the people-centered

Safeguard people's rights and interests in electricity and market fairness

Deputy General Manager of Marketing Department (Customer Service Department) of Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd.


Interpretation of the new "Power Supply Business Rules":

On February 20, the state officially promulgated the latest revised version of the Power Supply Business Rules (hereinafter referred to as the revised version of the "Rules"), this revision is a complete revision of the "Power Supply Business Rules"(hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") issued by the former Ministry of Electric Power Industry in 1996, and an important supplement to the power regulatory system. It reflects the protection of the people's rights and interests in electricity use and the basic idea of "people-centered" follow the legal thinking of safeguarding "social fairness and justice" and adapt to the development of contemporary reforms such as power marketization reform. This article mainly interprets two chapters: electricity measurement and electricity bill settlement, and grid-connected power plants.

01 More effectively protects the people's rights and interests in electricity

Since 1996, the state has issued documents many times to cancel subsidies in the power supply sector to "benefit the people." The revision of this rule follows the policy requirements of recent years, more effectively protects the rights and interests of the people, and reflects the "people's nature" of legislation.

The first is to further cancel some premium charges. 第七十五条明确规定了供电企业不得违反国家有关规定向用户收取电能计量装置费用要求。删除原供电营业规则规定“用户应按国家有关规定,向供电企业存出电能表保证金。供电企业对存入保证金的用户出具保证金凭证,用户应妥为保存”条款。从政策上取消了电费保证金和电能计量装置费用收费要求,减轻人民群众用电负担。

The second is to clarify the standard for charging fault meter replacement fees. 将原供电营业规则规定“供电企业责任或不可抗力致使计费电能表出现或发生故障的,供电企业应负责换表,不收费用;其他原因引起的,用户应负担赔偿费或修理费”改为“如因用户原因引起的,用户应当负担赔偿费或修理费;其他原因引起的,供电企业应当负责换表,不收费用”,在上一版本供电营业规则的基础上进一步明确用户仅在由本身原因引起的计量装置故障承担修理费用,维护用户权益。

The third is to improve the convenience of users using electricity. 删除原供电营业规则“因用户原因连续六个月不能如期抄到计费电能表读数时,供电企业应通知该用户中止供电”要求,便利农业生产等周期性用电用户权益。

The fourth is to strengthen restrictions on power supply companies. 本次《规则》修订版第八十三条将校表周期由原《规则》七天调整为五天,将“校表有疑意时可向上级计量检定机构申请检定”调整为“向有资质的计量检定机构申请检定”。对供电企业差错认定提出更加严厉的约束。

The fifth is to further standardize the reimbursement and compensation methods for measurement errors and faults. 《规则》修订版第八十二条规定了计量超差退补时间包括可以确定(新增)和无法确定两种情形,不再以“退补时间从上次校验或换装后投入之日起至误差更正之日止的二分之一时间计算”的方式“一刀切”,体现了公平公正。

02 Highlight the contractual relationship between power supply and electricity

With the deepening of the reform of the power system and the separation of government and enterprises, power supply companies no longer have administrative functions, and power supply companies and power users have become equal civil entities. This adjustment reflects that power supply companies should establish equal power supply and electricity relationships with users on the basis of contracts in accordance with relevant requirements of the Civil Code.

The first is to more highlight the contractual relationship between civil entities. 本次《规则》修订版第八十四条将用户的交费期限和方式由“供电企业规定的”修订为“双方约定的”,强调电费收取方式由供电企业和用户双方协商约定,体现平等合同关系。

The second is to relax the terms and conditions of power sales contracts. 本次《规则》修订版第九十二条删除并网电量购销合同具体条款。取消并网合同的条款格式限制,将厂网关系还原至购售电合同关系。

03 More in line with the needs of reform policies such as power system reform

From the Guofa Document No. 5 in 2002 to the Zhongfa Document No. 9 in 2015, the reform of the power system has continued to advance in depth, realizing the separation of government and enterprises, the separation of plants and networks, and the separation of main and auxiliary units, and initially forming a diversified competition pattern for power market entities. This revision is more in line with the current situation of social and economic development and reflects the contemporary nature of legislation.

The first is to clarify the social responsibilities of self-contained power plants. 本次《规则》修订版第九十三条,明确了“用户自备电厂应当公平承担发电企业社会责任、政府规定的基金和费用,在成为合格市场主体情况下,可以按照交易规则参与市场化交易。”体现了在市场化改革形势下自备电厂的责任。

The second is to adjust the method of charging capacity electricity bills. 本次《规则》修订版按照《国家发展改革委关于降低一般工商业电价有关事项的通知》(发改价格〔2018〕500号)要求,在第八十七条中增加“容(需)量电费按照变压器容量或最大需量计收,同一计费周期内用户可以选择其中一种”和“以最大需量方式计收需量电费的用户,计收方式按照相关电价政策规定执行”要求,用户可根据自身负荷选取最经济的计费方式。

Overall, with the advancement of technology and changes in the power market, traditional electricity metering methods and electricity bill settlement also involve more complex factors, and some regulations need to be updated to adapt to the new situation. The revision of the "Rules" is in line with the development trend of China's power industry. It makes current and future electricity metering and electricity bill settlement regulations more flexible and more applicable, reflects market changes in keeping with the times, and more fully safeguards the rights and interests of the people.

edit:Kong Kexing

proofreading:Tommy Cheung


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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