On March 16, the China Electric Vehicle 100 People Forum (2024) was held in Beijing. Relevant national departments, new energy vehicle industry enterprises, research institutions and relevant experts participated in this forum to explore effective ways to consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles.

Zheng Zhajie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission:中国培育形成了较为完备的产业体系和全球最大的新能源汽车市场, Last year, the production, sales and export volume of new energy vehicles reached new highs, and industrial development achieved new breakthroughs and reached a new level. 。新能源汽车产业的蓬勃发展不仅彰显了中国经济发展的活力潜力、制造业整体水平的大幅提升,而且为应对全球气候变化、推动绿色低碳发展作出了中国贡献、展现了中国担当。

The development of China's new energy automobile industry has a long way to go, but the prospects are bright and the space is vast. It is expected that enterprises in the vast number of industries will uphold the sense of innovation and the spirit of perseverance, vigorously promote quality improvement, cost reduction, and volume expansion, and strengthen technological innovation and lane change technology layout., continue to deepen international cooperation, effectively respond to and resolve various explicit and potential risks and challenges, and consolidate and expand the development advantages of new energy vehicles. The National Development and Reform Commission will take more pragmatic measures to support the development of enterprises in the new energy automobile industry and work with relevant parties to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry.

Shan Zhongde, Vice Minister of Industry and Information TechnologyThe Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will increase its efforts to empower China's new energy vehicle industry to develop high-quality, systematic and international in four aspects.

First, we will adhere to the innovation drive, further enhance the endogenous driving force of development, strengthen the dominant position of scientific and technological innovation in enterprises, and speed up the tackling and industrialization of a new generation of power batteries, vehicle chips, operating systems, self-driving and other technologies. Second, we will improve the policy system, continuously optimize the industrial structure and ecology, further strengthen the overall industrial layout and investment guidance, curb blind investment and repeated construction, speed up the introduction of regulations on motor vehicle production access management, and improve the withdrawal mechanism of backward enterprises. we will carry out a pilot project of collectivization management, support superior enterprises to improve quality and reduce costs, merge and reorganize, strengthen and enlarge, and further enhance the concentration of the industry. Guide traditional automobile production, guide traditional automobile enterprises according to their own technological channel advantages and open cooperation, speed up transformation, severely crack down on unfair competition, and maintain fair and just market order. Third, we will increase promotion efforts, constantly deepen cross-regional integration and innovation, study and formulate supporting policies such as automobile trade-in and recharging infrastructure construction; fourth, we will adhere to international cooperation and open up to the outside world at a high level. help the construction of a modern industrial system, guide the international alliance of automobile enterprises, build a third-party technology policy service platform, and better serve the overseas development of Chinese enterprises.

Wang Qing, Deputy Director of the Institute of Market Economy of the Development Research Center of the State Council :去年汽车市场销量增长的大部分因素是由新能源汽车增长所贡献的。去年新能源汽车销量增长了38%,占汽车总销量的32%。

The new energy vehicle market will continue to maintain rapid growth this year. Judging from national forecasts or development goals, we will strive to account for 45% in 2027. This ratio is relatively conservative. From the perspective of stable growth, it can maintain the ** made last year or even at the end of the previous year."By 2025, the market share of new energy vehicles will approach or even exceed 50%."** judgment.

Du Zhongming, Director of the Electric Power Department of the National Energy Administration :截至2023年底,中国充电基础设施总量达到859万台,同比增长65%,有6328个服务区配建了充电设施,占服务区总数的95%。北京、上海、河北、安徽等15个省市的高速公路服务区已经全部具备充电能力。 Strive to significantly improve the carrying capacity and flexibility of the distribution network by 2025, and have the access capacity of about 12 million charging piles.

Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences:推进普及城市导航的辅助驾驶,加快人工智能在新能源汽车设计、制造、管理、回收全生命周期大范围应用。 It is estimated that before 2030, the commercialization of domestic fully autonomous vehicles based on generative artificial intelligence will be a high probability event.


Author: Emma

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