After the end of World War II, Japan was severely punished as a defeated country, and military enterprises were basically disintegrated. However, with the outbreak of the Korean War, Japan's military industrial enterprises were quickly revived. By accepting orders from the U.S. military, they provided a large amount of arms to the U.S. military participating in the Korean War, which enabled the Japanese military industrial enterprises to be retained. Since then, the Japanese government has also maintained the survival and development of military enterprises through military orders.

The significance of the existence and development of Japanese military science and technology research and development

The existence and retention of Japanese military enterprises and their self-research and development capabilities of military products and technologies are of great significance to Japan's national security and its international status.

Japan is eager to join a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council

Ensure Japan's military security. 在不依赖外国援助的情况下,日本自身的军工研发机构和部门就能够较大规模地研发相关的武器,军工企业可以开足马力进行大规模的军事装备生产。而这种能力和水平,对于一个大国来说,是必须具备的。日本要想保持自存自立的国家状态,以雄厚的国力做依托,保留比较完整的军事工业体系,包括军事技术装备的研发和制造能力,就变得十分重要了。

It will help deal with the international environment that is not conducive to Japan. 在力量平衡发生改变的背景下,当今世界政治、经济、军事等领域的国家间竞争愈发凸显。任何一届日本内阁和领导人都不可能放弃日本强大的军工企业的存在,并将设法保有日本强大的军事技术和军事产品研发能力。毫无疑问,就日本国家安全的立场而言,日本军工科技研发能力只能增强而不能弱化。

It will help improve Japan's international status. 安倍政府曾想通过释放本国的军事潜力,甚至建立国防军,来补足自身在军事上的短板。但是由于日本国内和国际政治局势的限制,安倍内阁无力在短时期内,达到这样的改革目标,只能够通过放开武器出口管制解禁集体自卫权等政策路线,向建立国防军的军事政策靠近,但还难以在短时期内实现。这种逐步靠近的政策有助于释放日本的军事潜力,从而刺激日本的军工研发和生产。反过来,日本的军工研发和生产能力强大以后,有助于补足日本在军事领域的短板,使日本在同美英法德等发达国家的军事交往当中,处于更加有利的地位。实际上也意味着提高了日本在国际上的地位。

The influence of Japanese military technology research and development

The war forces of various countries today and in the future are mainly manifested in the mastery of high-tech equipment and modern troops with comprehensive high-tech capabilities. Therefore, the equipping of high-tech military equipment and the comprehensive application of high-tech military combat power have become the fundamental factors in the decisive victory of future wars. This determines that the research and development of military science and technology has an increasingly important status and effect. The impact of Japan's military science and technology research and development is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

canglong class submarine

It will help the Japanese Self-Defense Force improve its comprehensive combat strength. 日本的军工科技研发,能够按照日本防卫省的技术指标和军事技战术的要求,完成防卫省的军事技术和军事装备的研发,提升日本武器与军事装备的水平,强化综合作战能力。日本防卫省通过防卫装备厅向军事科研机构和军工企业提出立项指标和项目要求,接单的军事科研机构和日本军工企业,在立项以后进入自主研发阶段,基本上都能够保质保量地完成最初的设计要求,有些军工产品项目甚至达到国际先进水平。例如主要由防卫装备厅前身——防卫省技术本部研发的苍龙级潜艇,在综合作战力量方面达到了常规动力潜艇的世界先进水平。由三菱重工研发的90式坦克与10式坦克,在生产初期都居于国际领先水平。

canglong class submarine

Give full play to the international influence of Japan's military research and development and manufacturing. 由于日本出色的军工技术及其制造实力,美国在防空导弹研制方面也要进口日本生产的零部件。例如爱国者-2的高性能传感器,该传感器位于导弹尖端部分,配有红外线搜索系统,可识别和追踪目标,具有捕捉导弹姿态和位置的功能,是引导导弹准确打击目标不可或缺的零部件。英法德三国,对日本的军工零部件也青睐有加。日本苍龙级潜艇在澳大利亚竞标时名声大噪,让国际了解到了其潜艇综合性能的先进性。苍龙级潜艇所用NS110钢拥有超过1000兆帕的屈服强度,能够下潜至500米深的海域。潜艇的潜深每增加100米,反潜武器打击能力降低22%。再加上其静音能力也比较强,是属于柴电潜艇当中的优秀潜艇。

