Notice of the National Energy Administration on Promulgating the "Regulations on the Calculation of Norms and Costs of Power Grid Projects in Xizang (2023 Edition)"国能发电力〔2024〕17号 为适应西藏等高海拔地区电网工程管理发展的实际需要,合理确定和有效控制电网工程造价,进一步统一和规范电网建设工程的计价行为,国家能源局委托中国电力企业联合会组织编制完成《西藏地区电网工程建设预算编制与计算规定》《西藏地区电网工程概算定额(建筑工程、电气设备安装工程、架空线路工程、电缆线路工程、调试工程、通信工程)》《西藏地区电网工程预算定额(建筑工程、电气设备安装工程、架空线路工程、电缆线路工程、调试工程、通信工程)》(以上3项统称《西藏地区电网工程定额和费用计算规定(2023年版)》)。现予以颁布实施,请遵照执行。 《西藏地区电网工程定额和费用计算规定(2023年版)》由中国电力企业联合会组织中国电力出版社出版发行。 国家能源局 2024年3月9日

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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