Recently, the Taiwan military has made another adjustment in its military service system. Starting from 2024, the Taiwan military will resume the one-year military service system, and the first batch of conscripts using the new one-year military service system have begun training in camps. The Taiwan military can actually restore the one-year military service system. What happened when the Taiwan military's compulsory military service system was abolished before?

This is indeed the case. Since the end of Taiwan's so-called martial law period, the Taiwan military's compulsory military service system has been slowly collapsing.:In the 1990s, the two-year compulsory military service system could still be maintained. However, after the Democratic Progressive Party came to power in 2000, the Taiwan military launched a so-called progressive project, changing the original compulsory military service system to a military recruitment system, and the recruitment and training of conscripts were declining day by day. In 2004, the service life of Taiwan military conscripts was only one year and eight months left. It was shortened twice in 2006 and 2007. After the shortening, only one year and two months remained. In 2008, it was shortened to only one year.

Even the conscript system this year did not continue to be maintained. In 2013, the Hong Zhongqiu incident occurred on the island. After the incident, the Democratic Progressive Party hyped that the training intensity of the Taiwan military was too high and the military service system was unreasonable. Under the pressure of green media, the service period of the Taiwan military conscripts was greatly reduced to an outrageous four-month training period. Moreover, the training intensity has also been greatly reduced. For example, no exercise is performed when temperatures above 32 degrees, physical fitness test standards are not as good as mainland college students, etc., these are all wonderful things created at this time.

It should be noted that formal military recruit training requires three months of basic training and three months of common subjects to train a basically qualified infantry but unable to perform combat tasks. It will take more than a year of coordinated tactical training to train infantry who can perform combat tasks. During the four-month conscript service period of the Taiwan military, even a group of ordinary people with guns could not practice it.

Obviously, this four-month compulsory military service system is not a normal system. It is just a microcosm of the DPP's populist politics on the island and the depletion of the Taiwan military's combat effectiveness. However, this populist politics cannot be maintained now. After the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in 2022, the United States and Taiwan conducted many discussions on the experience of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The result of the discussions was that Ukraine's reserve and mobilization system played an important role in resisting Russian attacks-to put it bluntly, it relied on the endless sea of people to resist the other side's attacks.

The United States gave Taiwan an idea whether to restore the compulsory military service system, train hundreds of thousands of reserves, and mobilize to fight street battles... The US military made a bad idea, and Taiwan accepted it all. This led to a new round of adjustments to the compulsory military service system announced in 2023 that the so-called one-year compulsory military service system will be restored in 2024 and the original four-month training service period will be abolished.

Is the Taiwan military's adjusted conscript system useful? It's actually useless.:

On the one hand, as mentioned earlier, for a unit to train a qualified infantry, it requires at least 3 months of basic subjects, 3 months of common subjects, more than a year of contract tactics, and half a year of contract tactical exercises to be able to train an infantry that is basically qualified and can be used on the battlefield. Even this kind of infantry has to follow behind the veterans when they go to the battlefield and be led by the squad leader and deputy squad leader. In this one-year military service system of the Taiwan Army, at most, they can practice basic subjects and common subjects, and they can retire after practicing tactics. This kind of so-called conscripts is actually not much different from cannon fodder.

On the other hand, the Taiwan military's current conscripts recruit anyone from all kinds of good and bad, whether they are overweight fat people or deeply myopic four-eyed people. After such people join the army, it is conceivable that they will not be able to practice anything. What's more, the current training subjects of the Taiwan military have extremely low qualification standards, which has also led to these conscripts evolving from ordinary people who cannot hold guns to ordinary people who can hold guns after the reform of the compulsory military service system.

In fact, based on the Taiwan army's combat situation, in wartime, these conscripts were expected to guard beachheads on the beach or fight street battles in the city to use them as meat shields to buy time for the armored troops behind. The Taiwan army had no good equipment for these soldiers, which would undoubtedly cause huge casualties to them. Training less, giving less, and making people use as cannon fodder in wartime. What kind of fool would be willing to become such a soldier? Therefore, the Taiwan military's so-called reform of the compulsory military service system and relying on cannon fodder to stop the People's Liberation Army can only be wishful thinking.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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