capacity of conventional hydropower, pumped storage power and new energy storage power stations was 1.716001 million kilowatt-hours, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 7.1748 million tons, equivalent to saving 2.0402 million tons of standard coal. The company's Yang Storage Power Station was awarded the title of "National Soil and Water Conservation Demonstration Project", and the company's green and low-carbon development brand was further demonstrated.

The report shows that in 2023, the total investment in environmental protection of Southern Power Grid Energy Storage will reach 167.6014 million yuan, and the total greenhouse gas emissions will be 1471941 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, of which Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions are 2553 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions are 1469388 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, greenhouse gas emission intensity 2.613 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent/10,000 yuan.

In the past year, China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage seized the strategic opportunity of the "double carbon" goal and vigorously promoted the development of pumped storage and new energy storage businesses. It completed the approval of 5 pumped storage projects throughout the year, and the newly approved pumped storage capacity was 6 million kilowatts., 9 newly signed pumped storage stations and 13 million kilowatts of newly added pumped storage reserves; Two new electrochemical energy storage stations have been built, with a newly added installed capacity of 313,000 kilowatts, a built electrochemical energy storage scale of 424,000 kilowatts, and a reserve of new energy storage projects has reached 8 million kilowatts, which has strongly supported the construction of a new energy system and helped new energy Large-scale access and consumption. In addition, the company also creates a green industrial development system by exploring ways such as participating in green power transactions, creating near-zero carbon demonstration zones, and issuing carbon-neutral green medium-term notes, and playing a role in serving the country's strategic goals of addressing climate change.

Society:Empowering harmony towards beauty

In 2023, China Southern Power Grid will strictly protect the rights and interests of employees, truly care for employees, smooth development paths, build a development platform for employees, create an inclusive and open talent training environment, and work together with employees to grow and make progress together. The total investment in employee training throughout the year was 19.861 million yuan, the total training duration was 165212 hours, and the training coverage rate was 100%. Throughout the year, 127 new jobs were created and 126 new graduates were absorbed. Chen Man, a professional and technical expert of the company, was awarded the title of Nanfang Weekend's 2023 "Science and Technology Innovation Person of the Year", Zhang Hao was awarded the fourth "Southern Power Grid Craftsman", Liu Tao was awarded the "Hydropower Talent Award" of the China Hydropower Engineering Society, and Yu Yaxiong was awarded the title of "Young Job Expert in Central Enterprises".

In the past year, Southern Power Grid Energy Storage has always kept in mind the mission of central enterprises, bravely shouldered the heavy responsibilities of central enterprises, and devoted itself to social welfare, rural revitalization, the Belt and Road Initiative, and the transmission of electricity from the West to the East, contributing to the country's high-quality development and the people's sharing of development results. The company spent 1.934 million yuan on external donations and social welfare donations throughout the year, with 485 employee volunteers and 1600 hours of volunteer service activities. At the same time, the company actively assisted rural revitalization and participated in the implementation of Guangdong's "Hundred and Million Project". It invested 1.585 million yuan in assistance funds throughout the year, paired assistance to 6 places, implemented 6 designated assistance projects, dispatched 9 assistance cadres, and built 2 "Southern Network Zhixing" bookstores.
In addition, Southern Power Grid Energy Storage has also actively integrated into the construction of the "Belt and Road" and actively promoted its Lubuge Power Plant to carry out overseas hydropower operation and maintenance practices. Since 2004, it has successively cooperated with Myanmar Banglang Power Station, Myanmar Mengwa Hydropower Station, and Laos South Tahe No. 1 Hydropower Station has established power station operation and maintenance cooperation, exported Chinese standards, Chinese technology and Chinese management, developed and flourished with the local area, and served as a pathfinder and vanguard in the construction of the "Belt and Road". Up to now, Nantahe No. 1 Power Station has been safely operated and operated for more than 1900 days, and has safely transmitted 1.5 billion kilowatt-hours of power, helping China-Laos power interconnection two-way power transmission, opening a new chapter in power trade for mutual assistance between surplus and shortage, and making positive efforts to promote China-Laos power interoperability. Explore.

governance chapter:Empowering development towards first-class

In 2023, China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage will conscientiously implement the "two consistent principles" and strictly comply with the requirements of laws, regulations and normative documents such as the Company Law, Securities Law, Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies, and Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules. Continuously improve the corporate governance structure with the "four meetings and one layer" of shareholders 'meeting, party committee, board of directors, board of supervisors and management level, and establish and improve the company's articles of association as the guide and the list of rights and responsibilities as the starting point. The "1+1+N" corporate governance system promoted by rules of procedure and other systems has formed a corporate governance system in which each performs its own duties and responsibilities, effectively checks and balances, and coordinates operations. The company's board of directors construction case was selected as an "Excellent Practice Case" for the board of directors construction of the China Association of Listed Companies, and the company's maintenance and test branch was recognized as an outstanding corporate governance enterprise of China Southern Power Grid Corporation in 2023.

In the past year, China Southern Power Storage held a total of 8 board meetings and 3 shareholders 'meetings, disclosed a total of 4 regular reports and 80 interim announcements; held a total of 5 performance explanation meetings, and received more than 50 surveys from investors and institutions. 400 people; responded promptly to 130 questions on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's "e-interactive" platform, with a response rate of 100%. There were no violations of information and disclosure throughout the year, and there were no leaks of inside information. The company was evaluated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange for information disclosure work.

In 2024, China Southern Power Grid Energy Storage will thoroughly implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council as well as the work requirements of the Party Leadership Group of China Southern Power Grid Corporation, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and regard adhering to high-quality development as the last word in the new era. Closely adhere to serving the national strategy, building new energy systems and new power systems, accelerating the construction of world-class enterprises, focusing on enhancing core functions and improving core competitiveness, and focusing on scientific and technological innovation, The role of industrial control and security support has made new and greater contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Southern Power Grid Energy Storage 2023 ESG Report

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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