Promoting the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the shipping industry is a major issue currently facing the shipping industry in China and the world. What is the green and low-carbon transformation and development situation of China's shipping industry? What other challenges are we facing?

A reporter from China Energy News recently learned from the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration that in order to promote the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the shipping industry and achieve ship greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, the Ministry of Transport has established the first Chinese ship carbon emission reduction management agency in Shanghai-Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration Ship Energy Efficiency Management Center (hereinafter referred to as the "Center"). This will help China's ship energy efficiency management work advance in an orderly manner, promote the green, low-carbon and smart transformation and upgrading of the shipping industry, further enhance the energy level of Shanghai's shipping service industry, and assist in the construction of an international shipping center.

Promoting the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the shipping industry is a major issue currently facing the shipping industry in China and the world. Against this background, what is the green and low-carbon transformation and development situation of China's shipping industry? What other challenges are we facing?

Implement China's compliance targets

It is understood that the center will be responsible for the specific implementation of the carbon intensity management performance of China's international voyage ships. By pre-rating ships sailing internationally, Chinese shipping companies are guided in a targeted manner to actively adopt measures such as technology, operation and the use of alternative fuels to reduce ship energy consumption. At the same time, the center is responsible for conducting statistical analysis of China's ship energy consumption data, and will also provide a data foundation and important reference for actively and steadily promoting China's shipping industry to achieve the "double carbon" strategic goal and promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of the shipping industry.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) data shows that the global shipping industry's carbon dioxide emissions will exceed 1 billion tons in 2022, accounting for approximately 2% to 3% of the global total emissions. In order to achieve the strategic goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in international shipping, IMO has adopted short-term emission reduction measures for ships 'greenhouse gas emissions and formed the "International Shipping Carbon Intensity Rules", requiring ships sailing internationally to formulate "Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans", collect and report energy consumption data, calculate operating carbon intensity indicators and assess annual operating carbon intensity levels.

上海海事大学法学院专家彭宇表示,这些规定旨在从技术和营运两方面同时提高船舶能效,形成包括现有船舶能耗数据收集、船舶能效指数(EEXI),年度营运碳强度指标(CII)评级以及船舶能效管理计划(SEEMP)的温室气体减排短期措施。“随着绿色低碳发展目标逐渐被世界各国认可和接纳,作为碳排放大户的航运业受到了越来越多的关注。 The effective implementation of many landmark measures shows that international shipping carbon emission reduction has entered the fast lane。”

At present, China has more than 1000 international voyages of more than 5000 gross tons, and has begun to fully implement the requirements of this international convention in 2023. Relevant personnel from the 711 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as the "711 Research Institute") said that in order to meet the requirements of EEXI and CII, some shipowners need to carry out technical upgrades and renovations of ships to promote the shipping industry Accelerate technological innovation and transformation and develop in a more environmentally friendly and efficient direction.

Carbon reduction faces time pressure

In July last year, IMO revised its ship greenhouse gas emission reduction strategy at the MEPC80 meeting, changing the overall goal from zero emissions within this century to net zero emissions by 2050.

"Due to the mobility and transnational nature of international ships, it is difficult to determine where emissions occur, the main body of emission responsibility is unclear, and international shipping still has the problem of 'carbon leakage' caused by 'flags of convenience'. Therefore, carbon emission reduction work in international shipping and domestic shipping The carbon emission reduction work of domestic shipping is supervised by IMO and domestic countries respectively." Peng Yu pointed out that according to calculations by Clarkson Research, about 71% of ships in the world currently meet EEXI requirements at current speeds, 24% of ships need to reduce speed to meet the requirements, and about 5% of ships need to be significantly adjusted. To meet the requirements.

The advance of the time point has greatly increased the regulatory pressure on flag states and the pressure on shipowners to reduce emissions. Relevant personnel from the above-mentioned July 11 Research Institute said:"Currently, China's shipping industry has made some progress in reducing carbon emissions, mainly in promoting the use of liquefied natural gas ships, developing intelligent shipping systems, and adopting energy-saving and emission reduction technologies. China is also supporting the research and development and application of new energy ships and promoting the development of the shipping industry in a cleaner and low-carbon direction. However, at this stage, there are still problems including high technology costs, insufficient green power supply, and imperfect technical standard formulation and certification systems. At the same time, the global climate governance situation is complex, and international environmental policies and standards are constantly evolving, posing higher requirements and challenges for China's shipping industry."

Urgent need of comprehensive layout

"China has a large fleet, the world's leading shipyards, marine engine manufacturers and renewable power generation equipment manufacturers, as well as a vast network of large ports, occupying a unique position in the global shipping and renewable energy industries. Status and advantages." Peng Yu suggested,"We should carry out research on maritime energy conservation and emission reduction technologies, make preparations for international carbon tax compliance, promote the legal construction of maritime energy conservation and emission reduction, launch China's shipping carbon quota trading and carbon tax system as soon as possible, and strengthen maritime energy conservation and emission reduction supporting funds Explore and other aspects to carry out comprehensive responses."

Relevant personnel from the above-mentioned July 11 Research Institute said that clear carbon reduction goals should be formulated in the future. The center may work with relevant departments to formulate clear carbon reduction goals and timetables and incorporate them into the shipping industry development plan. These goals can include reducing carbon emissions, improving energy efficiency, and promoting green technology innovation. At the same time, we will strengthen monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, establish a sound data collection, monitoring and evaluation mechanism, track ships 'energy efficiency and carbon emissions, identify problems in a timely manner and take measures to improve them.

"As global attention to carbon emissions continues to increase, ships that meet EEXI and CII standards may become more popular in the international market. Chinese shipping companies have the opportunity to expand their international market share and gain more business opportunities by providing green and low-carbon transportation services. Therefore, in terms of promoting technological innovation and application, we must focus on promoting the research and development and application of low-carbon and zero-carbon shipping technologies such as green fuels and carbon capture, and encourage shipping companies to adopt new technologies such as energy-saving and environmentally friendly equipment, green fuels, and carbon capture to improve The energy efficiency level of ships. And establish an incentive mechanism to encourage shipping companies to invest in the field of green shipping through tax incentives, subsidies and rewards, etc., and promote the development of carbon reduction work. At the same time, strengthen international cooperation and exchanges. It is hoped that the center will actively participate in cooperation and exchanges in the international shipping industry, understand the latest international carbon reduction technologies and management experience, and provide reference and support for the carbon reduction development of China's shipping industry." The above-mentioned relevant personnel from the 711 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Corporation said.

The center recommends that all shipping units and related companies pay attention to the following aspects:The first is to improve understanding of carbon emission reduction in the shipping industry, actively implement the main responsibilities, and collect, manage and report ship energy consumption data; the second is to establish a complete internal carbon emission management system within the company, actively take measures to improve ship energy efficiency levels, and formulate company and ship energy efficiency management plans based on actual conditions; The third is to encourage ships to use clean, green and low-carbon energy, continue to promote the research and development of alternative fuels for ships, and at the same time, further improve infrastructure such as shore power to lay a solid technical foundation for shipping emission reduction.

original title:The shipping industry has another big move to reduce carbon emissions


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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