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Caiyun's mechanical preparation room.

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Type 65 dual-mounted 37mm antiaircraft gun

In the 1930s before World War II, the Soviet Union copied the Bofors 40mm antiaircraft operation and developed its own Bofors antiaircraft-61-ˇ 37mm antiaircraft. The 61-ˇ 37mm anti-aircraft gun was also exported to China, where its imitation Type 55 37mm anti-aircraft gun was available. For the purpose of increasing the rate of fire, both the Soviet Union and China used the method of connecting double tubes in parallel to develop their own twin-loaded 37 antiaircraft guns. It was considered to have the same goal. However, due to the differences in national defense and military strength between the two countries, the fate of the two antiaircraft guns was completely different. The Soviet Union did not build many twin-loaded 37 antiaircraft guns, while China built many, many, many...

B-47 Duplex 37mm Antiaircraft Gun

The 61-ˇ 37mm anti-aircraft gun uses a tube-retreating automatic machine derived from Bofors. Because the caliber is slightly smaller and the ammunition is slightly lighter, the theoretical rate of fire is slightly higher than that of the original Bofors, which is 160-180 rounds per minute. However, as military aircraft fly at higher and higher speeds, more warheads need to be projected in a shorter period of time to close the target route, in order to achieve a greater hit rate, this theoretical rate of fire of 160-180 rounds per minute seems a bit low.

To increase the theoretical rate of fire, the more radical solution is to modify the automatic machine, but this is a dynamic basic design, which takes one step to launch the whole body. During the war, the Soviet Union did not have the intention of doing so, so they adopted a simple superposition method-installing two gun bodies in parallel, and turning it into a twin-mounted 37mm anti-aircraft gun, which can double the rate of fire.

In 1944, the Design Bureau of the 4th Arsenal of the Soviet Union designed a B-47 twin-mounted 37mm anti-aircraft gun. It installed two 61-ˇ barrel barrels and automatic machines side by side on a four-wheel gun mount, with a horizontal firing range of 360° and a vertical firing range of 5°-+87°, so that the total firing rate is 320-360 rounds/min. The mass of the entire gun is 2830kg, which is more than 700 kg heavier than the 2100kg of 61-ˇ. It's okay, not too heavy.


However, the superposition of double pipes solves the problem of low theoretical rate of fire at most. The problem of the 61-kN antiaircraft gun is far from the low rate of fire. It relies on a telescope to search, a one-meter machine to measure the data, and a one-meter machine to set the data and aim. It relies on hand cranking, firing depends on each gun listening to the command and stepping on the pedal. There is no commander or gun sighting radar. It is just a fire control whiteboard. These problems have not been changed at all when it came to the DY-47.




At the end of World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union no longer had an urgent need for this kind of anti-aircraft aircraft that could be easily modified and put online. Moreover, the Soviet Army was already developing the C-60 57mm anti-aircraft aircraft with more ideal firing commander linkage, killing tilt distance, and warhead power. This was a product that kept up with the times. Therefore, although the No. 4 Arsenal designed this B-47, the Soviet Army was really not interested in it, and only produced 78 anti-aircraft guns in 1949 before hastily stopping production.

Type 65 dual-mounted 37mm antiaircraft gun

In the early days of the founding of New China, in order to prevent the Chiang Kai-shek Air Force from launching air strikes on important targets such as major cities and factories, the People's Liberation Army introduced equipment from 10 anti-aircraft regiments from the Soviet Union, and began to standardize, regularize, and weaponize anti-aircraft weapons. Among the introduced anti-aircraft weapons are 61-ˇ 37mm anti-aircraft guns. 1950-1953 During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea in 1998, our volunteer antiaircraft units used a large number of Soviet-made antiaircraft guns, including 61-kN, which played an important role in defending logistics supply lines and crushing U.S. air strikes.


After the end of the Korean War, China officially introduced the technical data of the 61-ˇ 37mm anti-aircraft gun, which was copied by Factory 497 under the guidance of Soviet experts. In 1955, it was finalized into the 1955-style 37mm anti-aircraft gun. As a standard equipment, the gun quickly replaced the various old miscellaneous small antiaircraft guns that were retained. It was equipped with both the infantry division division and the antiaircraft artillery battalion and other teams belonging to the antiaircraft artillery battalion, as well as the reserve antiaircraft division.