The high-performance sensor used in the Patriot-2 (PAC2) is produced in Japan

It is conducive to safeguarding the independence of Japan. 日本当前是全球排名第三的经济大国。但由于二战后战胜国建立的国际体制和美国对日本国家制度的改造,日本无法完全拥有与其经济实力相匹配的军事力量。尽管目前日本自卫队的单位作战实力较强大,但在整体规模上无法和美国、俄罗斯等这样的大国相比拟。由于日本有相对独立和完整的军工研发体制和生产制造能力,对日本发挥经济大国和政治大国的影响,起到了一种强有力的支撑作用。不仅有利于日本自卫队的军事装备长期保持世界领先地位,而且能够保证日本自卫队基本装备和技术的本土生产和研发,是争取世界大国必不可少的支撑力量。军事技术和装备的研发,也容易和民用技术与装备形成相互促进、相互补充的格局,有利于支撑日本民用技术和设施的发展,进而推动日本大国力量的充实,使日本无论在军用还是民用领域,都不用仰人鼻息,有利于维护日本国家和民族的独立性。

Japan's military research and development is difficult to form a complete system and has shortcomings. 日本的军工科技研发尽管基础雄厚,能力强大,但其高新技术及装备的研发与采购不能完全自主。自二战结束以后,日本就没有独立地开发过新式喷气作战飞机。进入21世纪,日本企图弯道超车,研制第5代隐形战机,由日本防卫省防卫装备厅航空装备研究所与三菱重工共同联合开发隐形战斗机心神,正式名称为先进技术验证机(ATD-X),代号X-2,2016年4月22日试飞成功。心神战机采用了3D矢量推进、光飞行控制系统、主动电子扫描阵列雷达、电子战设备、微波武器等多项高端技术,能够有效对敌方实施打击。赋予其“F3”作战能力,即首先发现(First Look)、首先攻击(First Shoot)和首先摧毁(First Kill)。心神共计完成了32次试飞,最后一次试飞是在2017年的10月31日。然而由于日本政府要大量采购美国F-35战机,心神的研制计划被一再推迟。这意味着日本军工开发也有不成熟、不成功的一面,不仅浪费了大量的资金和时间成本,也损害了日本军事装备的整体部署计划。当然,这种研发也并非一无是处,能够为日本相关作战飞机研发培养人才,保留和延续相关的先进技术。

Trends in Japanese military science and technology research and development

Japan's military science and technology research and development not only follows the world's mainstream trends, but also has its own characteristics. Since 2018, the Japan Defense Equipment Agency has established a project to start the research and development plan of long-range cruise missiles; in 2019, Japan has decided to modify the helicopter carrier deck to make it a real aircraft carrier that can carry fixed-wing aircraft. These all reflect the trend of Japan's military science and technology research and development following the world's mainstream, but at the same time it is limited by Japan's domestic political system, demonstrating the characteristics of its scientific and technological research and development.

Maintain key military technology and equipment research and development capabilities with Japanese characteristics. 在突出军事研发的重点方面,日本可能会向具有本国特色的军事高科技领域进军,并保持、完善自身的军工技术和装备研发能力。陆战坦克、海军舰艇、两栖军用飞机,都可能是日本继续下大力气,保持本国研发能力,和进一步追求先进技术与装备的军工研究发展方向。如日本海上自卫除了重视发展接替苍龙级潜艇外,可能会继续重视大型水面舰艇,尤其是能够搭载F-35B垂直起降战机的出云级直升机航母等大型水面舰艇的研发,后续可能向更大吨位的直升机航母方向发展,以便增强海上作战能力。相关的研发工作可能要由防卫装备厅、日本海洋联合株式会社,或者三菱重工的海洋船舶公司来设计完成。

In terms of the development direction of Japan's military industry, Japan will select areas with advanced technology and characteristics to focus on development, and maintain and highlight its key military technologies and military products. The rest of the company uses procurement from the United States and other Western countries to make up for its shortcomings.

