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China Metallurgical News.

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The picture shows Shen Bin

"At present, digitalization has become a magic weapon for the steel industry to cope with new environments, new demands, and new changes. Improving management efficiency through digital innovation has also become the key for steel companies to break through in the midst of changes. In 2024, Shagang will closely adhere to the three cores of 'efficiency, efficiency, and talents', and unswervingly implement high-end development around the five key points of improving product quality, adding green to the environment, strengthening industrial chains, increasing intelligence of production lines, and innovating all employees. strategy, vigorously promote the green and low-carbon transformation of enterprises, strengthen upstream and downstream coordination of the industrial chain, promote the' smart upgrading 'of major production bases, and strive to make product quality and enterprise core competitiveness enter the first square of the international steel industry." At the Digital Transformation Forum of Shagang Group and Steel Industry held on March 15, Shen Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shagang Group, introduced the group's development plan for 2024 and development results for 2023.

Shen Bin introduced that in 2023, Shagang will actively respond to various risks and challenges, maintain overall stability in development, and achieve advanced results in many fields:Ultra-thin strip Lines 2 and 3 were successfully put into operation, and Shagang has built the world's largest and most advanced thin strip cast-rolling production base;96 mm thick bridge steel achieved the world's first launch, and the total international trade and export volume increased by more than 40%. Shagang brand International influence continues to increase; it has been listed on the list of China's steel competitiveness A+ companies for years and has been included in the world's top 500 for 15 consecutive years; the increase in industry-university-research projects of Shagang R & D Center of the State Key Laboratory of New Metal Materials has exceeded 10%; China's first roughing automation project of medium and thick plate samples was put into use. The country's first hundreds of millions of yuan digital RMB electricity bill settlement scenario and the industry's first ultra-long, ultra-wide and heavy-duty finished steel automatic driving transportation scenario were unveiled at Shagang; and so on.

"Since the new era, the Party Central Committee has made a series of major decisions and arrangements, promoting high-quality development has become the development consensus of the whole society. However, the steel industry has also encountered some problems in progress and troubles in development." Shen Bin said that the more arduous the challenges we face, the more we must strengthen our confidence. The long-term positive fundamentals of the Chinese market have not changed. Faced with the high-quality development requirements of high-end, green, low-carbon, and intelligence, as well as the new situation led by the global energy structure transformation and the "dual carbon" strategy, the market demand for high-end products is growing rapidly, and the steel industry still has a lot of room for development.

"In recent years, Shagang has continued to speed up intelligent transformation and upgrading, actively applied big data technology, promoted refined management and precise decision-making of enterprises, and made every effort to build a smart factory. At present, Shagang has built 1 national-level intelligent demonstration production base, 1 national-level 5G factory, 10 provincial-level intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and workshops, and more than 10 municipal-level intelligent factories and workshops." He continued,"On this basis, Shagang will strive to build into a world-class steel company with leading efficiency, efficiency, and talents and a century-old famous enterprise with a lasting foundation. With practical actions and results of high-quality development, we will comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation and make new and greater contributions."



Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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