北京市科学技术研究院数字经济创新研究所研究员 王 峥

At present, global scientific and technological innovation has entered an intensive and active period, and new generations of disruptive technologies in the fields of information, biology, energy, materials, etc. are constantly emerging, showing a deep cross-integration, highly complex, and multi-point breakthrough development trend. "New quality productivity" is proposed focusing on the overall and new requirements of Chinese-style modernization and supported by new digital, networked and intelligent technologies. It is our strategic guide to enhance new development momentum, build new engines for economic development, and create new advantages for high-quality development.

New quality productivity uses data as the key production factor. As the main economic form after the agricultural economy and the industrial economy, the digital economy is increasingly integrated into the entire process of economic and social development, seizing new opportunities for a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, strengthening, optimizing and expanding China's digital economy, and fully releasing The value of data elements is of great significance to promoting the construction of a new development pattern, building a modern economic system, and accelerating the formation of new quality productivity to achieve new quality productivity. We must improve our understanding, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the development of the digital economy, deeply understand the significance of developing the digital economy, give full play to the advantages of China's massive data and rich application scenarios, promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy, and comprehensively promote The release of digital factors continues to spawn new industries, new business formats and new models, enhance new momentum for high-quality development with new quality productivity, and seize the commanding heights of future development.

The first is to provide a strong digital technology foundation guarantee for the formation of new quality productivity. 聚焦前沿“卡脖子”领域,补齐产业链、创新链、供应链短板。围绕国家战略布局产业方向,争取在集成电路关键装备及工艺、网络空间安全基础软硬件、下一代移动通信芯片和元器件、高档数控机床与智能机器人、操作系统等重点领域的核心技术方面取得关键突破,在大数据、人工智能算法等前沿领域取得一批具有自主知识产权、达到国际领先水平的技术。开展集成创新技术攻关。支持在具备条件的行业领域和企业探索区块链、算力计算、基础软硬件、边缘计算、云计算、大数据、5G、人工智能等新一代数字技术应用和集成创新。围绕自主安全可控,积极推动成立数字化工业产业联合体,培育中国制造软件管理平台企业,加强中国制造化应用软件、中国制造化中间件、操作系统与中国制造芯片之间的兼容适配,构建中国制造化上中下游丰富、稳定的生态链。

The second is to empower digital elements to promote the upgrading of traditional industries to form new productive forces. 实施制造业数字化转型行动,制定推广新一代信息技术发展应用急需标准,全面提升服务制造业企业数字化水平。设立智能化转型升级专项基金,支持企业围绕全价值链环节,按需、分类和有序开展智能化转型。引导有条件的制造企业优先对接应用5G通信、人工智能、区块链、大数据、工业互联网、云平台、节能减碳、环保装备等服务商提供的智能升级解决方案,助力制造企业生产流程和模式创新。打造系统化多层次的工业互联网平台体系,鼓励企业发展基于平台的数字化管理、智能化生产、网络化协同、个性化定制、服务化延伸等新模式。加快推动创新密度高、市场潜力大的产业集群发展,如生成式人工智能模型、智能网联汽车、互联网3.0、数字人等。支持建设智能生产单元、智慧车间与智慧工厂,打造新型数字化“灯塔工厂”基地。

The third is to build a service system that helps the development of integration of digital economy and the real world. 稳步引导扩展数字赋能金融应用场景。引导金融产品、服务方式、业务流程、商业模式的创新,推动更多前沿数字技术在支付清算、绿色金融、普惠金融等场景应用。构建数据资产金融化模式,探索建立数据银行、数据信托,通过数据拆分、市场化定价,通过交易、拍卖等方式实现数据资产金融化。加大现代服务业与数字经济深度融合的应用场景建设。重点加强新兴领域的技术研发和产品化,培育具有“在线、智能、交互”特征的新业态、新模式。按照“场景牵引、以点带面”原则,制定现代服务业与数字经济融合应用场景建设规划,分级分类有序推进应用场景开放。引导现代服务业重点行业领域形成一批可复制推广的创新案例。通过“揭榜挂帅”,定期摸排、遴选和发布一批核心场景需求榜单。大力推动文化旅游、视频、电商、生活服务等领域平台企业做大做强,加快推进交互技术全面应用,打造虚拟沉浸式会展、数字共生活动空间、数字商场消费空间、智能化景区、智慧教育互动平台。

The fourth is to improve the innovation ecosystem that enables the supply of data elements to form new quality productivity. 深化数据要素市场化配置改革。探索推动各地大数据交易所与市场监管、卫健委、教育、交通、气象等部门对接,合作开发垂直数据专区,激活市场力量对公共数据规范挖掘利用。探索更大范围更宽领域更深层次制度开放创新。扩大数据资产评估范围,面向国内外企业创新提供合规咨询、数据脱敏、托管治理、技术审计等数据跨境运营增值服务。不断拓展数据跨境服务试点范围,深化跨境托管模式探索,以数据跨境流动服务试点平台建设为抓手,开展医疗健康、跨境电商等数据跨境流动安全评估,研究制定低风险跨境流动数据目录,强化面向跨国企业的合规、安全、可控、可靠的跨境数据托管体系和能力建设,为中国数字经济企业出海和外资进入提供高品质可靠服务。催生一批数据开放流通新平台。孵化数据信托类平台企业,建立利益分享机制,将政府或者企事业单位数据交给可信任的数据管理者,形成具有较强市场竞争力的数据流通和应用类平台企业。


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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