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Southern Energy Watch


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Eo reporter Hong Jialin

Editor Jiang Li

Audit Feng Jie

The Sichuan Regulatory Office of the National Energy Administration recently issued a notice that in 2023, coal-fired power units, which account for less than 9% of Sichuan's total installed power capacity, will provide 13% of Sichuan's power grid's electricity. The average utilization hours of coal-fired power units will reach 5650 hours, ranking first in the country.

Hydropower is Sichuan's main power source. According to the unified survey data released by the Sichuan Electric Power Trading Center, the installed capacity of hydropower and thermal power (coal, gas, etc.) in Sichuan in 2023 will be 44.515 million kilowatts and 14.204 million kilowatts, accounting for 64.1% and 20.4% of the total installed capacity respectively. For a long time in the past, the power generation utilization hours of coal-fired power units in Sichuan have been low. However, in the past two years, due to changes in supply and demand and water supply, coal-fired power utilization hours have bottomed out.

The report mentioned that Sichuan's electricity load will continue to grow in 2023, and the power generation of hydropower stations will decrease by 2.79% year-on-year. Coal-fired power units will play a better role in ensuring the bottom line.

In an interview with "Southern Energy Observer"(hereinafter referred to as "eo"), some industry insiders believed that Sichuan's power supply structure may be an ideal form for energy development in many places in the future, that is, clean energy is the main power source, and coal and gas are regulated at the bottom. During the transformation process, coal power will still play an important supporting role.

Capacity electricity charges converted into kilowatt-hour electricity prices are at a lower level in the country

Since 2021, measures such as controlling coal prices and expanding the floating range of coal power transaction prices have improved the operating conditions of coal power companies to a certain extent. In order to support the large-scale development of new energy and further ensure the sustainable development of coal-fired power enterprises, on November 8, 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued a notice to implement the coal-fired power capacity electricity price mechanism starting from January 1, 2024.

Since Sichuan's coal power is already playing a peak role, from 2024 to 2025, Sichuan's coal-power capacity tax-inclusive electricity price is set at 165 yuan/(kilowatt·year), which is higher than the national overall level; from 2026, The proportion of the fixed cost of coal power recovered through capacity electricity prices is in principle increased to no less than 70%, which is higher than the requirement of 50% in most provinces.

目前,各地已普遍执行煤电容量电价政策。eo梳理2024年3** Monthly power grid agent purchase price found that the capacity electricity bill conversion level of end users in various places is roughly 0.0045-0.043 Between Yuan. With the implementation of electricity prices for coal-fired power capacity, users 'electricity prices have also dropped. 2024 3 **月多地电网代理购电价格较上年同期下降,度电价格下降约0.0076—0.113元。

According to the above-mentioned Sichuan energy practitioners, in the first two months of 2024, the electricity price of Sichuan coal and electricity increased, but from a full-year perspective, the overall revenue of coal and electricity is expected to remain relatively stable.

The power purchase price of Sichuan Power Grid's agent in March 2024 showed that the converted power price of Sichuan's capacity electricity bill was 0.0077 yuan, which was at a low level in the country. The employee said that Sichuan has fewer coal-fired power units and relatively small capacity electricity bills, while the number of market-oriented power users is large, so the apportioned user capacity electricity bills and electricity levels are low.

"It is a phased situation that Sichuan coal-fired power unit utilization hours will rank first in the country in 2023." The above-mentioned practitioners believe that it is expected that in the two years after the "14th Five-Year Plan", Sichuan coal-fired power units will still maintain a high utilization hours. However, with the improvement of the Sichuan power grid structure, the completion of power transmission channels, and the gradual return of water supply conditions to multi-year average, the utilization hours of coal-fired power units may gradually decline.

He mentioned that with the increased emphasis on peak resources, the attitude of relevant Sichuan departments towards coal and electricity has changed. By 2025, Sichuan plans to put into operation a number of coal-fired power units, with the main new installed capacity of one million units.

The "three reforms linkage" is still under pressure

A local energy practitioner said that the reduction in Sichuan's hydropower output is an important reason for the surge in power generation and utilization hours of coal-fired units. In 2023, Sichuan's hydropower output will be reduced by about 40% compared with normal years.

Under long-term high-load operation, coal-fired power units have also exposed problems such as insufficient reliability, regulatory performance and stability that need to be strengthened. The "three reforms linkage" of energy-saving and consumption-reduction transformation, heating transformation and flexibility transformation of coal-fired power units still exist.

This is the collision of Sichuan's "new situation" and "old problems".

Due to frequent extreme weather such as high temperatures and droughts and unstable hydropower output, Sichuan proposes to further enhance the peak capacity of gas, electricity and coal power, including adding a number of thermal power units and upgrading existing coal-fired power units. Eo learned that in recent years, Sichuan power generation companies have suffered losses in their coal and electricity sectors year after year, and companies are not willing to invest in coal and electricity construction. At the same time, Sichuan's coal-fired power units are relatively old and the cost of renovation is high, so the "three reforms linkage" is also facing greater challenges.

The above-mentioned practitioners said that at present, Sichuan's coal-fired power units have not yet achieved overall profitability, and coal-fired power companies still face greater financial pressure. At the same time, the scale of coal-fired power units is small and the adjustable space is relatively small. The cost of technological transformation may exceed the benefits of its ability to play a regulatory role.

Attached is the price information for national agent purchase in March 2024

Fig. 1:In March 2024, electricity charges for coal-fired electricity capacity are equivalent to user-kilowatt electricity levels


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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