Emphasis is placed on development and expansion in the field of high-tech military science and technology. 日本会进一步加强在电子、电磁技术、网络技术、太空军事技术、无人驾驶、无人作战武器平台和机器人领域的研究开发工作。这些领域既是未来军事争夺的制高点,同时日本在这些领域也有自身的长项。在民用机器人技术方面,日本独具一格,控制了90%的机器人技术专利,研制并生产供应世界60%的市场。一旦机器人技术和无人机驾驶技术相结合,其无人武器的开发潜力将非常巨大,也将处于领先地位。在太空技术领域,日本也有自己的优势,能够实现远程太空遥控,利用隼鸟2号对行星实行探测。此外,在电子侦察、电子探测、等离子发动机领域,日本也处于领先地位。如果将这些技术改造,用于军事探测和军事打击,其作战能力可能倍增。

Japan still has many shortcomings in many aspects such as network technology, space technology, and electromagnetic technology. However, due to the alliance between Japan and the United States, some technologies in the United States have low barriers to Japan, and can open up the purchase of patent licenses to Japan, which provides reserves and support for Japan to improve the level of relevant technologies in the future.

Japan's mind fighter

Strategies and ideas to maintain a full range of military R & D capabilities still exist. 自从20世纪日本引进美国F-15组装生产线,21世纪引进美国F-35组装生产线,就可以发现日本仍在追求和保持本国大国地位,建设全系列的军事技术和军事装备体系,通过引进美国最先进战机的组装生产线,让日本研发部门和军工企业,了解美国战机的技术流程和技术内核,以便最大限度地为本国开发相似战机,并做技术和人才培养方面的准备。

Since 2011, Japan has basically decided to purchase F-35 fighter jets and assemble and produce most of them in the country. This actually also includes using the advantages of assembly to understand the technical equipment, process flow and key components of the US F-35 fighter jets. Technical connotation, in order to provide technical support for Japan's own Xinxin fighter jets. According to the Japan Jiji News Agency, on April 1, 2020, the Japan Defense Equipment Agency officially established a special team to manage the design and contracting of next-generation fighter jets, and began the development of a Japanese-led successor to the F-2 fighter. The team is headed by an equipment development officer with the rank of Air Force General (equivalent to Major General) and consists of about 30 aviation self-defense officers and technical officials.

According to the current strategic considerations of Japan's Ministry of Defense, the development of a new generation of fighter planes will still be led by Japan, therefore, the Ministry of Defense rejected the proposal put forward by Lockheed Martin of the United States to build a "hybrid" based on stealth fighters FMY 22 and FMI 35. Because these two fighter planes are off-the-shelf fighter planes of the United States, the US company has ostensibly said that it will carry out cooperative development with Japan, but after all, it will not change much, and there are very few places in which Japan can participate in the development. it is still tantamount to that the United States has led the development of Japan's new fighter planes. This is something that Japan's Ministry of Defense is unwilling to accept. The model put forward by the Ministry of Defense is to cooperate with the United States and Britain, led by Japan, to develop a new type of fifth-generation stealth fighter. This mode of cooperative development of a new stealth fighter not only avoids the deficiency of Japan's separate development of technical strength, but also absorbs the relevant advanced technology of the United States and Britain in the cooperation, and is able to take Japan as the lead. complete the research and development plan of the fifth generation new fighter. Although the current research and development plan has been stranded, many experts believe that Japan's purchase of the US F-35A/ B fighter is only a stopgap measure, which does not mean that Japan has given up developing its own fifth-generation stealth fighter, as described in the media. Japan has not given up its strategic goal of making up for its own shortcomings in the research and development of military equipment and becoming a world political and comprehensive power.

版权声明:本文刊于2024年 2 期《军事文摘》杂志,作者:周永生、Wang Shan等, If you need to reprint it, please be sure to indicate "Transferred from Military Digest".

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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