The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than two years, some people say that this is the first war between drones and drones, others say that this is the first self-media war, the first Star chain War, and so on. In some ways, all these claims are true, and as the conflict continues to evolve, we can observe that the war has added a more important label-the first human war of artificial intelligence. ITAR-Tass reported on April 24, 2024, citing the New York Times, that the US Department of Defense, with the assistance of the Ukrainian armed forces, is testing artificial intelligence technology, which helps to use video captured by drones to detect potential targets on the battlefield. It is reported that the US Defense Department's "Maven" plan, which uses a number of innovative technologies, has become an "ambitious project" of the Pentagon. The project aims to promote the application of artificial intelligence in military intelligence, and the United States is using the neural network of the project to monitor Russian military movements in Ukraine. For example, some specific algorithms are used to predict where Russian troops will move and where their attacks will occur, but so far the results are not clear. According to the report, many U. S. officials admit that the conflict in Ukraine has become a testing ground for some rapidly developing new technologies. Lieutenant General Christopher Donahue, commander of the 18th Airborne Army of the United States, was even more outspoken.:"After all, this is our laboratory." Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, at least 20 American companies have publicly claimed to provide AI technical support for the Ukraine battlefield.

Palantir-Silicon Valley unicorn focused on data analysis

Palantir is an American company specializing in big data's analysis and artificial intelligence technology, and its customers include many government agencies and large enterprises. In November 2023, he was selected into the first Fortune Global list of Top 50 artificial Intelligence Innovators. The "selling point" of Palantir is that it can "mix" various forms of data from completely different systems, and then find valuable rules that help customers make judgments and even "predict the future," which is the origin of the company's name. Palantir is the crystal ball that can see the future in Lord of the Rings. Palantir's technology has been widely adopted by US government departments, especially intelligence agencies and the military, and huge government orders have become the foundation for the continued growth of Palantir. Even in the early days, investment agencies under the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) also invested in Palantir. Shortly after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, Alex Karp, the company's chief executive, went to Kiev to meet with Ukrainian President Zelanski. Subsequently, the cooperation between the two sides advanced rapidly. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of economy and the Ministry of Education and other departments are using its software, which also means that the core data of the Ukrainian military and political departments are in the "grasp" of American companies. In the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, Parantil's software uses AI to analyze satellite images, open source data, images captured by drones and ground reports to advise Ukrainian commanders on military decisions. The software can also integrate all kinds of real-time battlefield information with commercial data and government data, so that military commanders can transmit enemy positions to ground commanders or make decisions about targets. Palantir provides data analysis software to many departments, including the US Department of Defense, and foreign intelligence agencies, and provides AI technical support to the US military. Karp said:"On the battlefield, we can do things that we can't do in a domestic environment." He once publicly announced to the outside world that Palantil's artificial intelligence "advanced algorithmic combat system" is extremely powerful, comparable to carrying out "dimensionality reduction strikes" on opponents,"equivalent to using tactical nuclear weapons to deal with opponents with only conventional weapons."

Clearview AI "-an expert on" human flesh search "

Clearview AI is a face recognition start-up founded in 2016. Its products focus on face recognition and retrieval. Users only need to upload a photo to get information about their characters on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. There are more than 10 billion images in the company's database, of which more than 2 billion are from Russian social media, Telegraph and social platform VKontakte. Clear Vision has provided its tools to more than 1500 Ukrainian officials since the war broke out. The officials used the tool to identify more than 230000 Russians and Ukrainian collaborators on their territory. Pro-Russian militias, Ukrainian collaborators, prisoners of war and the dead were accurately identified and identified. Ukraine even used the tool to find more than 190 missing Ukrainian children. Some people believe that face recognition with a "clear field of vision" has become a mass murder weapon in the Ukrainian army's beheading operation, and is the "culprit" that has led to the deaths of many senior Russian generals on the battlefield. Clear Vision executives have publicly revealed that the United States used artificial intelligence algorithms to accurately obtain the facial information features of Russian troops, and then delivered the corresponding facial recognition system to Ukraine to help Ukrainian armed forces to carry out "precise sniping" of Russian military personnel. What Clearview AI does, to put it simply, is to replace "cyber manhunt" with AI+ big data's automatic search based on face recognition! The company has been criticized for automatically grabbing images on social media and passing the information to US law enforcement agencies.

