China further expands opening-up of value-added telecommunications services

On the 10th, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Carrying out Pilot Work on Expanding Opening up of Value-added Telecommunications Services to the Outside World." China will take the lead in launching pilot projects in Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan and Shenzhen to remove restrictions on foreign-equity ratios for Internet data centers, Internet access services, online data processing and transaction processing. For foreign-invested telecommunications companies that carry out the above-mentioned services in pilot areas, China will follow the principle of "consistency between domestic and foreign investment".

Our country will implement multi-industry equipment updates in the industrial field

Seven departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have recently launched an implementation plan for equipment renewal in the industrial field. They must speed up the elimination of backward and inefficient equipment and old equipment in extended service, and focus on promoting the industrial machine industry to update related equipment, including machine tools that have been in service for more than 10 years. Encourage enterprises to update a batch of advanced equipment with high technology, high efficiency and high reliability. Among them, the focus will be on promoting the aviation industry to comprehensively develop assembly integration capabilities and supply chain supporting capabilities for large aircraft, large amphibious aircraft and aero-engines.

New railway operating plan for freight trains implemented nationwide

China's railway system will adopt a new freight train operation plan from 6 p.m. on Oct. 10. Some freight trains on lines such as Beijing-Guangzhou and Linyi-Kunming will be accelerated to 120 kilometers per hour. The addition of 31 intercity express trains and 37 bulk cargo trains will effectively reduce overall social logistics costs.

National "100 Cities, 1,000 Schools, 10,000 Enterprises" Employment Promotion Action

All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will work together and carry out activities such as "Private Enterprises Go to Campuses" and "Online Cloud Recruitment" in over a hundred cities and thousands of colleges and universities nationwide. It is expected to organize and guide the participation of over 100,000 private enterprises and provide over 1 million employment opportunities.

China completes its 40th Antarctic expedition and returns home

On August 10, with the arrival of the “Xuelong” icebreaker in Qingdao, Shandong, the 40th Chinese Antarctic expedition team, organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, successfully completed its research mission and returned to China.

Digital Daily

  • 记者10日从中国汽车工业协会了解到,今年一季度,中国汽车产销量分别完成6.606 million6.72 million vehicles,同比分别增长6.4%and10.6%,中国新能源汽车延续快速增长势头。一季度,新能源汽车产销量分别完成2,115,000 vehicles2.09 million units,同比分别增长28.2%and31.8%,市场占有率达到31.1%。在出口方面,新能源汽车出口307,000 units,同比增长23.8%


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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