Sichuan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration held the 2024 Party Conduct and Clean Government Building Work and Warning Education Conference

On March 18, the Sichuan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration organized all party members and cadres to hold the 2024 Party style and clean government construction work and warning education meeting to further conscientiously implement the arrangements and arrangements of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Emergency Response and the Party Leadership Group of the National Bureau and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team stationed in the Ministry. Work requirements, summarize the previous year's party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work, study and deploy key tasks this year and carry out warning education. Director Wang Jianping attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that in the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Leadership Group of the National Bureau and the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Bureau Party Group has unswervingly and deeply promoted comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and the construction of a clean and honest government, continued to strengthen political guidance, and consolidated the political responsibility of managing the Party., correct the stubborn problems of the "four styles", deepen the integrated promotion of the "three nos", create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship, the overall political ecology continues to be purified, the party style and political style continues to improve, and the sustained and high-quality development of Sichuan's mine safety supervision industry has been vigorously promoted.

The meeting stressed that to do a good job in building a clean and honest party style and the struggle against corruption this year, we must adhere to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on the party's self-revolution, and fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for discipline Inspection. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the party committees and state bureaus of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the Ministry of Emergency response, we should persist in combining punishment and prevention with prevention, putting prevention first, focusing on getting to the root of the problem, strengthening the correct style, discipline and anti-corruption in a strict tone, and promoting strict party management in an all-round way in depth. First, persist in putting political construction in the first place, persevere in casting the soul with the party's innovative theory; second, adhere to the party constitution as the fundamental follow, strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, and strengthen discipline construction in an all-round way; the third is to resolutely implement the requirements of the "three absolute forbids" in the fight against corruption, maintain the high-handed situation of punishing corruption, and deepen the struggle against corruption. Fourth, adhere to the integrated rectification of wind and corruption, correct the "four winds" and cultivate new styles, and deepen the construction of work style in the spirit of "hammering nails"; fifth, promote the coordination of all kinds of supervision and constantly enhance the effectiveness of supervision and governance; sixth, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of managing the party and promote strict party governance in an all-round way with absolute loyalty.

The meeting was held in the form of a video conference. Members of the Party Leadership Group of the Sichuan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration, second-level inspectors, and all party members and cadres of all departments and directly affiliated institutions attended the meeting.

##The Emergency Management Department of Shaanxi Province held a provincial non-coal mine production safety work conference

Recently, the Shaanxi Province Emergency Management Department held a provincial non-coal mine production safety work conference to study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on production safety, summarize the work in 2023, analyze the current situation, and arrange and deploy current and future work tasks.

meeting pointed out ,2023年全省非煤矿山安全生产工作形势总体稳定向好。通过扎实开展各项非煤矿山专项整治,尾矿库安全风险有效整治、矿山本质安全得到提升、重点时段安全得到保障。

the meeting stressed ,要充分认识当前非煤矿山领域安全生产面临的严峻形势。一方面,陕西省矿山安全生产仍处于爬坡过坎期,矿山本质安全水平较低,自然灾害日趋严重,形势异常严峻复杂;另一方面,面对矿产品价格波动、集中复工复产和经济保增长压力,陕西省面临的非煤矿山关闭整合提升力度不够,企业安全管理人员配备不全,监管力量和能力不足等矛盾和问题更加突出。

meeting requested ,要充分把握2024年工作重点,压实各级矿山安全生产责任,从压实矿山企业主要负责人责任,落实监管部门职责,督促地方政府领导责任和加强从业员工责任四方面狠抓各级责任落实;要加大教育培训力度,深入开展安全生产培训教育,强化监管执法人员能力培训,推动加强安全生产社会监督,不断提升全员安全素质;要通过推进隐蔽致灾因素普查,提高隐患排查整改的质量,强化重大灾害治理和隐患排查整改;要持续推进“三个一批”,系统推进尾矿库治理,科学推动“四化”建设和加强安全生产源头管控,不断提升矿山本质安全水平;要通过强化安全监督检查和“打非治违”,不断提升监管执法的水平和作用。

At the meeting, the Ankang City Emergency Management Bureau, the Feng County Emergency Management Bureau of Baoji City, and Shaanxi Pangjiahe Gold Mine Co., Ltd. made exchange speeches. The Provincial Emergency Management Department signed an annual target responsibility letter with the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau and key provincial non-coal mining enterprises.

The Hunan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration held a party group meeting to study and implement the spirit of the National Two Sessions

On March 18, the Hunan Bureau of the State Mine Safety Supervision Administration held a party group meeting to study and implement the spirit of the National Two Sessions.

