Recently, U.S. President Biden submitted a fiscal year 2025 government budget to Congress.

From 5.8 trillion yuan in 2023, to 6.9 trillion yuan in 2024, and then to $7.3 trillion this time, the Biden administration's budget has climbed year by year.

拜登政府在 白宫网站发布“ 2025财年政府预算案 ” 情况简报 。

Although the budget is unlikely to be passed unmoved by the severely divided Congress, it can be analyzed to reveal the Biden administration's next direction and strategic priorities.

Suppression and containment of China is undoubtedly the top priority.

4 billion +4 billion: "Defeat China on the world stage."

The budget includes a $4 billion expenditure for "diplomatic assistance and engagement" in the Indo-Pacific region.

In short, it is to use money to open the way and form an "encirclement circle" against China.

This is not the first time that such a statement has been put forward. Since the Obama administration proposed "returning to the Asia-Pacific", the strategic focus of the United States has gradually shifted to the Asia-Pacific region.

From "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" to "a free and open Indo-Pacific", the United States is behind the scenes, commanding a group of allies "younger brothers" to confront China in tit-for-tat and tense, in an attempt to involve China's energy and slow down or even lock China's development process.

There is also a $4 billion expenditure in the budget to "win competition with China."

Among them, US$2 billion is claimed to be a "game-changing investment" and is mainly used to help relevant countries fight back on China's so-called "predatory behavior."

In addition, there is US$2 billion to be used to establish a new international infrastructure fund to "hedge" the impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative.

This is also a repeat of the same old tune in the United States and the West.

The "Belt and Road" initiative has always been a major concern for American and Western countries.

In 2022, Biden officially announced the launch of the **"Global Infrastructure and Investment Partnership" program ** at the G7 Summit, claiming to raise US$600 billion within five years to support infrastructure construction in developing countries.

拜登在2022年G7峰 会上宣布有关基建计划。

Although Biden's speech at the time did not mention China at all, it was widely believed that it was a counterbalance to China's proposed "Belt and Road".

Coincidentally, at the G20 Summit in India last September, the United States, India, the European Union and some Middle Eastern countries signed another principled agreement to jointly build the "India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor"**, which is obviously to be opposed to the "Belt and Road Initiative". (See also the article in this issue ["The United States suddenly launches the" Two Corridor Plan ". What is the intention?》 ]( )

1亿+5亿:Help Taiwan strengthen the so-called "deterrence"

值得注意的是,这个 预算案中,The United States "historically" earmarked US$100 million in a separate setting aside specifically to provide military assistance to the Taiwan region.

The US$100 million funding includes military assistance to Taiwan in the form of "foreign military financing."

除此之外,There is also a $500 million "presidential appropriation authority" in the budget to replenish the weapons inventory provided to Taiwan

The Taiwan authorities immediately licked their faces to express their "thanks", but the people on the island were clear-headed.

有台湾网友结合最近布林肯的“餐桌菜单论”,发出了灵魂一问:"Will we appear on the American menu?"

岛内部分网友评论。People of insight on the island pointed out that the DPP authorities 'insistence on colluding with external forces in an attempt to "seek independence through force" will only push Taiwan into a dangerous situation of war.

contain China:"AbacusMake a crackling sound.

In recent years, the United States has put off its mask and spent a lot of money to suppress and contain China, and it has spent more and more money each time.

#Form cliques to contain China.

On March 8, the U.S. Congress passed a US$7 billion aid plan to three Pacific island countries including Palau in exchange for the United States 'single military access status in the three countries and excluding China's influence in the region.

From March 11 to 12, during his visit to the Philippines, U.S. Commerce Secretary Raimondo once again clamored to "prevent China from obtaining advanced computer chips and production equipment" and promised to invest more than US$1 billion in the Philippines to help the Philippines double its number of semiconductor plants.

Intervention in internal affairs and contain China.

In August 2023, Biden used the "Presidential Appropriation Authority" for the first time to provide Taiwan with US$345 million in military equipment, and also approved a US$80 million worth of military aid to Taiwan through "foreign military financing" for the first time.

The U.S. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 specifically lists the "Taiwan Resilience Act", allowing the State Department to provide Taiwan with US$2 billion in military aid every year through "foreign military financing" from 2023 to 2027.

#Create public opinion and smear China.

Recently, Reuters revealed that ** During his presidency, former U.S. President Trump authorized the CIA to launch a highly confidential operation on Chinese social media to spread negative information about the Chinese government, with the aim of inciting Chinese public opinion to oppose the government. **

At the beginning of this year, European scholar Oberi also revealed in an interview that since 2022, the United States has spent US$300 million every year to support and train Western journalists to discredit China. (See also this article ["Uncovering the" Dirty Water Source "in China"]()

Although the anti-China "abacus" is working well, life in the United States is not easy at the moment, and it is not so easy to successfully launch this budget.

The U.S. national debt is high, the government faces a "shutdown crisis" every few days. Coupled with the increasingly fierce fighting between the two parties in an election year, there is still a lot of uncertainty about what the US$7.3 trillion budget will look like in the end.

I advise American politicians to be less nervous and anxious about China, more concerned about their country's "mess", and not to end up in pieces with "abacus beads".

After all, it is not certain who will spend the money in 2025.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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