Primer Technologies-the new favorite of the U.S. intelligence community

Artificial intelligence startup founded in 2015. Its security products integrate customized large-scale language model capabilities, allowing analysts, operators, and decision makers to understand large amounts of open source and proprietary data and shorten decision-making time. It has a tool that can perform speech recognition, transcription and translation, and its role is to accurately analyze various types of surveillance intelligence. By using big data analysis models to conduct in-depth analysis and reasoning on massive data, the computing efficiency is greatly improved compared with traditional intelligence analysis methods. Therefore, it can quickly locate high-value targets in many battlefield communications accurately and without omission. In March 2022, conversations between several Russian soldiers who were shelled in Ukraine were obtained by the software and released. These calls not only showed the panic of the Russian soldiers, but also exposed their location and the direction of their subsequent retreat. In the first year of the Russia-Ukraine War, the Russian army killed more than a dozen senior generals in succession, and the death rate far exceeded that of any traditional war. Primer's software can be said to have "contributed greatly" to this.

Facebook-Russia blacklist "terrorist organization"

Facebook is the number one photo-sharing site in the United States, uploading 8.5 million photos a day. As the number of users increases, Facebook's goals have been pointing to another area:Internet search. Facebook helped the Ukrainian army take orders and launch digital guerrilla warfare. During the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Ukraine government called on ordinary people to take photos on their mobile phones when they see Russian troops, and then send the photos to a dedicated address area on the Facebook platform. Each uploaded information carries a relatively accurate address location, and each photo can show the current location of the Russian army's operations. After comparing multiple photos from the same location with a complex AI system, the local Russian military deployment can be obtained. By comparing faces with past public photos on social media, traces of important people may be found.

OpenAI--A leading AI company with big models as its core

The United States is the world's leading artificial intelligence large model company, it can be described as "extremely popular" recently. Following the release of the learning model ChatGPT at the end of 2022, OpenAI released a new video generation model-Sora in February 2024. In the past, the company's position was to "prohibit the use of its large language models for any military or war-related applications", but earlier this year it quietly revised the wording of the ban to the effect that "OpenAI products cannot be used to harm themselves or others, including through the development of weapons." This broad statement has heightened concerns about the acceleration of deep cooperation between US technology giants and the US military. OpenAI recently revealed that it is working with the Pentagon on software projects, including those related to cyber security. While OpenAI has ruled out direct weapons development, the new policy could allow it to provide artificial intelligence software to the Pentagon for purposes such as helping analysts interpret data or write code. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine shows that the line between data processing and war may not be as clear as OpenAI had hoped. Once the large model is used in the military field, the U.S. Department of Defense can quickly use its data set to optimize the model and develop vertical products. Models like Sora can bring about video-based combat simulation and operational concept innovation, as well as deceptive cognitive confrontation and interference. "the goal of the United States is to build a data-driven and artificial intelligence-authorized army, with plans to form thousands of autonomous cluster systems in areas such as land, sea and air. This is bound to trigger a new round of AI arms race based on large models. " Ukraine has developed and imported software for the analysis of big data, which allows its artillery operators to quickly receive notification of Russian targets in the region and greatly accelerate their firing speed.

So many American technology companies are deeply involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the US-Russia game. It is no longer a simple commercial act, let alone charity. This is also a less conspicuous "gray area" in the Russia-Ukraine conflict that should be given special attention. It can be argued that the United States is using the hands of its high-tech companies to conduct a significant "AI war" in Ukraine. With the support of the U.S. government, these technology companies are testing technology on the battlefield in Ukraine, more for the US military to develop intelligent combat capabilities, because many of their products are cooperating with the US military. Haines, director of national intelligence, served as a consultant at Palantil. In the living laboratory of Ukraine, the artificial intelligence technology of American technology companies can mature through on-site experiments and rapid iteration. They may eventually serve the next war in the United States. Recently, it has been reported that what the United States has invested in the Ukraine battlefield is the artificial intelligence combat system that the United States has focused on, and it is also part of the United States 'plan to win high-end wars in the future.


Author: spike

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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