The meeting pointed out that the just-concluded National Two Sessions were an important meeting held in a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and at a critical period of promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech delivered during the meeting put forward a series of new concepts, new judgments and new requirements focusing on developing new productive forces, production safety, ecological environmental protection, scientific and technological innovation, and comprehensively improving strategic capabilities in emerging fields according to local conditions. Cadres and workers across the board must deeply study and understand, find the right work positioning, actively serve the overall situation, and combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the National Two Sessions with the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on production safety, with the implementation of the Party Central Committee and the State Council's recommendations on solidly developing production safety. Combine the deployment requirements of the three-year action to tackle the root causes, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and form a good situation of paying close attention to implementation.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to take the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the two national sessions as an important political task at present, and earnestly grasp the mine safety supervision work in the light of Hunan's reality, so as to ensure the sustained and stable mine safety situation in the province. It is necessary to adjust measures to local conditions and develop new productive forces with the characteristics of Hunan mines. It is necessary to focus on the development of advanced productive forces based on scientific and technological innovation, earnestly promote the transformation and development of mines, and promote the transformation of the governance model to prevention in advance. Combined with the three-year action of tackling the root causes of production safety, we should urge local governments to issue a classified disposal plan of "three batches" as soon as possible, strictly control the examination and approval of "technical transformation" mines and newly-built mines, and vigorously promote new technologies, new equipment and new technologies for gas control; speed up the data networking of mining enterprises, make every effort to promote the construction of information-based and intelligent mines in the province, and strive to achieve full information coverage of coal mines and non-coal mines in the province by the end of this year. It is necessary to step up efforts to promote the renewal and transformation of equipment in mining enterprises in an orderly manner. We will promote the complete elimination of equipment and facilities without KA marks, resolutely eliminate equipment and facilities with low safety factors such as winches and cages that do not comply with safety regulations, comprehensively investigate and rectify hidden dangers in coal mine power supply systems, and speed up the construction of non-coal mine mechanization. It is necessary to strengthen government supervision and give full play to the penetration and driving force of state supervision. Combined with the three-year action of tackling the root causes and the publicity and implementation of the "eight hard measures", we should earnestly promote the implementation of the "three-by-one" comprehensive renovation plan for coal mines and non-coal mines in our province, and urge local governments to refine the implementation of guaranteed responsibilities. formulate an annual list of tackling the root causes, strengthen the sharing of law enforcement information, urge mining enterprises to strengthen the dynamic census and management of hidden disaster-causing factors, and strictly prevent all kinds of mine disasters. It is necessary to further consolidate the work style and earnestly improve the quality and efficiency of supervision. Adhere to the leadership, improve the way of law enforcement, implement accurate supervision and law enforcement, keep an eye on the hidden dangers of problems to the end, and promote the effective implementation of various safety measures. We will further shorten the time for pre-examination of law enforcement documents, standardize the examination and approval process of documents, and enhance the limitation of time for supervising the making and issuing of law enforcement documents. It is necessary to highlight the key points and actively explore and promote the cooperation between schools and enterprises in view of the existing systematic, structural and deep-seated key and difficult problems, such as unreasonable mining layout, difficult management and control of major disasters, tight mining replacement, unreasonable ventilation system, and so on. More efforts should be made to find ways and help enterprises to solve the deep-seated safety problems that restrict the high-quality development of Hunan mines.

###Hebei Province further strengthens mineral resource management, clarifies seven key tasks and formulates seven promotion measures

方案明确了七项重点任务:The first is to increase strategic mineral reserves 。加强全省山区1∶2.5万航磁成果研究、1∶5万化探异常筛选等工作,筛选找矿靶区,储备找矿信息,增加找矿后劲。The second is to systematically standardize the management of mining rights 。优化全省矿产资源勘查开发管理制度,规范矿业权协议出让、探矿权转采矿权、矿产资源勘查实施方案和开发利用方案等矿业权管理的审批程序和审查标准。 The third is to comprehensively strengthen the restoration and management of the mine geological environment. 强化各类矿山修复治理监管,督促矿山修复责任主体,严格履行修复治理义务。采用“捆绑式”修复治理模式,加快推进历史遗留矿山修复治理。 The fourth is to strengthen the supervision and management of mineral resources 。依托河北省矿产资源监管系统开展实地核查,统筹矿产资源储量管理、矿产资源勘查和开发利用、矿业权占用费和出让收益缴纳等工作,实行分片包干,形成监管合力。 The fifth is to severely crack down on illegal mining 。加大省级矿产执法卫片提取下发频次,结合乡镇日常巡查,提高矿产违法行为发现能力。与公安部门建立矿产违法案件移送机制,开展联合打击,有效遏制新增非法采矿行为。六是加快推进绿色矿山建设。制定《河北省绿色矿山建设管理办法》,进一步明确绿色矿山建设范围、工作要求、申报程序、部门职责、监督管理和支持政策等,全面规范绿色矿山建设和管理工作。七是进一步优化非金属露天矿山“横切”式开采分类处置方案,推进整合重组、调整矿区范围和调整方案设计,加快非金属露天矿山由“纵切”向“横切”式开采转变。
为确保任务落实,河北省自然资源厅还制定了七项推进措施:The first is to strengthen the full-process management of geological prospecting projects such as project establishment demonstration, design review, quality monitoring, result acceptance and performance evaluation. 认真组织分类评价,建立数量充足、覆盖全面、工作程度梯次合理的矿业权出让区块项目库。 The second is to formulate mining rights management systems such as the "Interim Measures for the Review of the Transfer of Mining Rights to Expand the Scope of Kuangqu Mining Areas" and the "Interim Measures for the Review of the Conversion of Exploration Rights to Mining Rights" ,明确审批事项申请条件、审批流程、审批依据、审查标准和格式文本。三是综合运用“人防+技防”手段,加大监管力度,压实市县自然资源部门监管责任,督促持证矿山企业履行修复治理义务。 Strengthen coordination and linkage and urge entities responsible for closing mines to fulfill their obligations 。四是制定《河北省2024年度矿产资源监管核查工作方案》,按照“一矿一查”要求,统一安排部署,分片区开展核查工作。从名单确定、内业整理,到外业核查、问题处置和结果上报,全程使用“监管系统”,确保核查结果具有及时性、可溯源。五是开展打击非法采矿专项行动,对发现的新增非法采矿和失职失责问题实行季度通报,对发现重大典型问题实行挂牌督办,严格督促整改到位。六是分类实施绿色矿山管理,按照企业自评、县级初审、市级审查验收、省级备案工作程序,将符合条件的矿山纳入省级储备库。 Mines in provincial reserves are included in the provincial green mine directory database through municipal recommendation, third-party evaluation, provincial verification, and social publicity procedures. The seventh is to combine the actual situation of "cross-cut" mining in non-metallic open-pit mines, refine the working measures, and eliminate limiting factors to realize "cross-cut" mining within the original Kuangqu mining area ,按照“横切”式开采要求编制开发利用方案。通过一系列政策措施,有力促进矿产资源管理高质量发展。** 国家矿山安监局云南局:开列防控“三清单”,牢筑廉政“防火墙”**

