As Shanghai's urban landscape belt, the 8.3-kilometer-long Huangpu Riverside coastline gathers many of the essence of Shanghai's urban landscape. However, in order to enhance landscape vision, a restaurant on the Bund actually cut down many camphor trees without authorization.

Failure to obtain administrative license
Cutting down trees without authorization


经调查,外滩一家餐厅因周围的香樟树遮挡了部分用餐的景观视野,Without obtaining administrative permission from the greening management department for the relocation and felling of seedlings, a greening engineering company was entrusted to felling. 相关资料显示,被砍伐的7株香樟树胸径均在30厘米以上。案发地点在黄浦滨江,系外滩核心区域,而胸径超过30厘米的乔木正是外滩景观带的稀缺资源。
A severe penalty of up to seven times will be imposed and a fine of 478,800 yuan will be imposed and the damaged green landscape will be repaired 2023年1月19日,黄浦区城市管理行政执法局认定涉案餐饮公司擅自砍伐树木的行为违反了《上海市绿化条例》等相关规定,结合行为人的主观过错程度、违法事实、损害后果,按绿化补偿标准最高七倍予以从重处罚,罚款47.88万元。
同年11月底,两家公司分别致函回复接受检察机关的建议,并就建议的内容进行了落实。 Recently, the company involved in the case replanted 7 camphor trees in the corresponding areas in accordance with the signed "Ecological Environment Compensation Agreement" and carried out overall optimization and restoration of the damaged green landscape. 今年3月11日,在植树节前夕,黄浦区检察院就涉案公司补种树木和修复生态环境的情况开展“回头看”,并邀请人民监督员、人大代表一同参与监督。
Fines for felling trees have happened before and have been on hot searches At the beginning of this year, three residents living in Accord Garden, Xinqiao Town, Songjiang, Shanghai received administrative penalties from the local town government,"Hearing Notice", fines ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 yuan for illegally felling camphor trees in the community

** Oasis Beverly Garden, located on Minghua Road in Songjiang District, Shanghai, is a villa community. The camphor tree purchased by the owner, Mr. Li, was planted outside his courtyard many years ago because he thought it blocked the sun and asked someone to "prune" and was fined 144,200 yuan by the urban management.


Article 29 of the "Shanghai City Greening Regulations" stipulates that it is prohibited to felling trees without authorization. If trees need to be felled due to the following reasons, the maintenance unit shall apply to the municipal or district greening management department:

(1) Seriously affecting residents 'lighting, ventilation and living safety, and the trees have no relocation value;

(2) posing a threat to personal safety or other facilities, and the trees have no relocation value;

(3) Quarantine pests and diseases occur;

(4) Due to the need for tree growth and tending, and the trees have no migration value.

Article 30 of the "Shanghai City Greening Regulations" stipulates that when a maintenance unit applies to felling trees, it must submit the following materials:

(1) The variety, quantity, specifications, location, and owner's opinions of the trees to be felled;

(2) Tree replanting plans or remedial measures.

An application shall be submitted to the municipal greening management department for felling the following trees:

(1) Trees and street trees on public green spaces;

(2) Other green spaces with more than ten trees or DBH of more than 25 centimeters.

If trees other than those specified in the preceding paragraph are cut down, an application shall be submitted to the district greening management department.

The municipal and district greening management department shall make an approval decision within 15 working days from the date of accepting the application; if approval is not approved, the reasons shall be explained in writing.

The felling of trees within the scope of railway land shall be approved by the railway management department in accordance with regulations.

If the felling is approved, the applicant shall replant trees or take other remedial measures.

If you encounter situations such as trees blocking lighting in the community, you can ask the owner committee to carry out follow-up treatment according to the appropriate step. Don't prune or cut down trees by yourself.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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