Vietnam, a picturesque Southeast Asian country, has long attracted countless Chinese tourists with its unique tropical charm, rich historical culture, and abundant tourism resources.

In recent years, this land that should have been filled with laughter has frequently broadcast news that chills the hearts of Chinese visitors.

In Vietnam's nooks and crannies, at some unknown point in time, certain glaring slogans began to appear. These slogans use direct and even crude language to express unfriendly sentiments toward Chinese tourists.

Statements such as “beat the Chinese up” are not only shocking but also deeply disappointing. Such blatant sentiments of Sinophobia undoubtedly trample the traditional friendship between the people of China and Vietnam.

One cannot help but ask what reasons led to the emergence of this situation? Was it purely driven by economic benefits, or were there deeper cultural conflicts and misunderstandings?

Such discriminatory and exclusive practices are extremely shortsighted and foolish, no matter how they are phrased. They not only damage Vietnam’s image as a tourist destination, they also harm the emotional bonds between the peoples of China and Vietnam.

You should know that China and Vietnam are connected by mountains and rivers and culturally, and should be as close as brothers and coexist harmoniously. Nowadays, in some places in Vietnam, we are seeing a completely opposite scene. This is not only a betrayal of the ancients, but also a reversal of the trend of the times.

Of course, we cannot generalize based on isolated incidents. Although there have been cases of mistreatment of Chinese tourists in Vietnam, this does not mean that all Vietnamese people hold the same views.

The vast majority of Vietnamese people are friendly and kind-hearted, and they are equally enthusiastic and respectful towards Chinese tourists.

Thus, we should not only express our dissatisfaction and indignation, but also stay rational and unbiased to avoid generalizing individual phenomena.

However, when faced with such a serious anti-Chinese incident, we should never turn a blind eye to it. As Chinese people, we have the right and obligation to uphold our dignity and rights.

We call on all Chinese tourists to be cautious in choosing their tourist destinations. For those countries and regions with obvious discriminatory tendencies towards Chinese people, we should vote with our feet and express our attitudes and positions through our actions.

At the same time, we also hope that the Vietnamese government and relevant departments can face up to this problem and take effective measures to solve it. Tourism is an exchange of souls, a collision of cultures, and a bridge of friendship.

Any form of discrimination and exclusion is unacceptable. Only tourism based on equality and respect can truly fulfill its value and significance.

Despite the fact that the Vietnamese tourism market has encountered some difficulties, the world remains a vast place, with beautiful scenery everywhere.

Chinese tourists can always choose other tourist destinations that are more welcoming and respectful. After all, "there are many fish in the sea", so why fixate on just one?


Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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