The successful imitation of the Type 55 37mm anti-aircraft gun is a great achievement for China, which is poor and weak. However, the technical performance of this gun is at the level of the 1930s and has long been outdated by the 1950s and 1960s. In 1965, the technicians of Factory 497 adopted a plan to shorten the barrel re-advancement time to increase the Type 55 fire rate to 220-240 rounds/minute, forming the Type 55-1 37mm anti-aircraft gun. However, it may be that the artillery vibration and life problems could not be solved after the automatic machine work cycle accelerated. In the end, it was the old path of the Soviet B-47 anti-aircraft gun, using the method of connecting double pipes in parallel to double the fire rate, and designed the Type 65 dual-mounted 37mm anti-aircraft gun.

In some foreign language materials, China's Type 65 Double 37 Antiaircraft Gun is described as a replica of the Soviet Union's B-47 Antiaircraft Gun. This statement is actually wrong. First of all, China has only introduced technical data on the 61-ˇ single-barrel antiaircraft gun, but has not introduced data on the <$-47 double-loaded antiaircraft gun. At most, when introducing the 61-ˇ, the Soviet side also provided some relevant introductions on the <$-47. Secondly, although both Models B-47 and 65 are connected in parallel with double pipes based on 61-ˇ, some specific designs are different, such as artillery balancing machines. B-47 is a large balancing machine in the center below the cradle and has a large cylindrical cylinder., while Model 65 is two small balancing machines parallel to both sides below the cradle, which can be distinguished by careful observation in appearance.



At that time, China's national defense and military research and development capabilities were far inferior to those of the Soviet Union, unlike the Soviet Union's B-47 antiaircraft guns that only produced double digits and then hastily stopped production. The production cycle of the Type 65 Double 37 antiaircraft guns was very long, very long, and the output was very large. The production of the entire artillery did not stop until 1982, and the assembly of inventory parts continued intermittently until the early 1990s. In addition to major factories such as 497, many third-line factories, All local mobilization lines have produced Type 65 double 37 anti-aircraft guns, and the total output may be roughly estimated to reach 30,000, which is more than the total amount of 61-kN aircraft produced by the Soviet Union during World War II!

However, producing so many Type 65 Double 37 Antiaircraft guns is not worth bragging about. The performance of this gun is too outdated. Building so many is completely due to the inability to develop new guns and the emphasis on preparing for war in a special historical period and a special political atmosphere. Although the Type 65 Double 37 antiaircraft aircraft played a lot role in filling in low-altitude blindness and blocking attack routes during the anti-U.S. aggression and aid Vietnam air defense operations, this kind of white-board fire control and World War II-level antiaircraft aircraft really should not be used at this time.


It was not that our army did not know that the Type 65 Double 37 Antiaircraft was outdated. Later, a motor was added to the gun. The gun company was equipped with a small gun-sighting radar and commander instrument, and the Type 74 Double 37 Antiaircraft was developed. A modification plan was also designed for the massive Type 65 Double 37 Antiaircraft aircraft. The gun company added a small gun-sighting radar and commander instrument to command each gun to shoot by hand shaking and pointing. However, whether it was the Type 74 or the Type 65 with added radar and commander instrument, the entire system of radar, commander instrument, gun and bomb is backward. You can't change it just by adding a radar. China also developed the PG-87 dual-mounted 25mm anti-aircraft gun with reference to the design of the Soviet Union's У-23 - 2 dual-mounted 23mm anti-aircraft gun. The artillery is lighter and has a higher rate of fire, but it has no all-weather combat capability and its killing tilt cannot cover the Type 65 double 37 anti-aircraft gun, and can only replace the dual and quadruple 14.5 anti-aircraft machine guns.

Our army really solved the technical bottleneck of 30- 40mm caliber antiaircraft aircraft by fully introducing Eritrean dual 35mm antiaircraft aircraft and related technologies in the 1980s, which enabled Chinese-made small-caliber antiaircraft to step into the world's advanced level during the same period.


The Type 65 Double 37 Antiaircraft Gun has been used for so long. Although it is glorious, there is helplessness behind it. Fortunately, we have survived these difficult years.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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