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On the afternoon of March 15, the Entering Shagang Group and Steel Industry Digital Transformation Forum co-organized by Kingdee China and Shagang Group was held in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu. Focusing on the two keywords of "high-end" and "intelligence", the guests at the meeting shared and learned from Shagang's latest experience in promoting digital transformation, and jointly explored "digital intelligence solutions" to promote high-quality development of the steel industry.

The picture shows entering the Shagang Group and Steel Industry Digital Transformation Forum

At the meeting, Shen Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shagang Group, and Zhang Yong, President of Kingdee China, delivered welcoming speeches; Fan Tiejun, Deputy Secretary-General of China Iron and Steel Association, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Metallurgical News, delivered keynote speeches. Chen Baosheng, co-general manager of Kingdee's China Metallurgical Industry Division, presided over a key dialogue and exchange session with the theme of "Digital Steel Becomes First-Class". Chen Shaohui, Executive Director and Vice President of the Board of Directors of Shagang Group and Chairman of Jiangsu Shagang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.; Ma Xingwang, Vice President of Kingdee China and Co-President of the Large Enterprise Division; and Yu Fei, CIO (Chief Information Officer) of Shanghai Delong Iron and Steel Group, participated in the dialogue and exchange.

The picture shows Shen Bin

In his speech, Shen Bin said that the acceleration of the "double carbon" strategy has driven rapid growth in demand for high-end products. Digitalization has become an important magic weapon for the steel industry to cope with new demands and new changes. Improving management efficiency with digital innovation has become a breakthrough for steel companies in the midst of changes. The key.

The picture shows Zhang Yong

Zhang Yong said that focusing on promoting new industrialization, quality power, and digital China strategies, fully promoting the reform and intelligent upgrading of the entire production and operation process is the focus of many steel companies. Kingdee looks forward to joining hands with more companies to develop new productivity with independent and controllable digital technology, thereby promoting high-quality development of the steel industry.

The picture shows Fan Tiejun

Fan Tiejun said in his keynote report "High-Quality Development and Digitalization Trend Insight of the Steel Industry" that the steel industry is one of China's most internationally competitive industries. He used "May 43" to summarize the current development status of the steel industry. Among them, the "fifth" means "5G", which refers to the "5G" competitiveness of the steel industry with good scale, good prices, good products, good brands, and good services; the "fourth" means scale leadership, equipment leadership, green leadership, and science and technology lead four leads; the "third" means the three superimposed development stages of reducing reduction, accelerating reorganization, and strengthening environmental protection. He pointed out that as environmental protection has gradually become a "strong constraint", the policy orientation of intelligent manufacturing has become clearer in recent years, showing that "low-carbon transformation has become the general trend, energy conservation and carbon reduction have become a new competition point, and digital transformation has become the next focus." Characteristics.

The picture shows the key dialogue and exchange links

During the key dialogue and exchange session, under the chairmanship of Chen Baosheng, Chen Shaohui, Ma Xingwang and Yu Fei focused on "How can steel companies find a balance between rapid development and green development?" "How to understand and support steel companies to create new productivity?" "What aspects should steel companies start from to build themselves into world-class steel companies?" "In which positions can artificial intelligence be deeply applied in steel companies?" Conduct in-depth exchanges on other topics, and collide with sparks of ideas in the exchanges, in order to provide inspiration and reference for more steel companies to embrace the "digital future".

After this session, some participants participated in discussions and exchanges on the theme of financial digitalization practice. More than 150 leaders, experts and representatives from steel companies, technology suppliers, media and other units attended the forum.



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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