During the Cold War period when the United States and the Soviet Union faced each other, every breakthrough in military science and technology affected the nerves of the world. Aircraft carriers, missiles, and stealth fighter jets, these important weapons of major powers have become symbols of national strength and weights of strategic balance.

As we all know, the times are progressing, and technology is changing. Today's battlefield is no longer what it used to be. In this era where resources are king, whoever can use resources efficiently will be able to gain an advantage in the competition.

China, the ancient oriental country full of legends, has once again achieved overtaking on the technology track and developed a unique weapon that has attracted worldwide attention—the hydrogenation converter.

The birth of the hydrotreater was not a stroke of luck, but rather the crystallization of years of independent exploration and perseverance by Chinese scientists.

Looking back at the past century, China was still in the exploration stage of science and technology. Faced with Western technological blockade and suppression, Chinese scientists, with an unyielding spirit, took one step at a time, trying twice if they failed once, and three times if they failed twice. Eventually, there would always be one time they would succeed, and they finally forged their own path in science and technology.

From "two bombs, one satellite" to manned spaceflight, and from deep-sea exploration to high-speed rail, each leap forward has attracted the attention of the world.

The successful development of the hydrotreating converter marks a solid step for China in the field of resource utilization. As the "golden" lifeblood of industry, petroleum's importance goes without saying.

After all, the finiteness and non-renewability of oil resources have made how to use them efficiently a problem for all countries. The emergence of the hydrocracking converter, like a key, has opened the door to the efficient use of resources.

It can re-refine the waste produced during oil refining, turn waste into treasure, and produce new diesel and gasoline, thus maximizing the utilization of resources.

This technological breakthrough has not only placed China in the vanguard of global oil exploitation but has also given hope to nations lacking in oil resources. It is not merely a technological innovation but also a transformation in the perspective on resources.

Under the illumination of the hydrotreating, the oil dregs once considered as waste have transformed into valuable resources. Such a transformation is not only a form of respect to natural resources, but also a praise to human wisdom.

Of course, the significance of hydrotreaters is far more than that. In the military field, it also plays an irreplaceable role. Although it does not directly gallop on the battlefield like an aircraft carrier, it provides a continuous source of power for the development of military power.

Whether it’s fighter jets soaring through the sky or tanks galloping across the battlefield, none of them can do without the support of oil. And the emergence of the hydrogenation converter has undoubtedly provided a more solid resource guarantee for military operations.

In this era of change, China once again demonstrated its technological prowess with practical results. The successful development of the hydrogenation converter is not only a milestone in China's scientific and technological development but also a profound revelation for the concept of resource utilization for all mankind. Even the United States cast envious eyes on the birth of the hydrogenation converter.

Staring at this scientific monument of hydrotreaters, we can’t help but recall the teachings of the ancients:The heavens are forever moving, and so the superior man exerts himself in ceaseless self-improvement.

It is with this self-motivated spirit that China has been able to travel further and wider on the road of science and technology. The birth of the hydrotreater has undoubtedly added a beautiful landscape to this path.


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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