“上海宝山”微信公众号今天上午发布消息,2月27日,2024年宝山区处级党政负责干部政治能力建设专题班正式开班,作为此次专题班学习内容之一,2月28日全天,宝山区委书记李晨昊,区委副书记、区政府党组书记邓小冬,区人大常委会主任李萍,区政协主席凌惠康分别带队,赴苏州、南通开展现场教学,实地走访产业园区、科研院所、创新企业等,学习借鉴兄弟省市推进高质量发展的好经验好做法,加快宝山推进“北转型”、建设“一地两区”。 这一消息显示,Deng Xiaodong, who previously served as director of the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Shanghai City, has served as deputy secretary of the Baoshan District Committee of Shanghai City and secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the District Government. 公开履历显示,邓小冬,男,1970年11月生,汉族,山东齐河人,大学毕业,经济学硕士,1992年7月参加工作,1995年5月加入中国共产党。邓小冬曾任团市委宣传部部长,团市委副书记,静安区委常委、统战部部长,静安区委常委、副区长,杨浦区委副书记等职。2021年9月起,任上海市退役军人事务局局长,直至此次履新。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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