Recently, the Yunnan Bureau of the National Mine Safety Supervision Administration issued the "List of Integrity Risk Points and Prevention and Control Measures". On the basis of comprehensive and in-depth investigation of integrity risks, it lists "three lists" of risks, measures and responsibilities to further build an integrity "firewall".

The "Risk List" is red. 围绕党员干部履职过程中廉政风险易发多发环节,聚焦议事决策、贯彻落实中央八项规定精神、矿山安全监察、财务管理等九大方面,清单化列出64个风险领域、73个具体风险点,特别是梳理分析历年来查处的典型性、普通性问题重点,将“借用、占用、换用监察管理服务对象钱款、车辆,以谋利为目的向监察管理服务对象借贷款等”“参与线上线下赌博、酒驾、醉驾、购买贩卖国家明令禁止的动植物等”列入风险清单;按风险发生几率大小和可能造成的危害,确定8个高等级、29个中等级、36个低等级风险,划定纪律红线,有力解决了个别干部责任意识不足、廉政风险点敏感性较差等问题,做到早提醒、早预警、早防范,做好事前预防,把风险化解在源头。

The "List of Measures" clearly points out the key points. 对照排查出的廉政风险点,“对症下药”制定风险防范措施205条,明确廉政风险防控责任人,科学合理划分、分解职责权限,形成公开透明、互相制衡的权力运行机制;结合岗位实际,绘制工作“流程图”,紧盯关键少数、关键岗位、关键环节,努力构建以岗位为点、程序为线、制度为面,环环相扣的廉政风险防范机制;完善权力运行流程和操作程序,从优化业务流程、强化议事规则、加强内部监督等方面立“明规矩”,将行使权力和监督制约紧密结合起来,变事后监督为全程监督;突出“三不腐”一体推进,明确风险等级、权力内容、监督范围等,让权力在阳光下运行,使廉政风险点“防得住”。

The "Responsibility List" defines responsibilities. 坚持“一风险一措施”,结合实际细化责任,明确对应责任领导、责任单位和具体责任人,把抽象的责任转化为具体的任务措施,使之既看得见、摸得着、抓得起,确保落实责任没得“推”、没得“脱”;把廉政风险防控与业务工作一同落实,推动各级党组织把该管的管住、该盯的盯住、该防的防住;压实党组织书记的第一责任,把风险防控当成分内之事、应尽之责,班子成员“一岗双责”带头抓好分管范围内的风险防控,实现风险防控常态化;首次明确带队组长职责,确保外出公务期间“禁酒令”、伙食费交纳、廉政监督卡制度和礼品礼金登记报告等制度有效落实,有效解决责任虚化空转,切实做到分兵把口、各负其责、齐抓共管。

The newly issued list of integrity risk points and prevention and control measures clarifies the "flow chart" of integrity for Yunnan mining supervision staff, effectively realizes full supervision and simultaneous supervision of the exercise of power, prevents integrity risks from evolving into violations of disciplines and laws, and further promotes party members and cadres to "Know awe, guard against fear, be strict self-discipline, and keep the bottom line", strengthen the awareness of integrity in politics, and create a clean and upright entrepreneurial atmosphere.

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Author: Emma

An experienced news writer, focusing on in-depth reporting and analysis in the fields of economics, military, technology, and warfare. With over 20 years of rich experience in news reporting and editing, he has set foot in various global hotspots and witnessed many major events firsthand. His works have been widely acclaimed and have won numerous awards.

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