4月8日,晋城市委副书记、市长薛明耀深入晋钢机电装备产业园调研江苏国强山西晋钢基地项目。 晋城 市委常委、常务副市长田志军, 市政府党 组成员、 市政府秘书长杨晓雷等参加调研。

▲ Research site

泽州县委书记张军,副县长许云发,晋城经济技术开发区巴公园区事业服务中心主任、巴公镇党委书记史坤国等陪同调研。 ‍ 晋钢控股集团 ‍ 董事长李强、副总经理陈友、 张洪儒、 张慧明及项目有关负责人现场陪同调研。 在调研中,李强董事长详细介绍了园区项目规划及江苏国强山西晋钢基地项目的当前进度。 晋钢控股集团在加速智能化、高端化、绿色化升级转型中立足自身产品优势,积极主动对接市场,不断突破,依托自身产业基础不断延伸产业链,多模式、多途径培育新能源产业,发展新质生产力,在光伏制造领域开辟新赛道,激发新动能,谋求新发展。

▲ Jiangsu Guoqiang Shanxi Jingang Base Project Site

At the project site, Mayor Xue Mingyao inspected the project construction progress and understood the project prospects while listening to the project introduction. He emphasized that project builders and builders must focus on project construction and industrial development in a better state, higher standards, and more practical requirements; they must keep a close eye on the goals and tasks, speed up the construction progress, achieve high quality, high standards, and efficiently complete the construction of standardized factories and provide a solid foundation for project advancement. He pointed out that enterprises must strengthen their confidence in development, adhere to market demand as the guide, continuously increase investment in R & D and innovation, continue to improve the competitiveness of the industrial chain and product, and inject new vitality into the city's economic and social development. Comrades in charge of relevant departments of Jincheng City, Zezhou County, and Bagong Town participated in the above activities.

source| Jingang Holding Group

edit| Wang Zhi

audit| Liu Jiajun

planning| Chen Xiaoli


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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