Against the background of the country's emphasis on promoting the construction of biomass energy, the industry is facing new opportunities and challenges.

At the beginning of this year, the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched the construction of pilot counties for the rural energy revolution nationwide, and proposed that renewable energy resources such as biomass energy are the key to implementing the "double carbon" goal and vigorously developing new energy. An important growth pole.
In this context, the biomass energy industry is facing new opportunities and challenges.

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Non-electricity utilization output needs to be increased

This year's government work report mentioned the need to "accelerate the construction of a new energy system." Many industry insiders said that biomass energy can help solve the problem of wind power and photovoltaic power generation consumption and is crucial to building a new power system.

"Currently we are promoting low-carbon energy to replace high-carbon energy and renewable energy to replace fossil energy. Among renewable energy sources, biomass energy is fully equipped with the natural endowment of replacing fossil energy." Li Yin, chairman of Harbin Jiuzhou Group, pointed out.

李寅表示,促进生物质热能、生物天然气、生物甲醇、生物柴油、生物航煤等多种生物质能源的发展尤为重要。但目前中国生物质能以电利用为主,能源化为辅。 If we can effectively increase the production of non-electric utilization of biomass energy, it will help accelerate the construction of a new energy system and help reduce the carbon emissions of manufactured products in China and China.

Yuan Aiping, director of Hunan Qiyuan Law Firm, which has long been concerned about the development of the biomass energy industry, said:"Affected by factors such as imperfect raw material collection and transportation systems, high raw material prices, strong external dependence on technical equipment, and backward business models, the non-electricity utilization cost of renewable energy is still high, the project's economic benefits are poor, the product market competitiveness is insufficient, and the industry is developing slowly."

"Biomass energy can achieve zero carbon emissions throughout its life cycle and has obvious environmental benefits. At present, there are green rights realization mechanisms such as green power certificates and carbon market transactions in the field of power generation. However, such mechanisms are still missing in the field of non-electricity utilization. Compared with traditional fossil energy, the advantages of renewable energy have not been fully demonstrated." Yuan Aiping said.

Uses need to be diversified

"In addition to power generation, biomass energy also needs to develop non-electric uses, such as gas production, liquid fuels and solid fuels. Another example is to turn it into chemical fertilizers, activated carbon and other products to improve the efficiency and economy of the industry. The diverse sources of biomass energy can be used with these industries effectively complement each other." Yuan Aiping said.

"On the other hand, biomass energy needs to be developed according to local conditions. For example, manure from farms cannot directly generate electricity and needs to be subjected to anaerobic treatment to turn it into gas. If electricity is generated, it needs to be further transformed into biological natural gas. Power generation alone cannot limit the direction of utilization of biomass energy resources." Yuan Aiping added.

"Although electrification is an important direction for China's future development, in fact electrification cannot completely replace shipping, aviation and some heavy industrial fields. To achieve the goal of decarbonization in these areas, we must rely on non-electric utilization of biomass energy to supplement it and solve green development issues through diversified methods." Yuan Aiping said.

Li Yin said that coordinated development across industries and industries is an important way for the biomass industry to achieve sustainable development. Through cross-industry cooperation, biomass power generation can achieve resource sharing, complement each other's advantages, and promote the upgrading of the entire industry chain.

Multiple measures should be taken to support industrial development

Regarding how to promote the development of various biomass energy sources such as biomass thermal energy, bio-natural gas, bio-methanol, biodiesel, and bio-aviation fuel, Li Yin suggested that the proportion of biomass energy in terminal energy consumption should be increased, and policies for various types of biomass energy should be strengthened. Policy incentives for energy energy, local conditions should be adapted to guide and encourage industrial parks to introduce biomass energy enterprises. At the same time, support the construction of a green certification system for biomass energy and strengthen docking with the international system. Encourage the industry to try first and build a green certification system. Promote the first use of the green certification system and international docking, and strengthen the voice of the international green certification system. Strengthen docking with the international system in multiple dimensions such as regulations, regulations, standards, and methodologies.

"Encourage the industry to establish a unified online monitoring system for biomass energy. The industry authorities or associations will uniformly build a big data platform system. First, we will sort out the amount of biomass energy, and then gradually coordinate the construction of a national biomass energy database to form a biomass energy resource advantage center with counties and districts. And gradually establish a biomass energy trading market to guide front-end construction with market demand. Gradually improve the utilization level of biomass energy in China." Li Yin said.

Wen| Our reporter Qu Peiran


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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